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  1. Dave Barry

    Morning Erections Question

    If you are going to bring articles/research to your doctor, make damn sure it's legit. Personally, I would bring something from a scientific journal or the results of research. Generally, many doctors will immediately dismiss information from some .com or Wikipedia so pick your sources like you...
  2. Dave Barry

    Rest day tips please

    Daniel, Since delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically takes 24-48 hours to occur, it makes complete sense that you need every third day off from training.
  3. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Nelson, This is one of those situations, in which advice given on the Internet can be detrimental to one's health. Fortunately, we have Moderator's whom understand the potential ramifications of mixing supplements/drugs with pre-existing health conditions. It's unlikely that a physician will...
  4. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Nelson, This is one of those situations, in which advice given on the Internet can be detrimental to one's health. Fortunately, we have Moderator's whom understand the potential ramifications of mixing supplements/drugs with pre-existing health conditions. It's unlikely that a physician will...
  5. Dave Barry

    Protein Sources for Best Health and Lean Mass

    Both broccoli and nuts have a low biological value, thus, are not considered a quality source of protein. On another subject, protein recommendations are not based upon current LBM, nor do they take body composition into account.
  6. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gene, Thanks for not taking anything I said personally as I am here to learn, help educate others, and have a good time. I know some doctors prescribe a low dosage of Cialis to be taken daily. I believe this dosage is 5mg/day, but I am not sure. Assuming that it is 5mg daily, how do you acquire...
  7. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gene, Thanks for not taking anything I said personally as I am here to learn, help educate others, and have a good time. I know some doctors prescribe a low dosage of Cialis to be taken daily. I believe this dosage is 5mg/day, but I am not sure. Assuming that it is 5mg daily, how do you acquire...
  8. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Sometimes the most important factor is not whether it will work or not, but rather if patients will be compliant. With the exception of those whom are very serious, I highly doubt most people will be willing to consume 16 supplements/day, in addition to their TRT regime. Gene's vascularity is...
  9. Dave Barry

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Sometimes the most important factor is not whether it will work or not, but rather if patients will be compliant. With the exception of those whom are very serious, I highly doubt most people will be willing to consume 16 supplements/day, in addition to their TRT regime. Gene's vascularity is...
  10. Dave Barry

    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    Having had a lot of experience personally and with clients, pertaining to shoulder injuries as well as considering your diagnosis, I would not perform any weight training on your injured shoulder at this time. I simply see more bad coming from it than good. I would do my best to maintain your...
  11. Dave Barry

    Tony Romo

    Tony has great stats year after year, but has produced one playoff win in his entire tenure. You are only as good as your last pass/play in the NFL, which unfortunately for Romo, too often is a blunder.
  12. Dave Barry

    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    Brooksy, I would get back into the gym asap. For at least two decades (original studies as far back as the late 1800's), it has been known that working the opposite limb (uninjured), will not only help heal the injury faster, but will also help to maintain strength before and after surgery...
  13. Dave Barry

    The Unreliable TSH Lab

    Does anyone know the incidence of patients who cannot convert T4 into T3 (thus making levothyroxine moot)? I have read that about 20% of patients are unable to properly convert T4 to T3. Based upon the labs that I have conversed with recently, it appears that Nature-Throid has grown in...
  14. Dave Barry

    Researchers consider vitamin D-3 a steroid hormone, not a vitamin

    I wanted to clarify, "Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin, ie, it is not an essential dietary factor; rather, it is a prohormone produced photochemically in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol. The molecular structure of vitamin D is closely allied to that of classic...
  15. Dave Barry

    Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?

    Typically, when you get an MRI, you will receive a cd of the actual MRI so take that and the actual reports from the MRI and x-rays, to another orthopedic Sports Medicine doctor ASAP. The longer you wait to deal with this problem, the more likely you will lose some functionality of the shoulder...
  16. Dave Barry

    HCG, how it works and How to use it?

    Very informative article on HCG, which should be read by every single member 2-3 x so that the information is thoroughly absorbed.
  17. Dave Barry

    Your Scientific Guide to Strength Training for Fat Loss: By Brad Schoenfeld

    In this podcast, Brad Schoenfeld returns on the show to talk about the most scientifically supported ways to use strength training for fat loss. You'll learn: *The key differences between strength training for fat loss versus strength training for muscle gain. *How to intelligently use cardio...
  18. Dave Barry

    Muscle memory after exposure to testosterone?

    "Previous strength training with or without the use of anabolic steroids facilitates subsequent re-acquisition of muscle mass even after long intervening periods of inactivity." After not touching a weight for two years, I began a weight-training program, along with a very regimented dietary...
  19. Dave Barry

    Avoiding Shoulder Injuries in Weight Training: New Study

    The upright row may predispose the trainee to subacromial impingement; however, one can perform the movement in a manner to markedly reduce the possibility of injury, thereby, making it a desirable exercise (for the middle deltoids) for many lifters. "Those with existing subacromial impingement...
  20. Dave Barry

    Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

    Tramadol is an opioid analgesic that is used to treat pain. Sure, if you take any pain-killer, it will take away some of the sensation and make the guy less likely to prematurely ejaculate. But, at the same time, that's an easy way to become dependent, regardless, if it is not as addictive as...
  21. Dave Barry

    Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?

    Nelson, If you want one question that will turn into a 45 min interview, ask him (Alan) if a low-carbohydrate diet is the most effective method for losing body-fat? I have become friends with Brad Schoenfeld on FB, but do not know Alan personally. However, Alan has an excellent reputation...
  22. Dave Barry

    Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?

    Excellent information, which is definitely worth the read.
  23. Dave Barry

    To Crunch or not to Crunch: An Evidence-Based Examination of Spinal Flexion Exercises

  24. Dave Barry

    Eat the whole damn egg!

    Thanks for the positive remarks to my responses thus far. I am very much enjoying this forum as it gives me the opportunity to increase my knowledge with every post I read as well as learning from the research that is necessary for each response I supply. I apologize for the length of this...
  25. Dave Barry

    Eat the whole damn egg!

    If you take the pertinent information from the article that Keith referenced that talks about "larger" LDL's and supplement the information given below by Dr. Sinatra concerning "fluffy" LDL's, one begins to see that whole eggs (Especially free-range, which supply more nutrients such as an...
  26. Dave Barry

    Global trends in testosterone prescribing, 2000–2011 around the world

    Nelson, Why do you think there has been a considerable spike in the usage of testosterone in Canada, from 2001-2011?
  27. Dave Barry

    Niacin and Cholesterol

    Generally, it's not a good idea to self-prescribe high dosage nicotinic acid (niacin), especially if you have diabetes, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, or any liver function problems. Some common side-effects include: Itching, gi discomfort, headache, tachycardia, and dizziness. Generally...
  28. Dave Barry

    Exercise Can Increase Liver Function Tests

    The key point, in the study that you presented, was that they used moderately active individuals who performed NO intensive weight-training prior to the study. Then they had the subjects perform intense weight-training immediately prior to the assessment period. Therefore, the patient would...
  29. Dave Barry

    Easy breezy question about expiration date on T

    I've wondered myself as well, when I see a compounded, oil-based product, with a 6-8 month expiration date on it as compared to a 2-3 year expiration date on a name-brand product. My first thought is to wonder if they are using a different oil/preservative? I vaguely remember seeing a study, in...
  30. Dave Barry

    Testosterone gel/cream vs injectables?

    Nelson, I can imagine that it must be a doctor's greatest nightmare, when a patient brings information that he/she has obtained from the internet and wants to play "doctor." Never in a million years, would I bring any information that was not scientifically sound as well as from a respected...
  31. Dave Barry

    Can you inject HCG and hgh together?

    Nelson (or anyone else knowledgeable on this subject), Can you draw and inject, both HCG and growth hormone in a single insulin syringe? Besides the fact that the syringe will be dulled, is there any negative consequences to injecting these two products together?