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  1. T

    Do higher estrogen levels in men on TRT make them more emotional or irritable?

    This is actually somewhat interesting too, if extremely specific: " Testosterone and oestrogen decreased serotonin, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels. Progesterone treatment resulted in an increase of serotonin level and a fall in...
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    Do higher estrogen levels in men on TRT make them more emotional or irritable?

    I'm not sure how much E2 is necessary for me but at a certain point I can be on the brink of tears from nothing. Increased estrogen level can be associated with depression in males - PubMed - somewhat interesting. Results: Obese men had compared to normal weight controls lower total...
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    FT4 levels on tests and brain fog

    Interesting to hear, what were your primary symptoms before getting on TRT?
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    Injecting in right quad leaves swelling, left not

    Has anyone had a similar experience? The right one is always sore for days, the left one rarely is. More nerves/less blood flow on one side?
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    Was at 1433 ng/dl at trough. With E2 at 15 pg/ml after 4 mg of anastrozole over 5 consecutive days. I'm well aware that the amount of anastrozole will "mess up" stabilisation and potentially increase the testosterone. But I feel great at this level of E2, I'm sure it can afford to go up a bit...
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    Ahh, that's really interesting and what I was hoping to hear. I'm well aware that this isn't sustainable, but after the test I took 1mg anastrozole, then another .5mg the next day, another 1mg after that, and .5mg today. First 4 days where I felt stable emotionally / good in general. This ofc...
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    Interesting, my SHBG is or was very high pre-TRT. I thought that would have more of an impact on free testosterone. The 1,250 ng/dl, has to have been post-injection on that dose though? Or was it pre/day after?
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    @madman @S1W @Cataceous Are any of you guys doing EOD/have done and do you know what kind of levels you were getting on injection day post-injection? I just checked and the total testosterone was 1394 ng/dl. I'd like to see trough levels as well but that still seems much too high if the...
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    I agree but I spent 3 months on the gel and even at low levels my estradiol was high 50s and I felt like crap then as well. I've increased my anastrozole dosage past blood-test (perhaps erroneously) and I felt good for 2 days which is a first in months. I may well need to lower the...
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    I've been taking testosterone cypionate for 4 weeks. 40mg EOD, along with 1.5mg anastrozole weekly. I was afraid that with this anastrozole dose I might be driving my estradiol down too low, but recently I measured it at 81 pg/ml. Maybe this is due to the testosterone dosage being way too...
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    Yeah correct, I misunderstood your reply. I agree I need to re-do it, I'm injecting every other day and so I should test on injection day before the injection. I still think my E2 is confusingly high considering the anastrozole level.
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    I'm going to bump the dosage up for now, of anastrozole. See where I sit at week 6 and lower the testosterone dose if necessary.
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    Do you mean at trough? I thought that was the day of the injection (before the injection). I think you're right, but I still think this estradiol level is ridiculous at my level of anastrozole.
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    I've called the lab and asked them to measure total testosterone as well. This lab was on injection day though, so I'd injected 40mg at 8 AM and got the bloods drawn at 3.
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    I was feeling borderline tearful again yesterday and decided to test some markers, prolactin, thyroid, estradiol and cortisol. Cortisol came back slightly below medium, FT4 on the low end, FT3 right in the middle. Prolactin was fine at 3.9 ug/l. Even kinda low. Estradiol on the other hand...
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    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    Can't say for sure if it was the pregnenolone, but been highly emotional & on the verge of crying today. Can't say I'm looking to repeat it.
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    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    I wonder if it has to do with transdermal > oral as Crisler mentioned in the podcast.
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    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    Looks like maybe the 100mg pregnenolone was a mistake, I feel like it's giving me anxiety. I thought what John Crisler had to say on it here was interesting, regarding transdermal being superior to the tablets: SHR # 2071 :: Pregnenolone the Progenitor Hormone ::
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    John Crisler resources

    I've been listening to and reading things by John Crisler lately on pregnenolone, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. I've read his book on testosterone therapy and am continually impressed by his knowledge and intuition. I'm wondering if there's anywhere where I can find blogs and things from...
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    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    I have a bottle of 100mg pregnenolone tablets at home and took the first one this morning. Other than that I've no experience with it myself.
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    Finding the right AI dosage

    Some anecdotal evidence here, the heftier of a dose of AI I take the stronger the morning wood the next day. I've never gone beyond .75mg but the results are granite. If I'm spreading .25mg I get it in a very mild way, and .5mg seems to be decent.
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    Oral TRT without Dose Titration Requirement

    Given these numbers I'd assume a similar treatment response as to the testosterone gel? Whereas testosteorne cypionate (I believe) gives you more of a stable mid-high level when dosed EOD for an example. I'm aware that some believe that this is better and I won't argue, I think it depends on...
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    How much test is being lost in a non-fixed needle syringe?

    I just checked, 200 needles + sharp bin and gauze, 132$. Definitely going to get these online! Thanks madman
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    Sleep apnea - events per hour higher on days without AI

    An event is when you stop breathing or have impaired breathing (hypoxia) for >= 10 seconds. No I haven't, would be interesting to see. Why did you stop the AI?
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    How much test is being lost in a non-fixed needle syringe?

    I'm wondering because I'm using a non-fixed needle 1ml syringe with 27g needles. You never push all of it out at once and I'm injecting 0.2ml at a time (40mg). Does anyone know this? I buy the supplies for a couple of months for maybe 2$ max. The clinic I go to wants to sell fixed-needle...
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    I will agree to a point. What I wondered was whether there was a connection between EMS and CFS (a condition of which I have many of the symptoms for, and one doctor believes I have, I've improved radically on a hefty dose of testosterone with anastrozole). I wondered about the connection...
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    Good question, I wasn't aware of this. This is the combination you're taking? It's a PITA to get any of this where I live, need to order it from abroad and it may very well be stopped at customs. And selegiline is of course a prescription medication. I'm still curious about a combination of...
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    If I were to consider an anti-depressant I long ago decided Moclobemide would be it. A reversible MAOI that increases all three. The lack of sexual side effects for men I would think suggests lack of proper PRL spiking. Though I'm less a fan of reuptake rather than increasing the precursors.
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    Agree, but have you read about EMS with L-Tryptophan? I wonder if this is also a problem with 5-HTP, and then subsequently, whether this shouldn't be a problem with SSRI/SNRIs as well? I haven't spent a lot of time reading about this yet, but saw some papers suggesting that they didn't find any...
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    I've been thinking about this a bit more and wondering whether I should instead be doing L-Tryptophan with L-Tyrosine rather than 5-HTP. However I suppose starting with 5-HTP won't hurt, will get me familiar with how it feels like and I could then switch it out for tryptophan.
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    It's worth noting that you can treat prolactin problems by lowering E2