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  1. K

    Question for guys doing high dose cypionate

    It’s like if you were injecting water. What was your TT before TRT?
  2. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    I am 43. Blood pressure has been a bit elevated, but it has been like that even before TRT. I believe it is more affected by my diet. I eat a lot of carbs and fluid shifts may be causing higher blood pressure. When I was following a ketogenic diet, my blood pressure was perfect. Right now is...
  3. K

    Question for guys doing high dose cypionate

    Curious about something. If Test Cyp takes 24-48 hrs to peak, and one injects E3.5D, would testing the day of your injection, in the a.m., before your afternoon injection, really give you a true trough? Given half life is 8 days for Test Cyp. I feel like I'm not really testing a deep trough and...
  4. K

    Question for guys doing high dose cypionate

    This post is great and good new information learned. At 43, I’m one of those taking a larger dose of Test Cyp. 160mg weekly divided into two shots E3.5D and 400IU of HCG on days of injection. I have a highish SHBG. My TT at trough (taken day of injection before injecting) is at 1,000 and free T...
  5. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    Interestingly enough, my hemoglobin levels were below normal and slightly deficient on iron. Since I started TRT 5 months ago, my hemoglobin and HCT increased within midrange. So I guess this increase is a plus for me. I hope it stays at this levels with my current protocol. I do have a high...
  6. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    This might be the person Dr. Crisler is talking about:
  7. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    That's what they briefly touched bases on. That the risk of blood clotting is not cause by the red blood cell count, but by higher platelet count. According to the conversation, TRT does not increase platelet count. Here is a link about thrombocytopenia...
  8. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    The discussion about high platelets being the main concern, instead of hmgb/HCT is interesting. Will have to do more research. In the discussion platelets are not increased by TRT.
  9. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    Thats great info to know. It's prett recent too, Feb 2017. Thanks!
  10. K

    Does hematocrit keep increasing after testosterone steady state? How often to check?

    Hello guys, I’ve been on TRT for about 4 months and I just recently got my blood lab results. Everything looks good, but I did noticed my hemoglobin and hematocrit did increase to 15 and 45 respectively. Are they going to keep increasing? My doctor wants to check me at 6 month intervals now and...
  11. K

    how to come off trt after 1 month

    I know that E2 looks high, but that's a reasonable value given the amount of TT. I would be cautious about taking an AI. Once your TT starts going down so will your E2. I would recommend to try it without the AI then add if needed. My total Test is 1038 and my E2 is 41 and I don't have a single...
  12. K

    Heart palpitations, normal?

    This is interesting, I also started experiencing some heart flutters here and there since I started TRT. I don't loose my breath, but it does for sure feel weird and it is worrisome. I'm not sure if it is the Test levels that I'm now. Following this thread.
  13. K

    100 mg of cypionate a week with high Estradiol of 75.6 pg/ml on day 3 after shot. Feedback please!?

    Get your E2 retested. If you don't have any symptoms, you're probably OK with your E2. Is your free T supposed to read 27.4?
  14. K

    how to come off trt after 1 month

    According to some studies and reports, 250IU’s 2x per week is a minimum dose. However, for fertility, you may have to add other things and use higher dosages. HCG does increase intratesticular T production and does increase your E2 some. I use 400IU of HCG 2x per week to maintain testicular...
  15. K

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    I started with 30mg for about 2 weeks, then gradually started increasing it by 30mg per week until my symptoms and blood work started improving. I am at 120mg now, that is 2 grains. I also split them in morning and late afternoon dose about 2 hours before going to bed. You can take it in an...
  16. K

    How to change Test Cyp frequency from 2x/week to 1x/week? High SHBG.

    Thank you for the replies. I will keep it as it is and continue monitoring.
  17. K

    How to change Test Cyp frequency from 2x/week to 1x/week? High SHBG.

    Hello guys. I need some guidance on possibly adjusting my protocol due to high SHBG. Here is my story, I have been on Test Cyp for about 4 months and it has worked very well for me. Started with a low dose of 100mg per week injecting E3.5D, no AI, no HCG. Two months later, on my follow up lab, I...
  18. K

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    I too was dealing with high rT3. For me, what worked was changing from Synthroid to a NDT like Armour Thyroid and adding Milk Thistle to my supplement regimen. There are some evidence that Milk Thistle from the seed clears up a lot of rT3 from the liver. Mine results went from 22 to 11 in about...
  19. K

    How often to inject?

    I'm injecting 2x per week and my SHBG went up to 53 on my initial protocol of 50mg E3.5D no HCG. Now I'm in a new protocol of 80mg E3.5D+HCG 350IU E3.5D and don't know yet how my SHBG will be affected. I haven't felt any adverse side effects and blood work should be done next week. From what I...
  20. K

    Why do some need a higher dose while others need a little?

    The half life of Test Cypionate is 5-8 days. So the further you go away from the half life, the further you will be at the bottom of trough. But all depends on your SHBG levels.
  21. K

    Newbie protocol.

    You can just flick the syringe a bit with the needle up and let the bubble go to the top and push it out. With a intramuscular injection, a little bit of air bubbles are not an issue. Try to get them out as much though. Angle the vial and keep the needle tip submerged in the oil inside the vial...
  22. K

    Newbie protocol.

    Put some air in the syringe and push it into the vial. It will great some pressure in the vial and it will draw easier. Also, use a larger gauge needle to draw and then switch to the one you will use to inject.
  23. K

    Newbie protocol.

    Thats correct. So you will inject 0.5ml to get 500IU of HCG. Also, I would go to YouTube and watch Nelson’s videos on Estradiol and also on HCG. Very informative. Estradiol seems to be a subject of much debate. There is a believe of a more appropriate way to see at Estradiol, such as a TT/E2...
  24. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    I guess I'm scared of the seemingly difficult task to control E2 once HCG is introduced. I read a lot of anecdote stories here and other forum where they talk about how great things were before HCG and how they improved initially then degrade as time goes on. I currently don't need an AI and I...
  25. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    On board with HCG Hello guys, I have updates and more questions. Could you guide me in the right direction please? So I talked to my doctor and presented her with the Chrisler protocol for HCG. She agreed and sent the script to the pharmacy. We both discussed and agreed on a conservative dose...
  26. K

    how long can you keep testosterone in a vial?

    Hmm, I think I'm being lied to at the pharmacy. I was trying to get a 10ml vial of Test Cyp that would last me over 10 weeks. They told me that they won't sell it to me because once punctured, the vial is only good for 28 days. Sounds like a bunch of crap to me. I will try other pharmacy.
  27. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    I have a vasectomy and 3 kids already. I closed shop, so fertility is not a concern for me. My concern is the testicular atrophy and possible pain associated with it in the future. I'm also a bit concerned about the lack of LH to estimulate other receptors in the body, not only in the testis. So...
  28. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Nothing special anymore. It is just that everything is covered by insurance including the Test Cyp. She would only prescribe an AI if E2 is too high. But she is reluctant about HCG. She doesn't believe is necessary.
  29. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Tried the VG site, I like it. No issues at all during injection. However, for the next 2 days that muscle where I injected was sore. Not even the injection site but the muscle running along to the greater trochanter. Weird, maybe it was coincidence and I was just sore from my leg workout, but it...
  30. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Thanks for the info. I will bring it in for my next appointment. I have another question, is shallow IM ok to do on thighs? I have 27ga 5/8” needles and injecting a volume of 0.4ml from a 1ml syringe. I have injected twice using shallow IM on shoulders and I like it better than sub Q, but I...
  31. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Thanks for the link. Great information. I agree that at some point it may be necessary. I will keep an eye on how I feel and the testicular athropy. In this article Dr Chrisler touches on how HCG may not be effective on everyone: ”Of note, the rest (about 80%) of the mass of the testicle...