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  1. Airborne Warrior

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    I suffer from occasional prostatitis and in fact am suffering it as I type. Have just ordered 2 bottles of it. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Airborne Warrior

    Questions regarding low LH, FSH, FT

    Okay, thanks Mark. For some reason I was under the impression HCG raised LH and FSH. Obviously not. Will up dosage to 120mg.
  3. Airborne Warrior

    Clomid for 18yr old. Good, bad idea?

    Have just read the articles and will start him on the protocol suggested. Thanks Vince.
  4. Airborne Warrior

    Clomid for 18yr old. Good, bad idea?

    My 18yr old Son who is now living with me in the UAE is 150kg at 5ft 9 so really obese. His test is low at 11.9 nmol/L (7.60 - 31.40) and E2 at 53 pmol/L (0.00 - 191.99). I haven't had his SHBG tested yet as it's a pain getting anything done over here. Did his bloods in the UK 2 months ago. I...
  5. Airborne Warrior

    Questions regarding low LH, FSH, FT

    My LH is low at: 0.3 IU/L (1.70 = 8.60) As is my FSH at: 0.3 IU/L (1.50 - 12.40). What is the best method of raising? More HCG? More testosterone? Or a combination of both? Also my FT is low at 0.4 nmol/L (0.30 - 1.00). Again, what is the best method of raising? More HCG? More testosterone...
  6. Airborne Warrior

    Has anyone ever regretted TRT?

    My endo on TRT is this Excelmale forum lol. Some very knowledgeable guys on here and it's worked wonders for me.
  7. Airborne Warrior

    Has anyone ever regretted TRT?

    Only been on TRT around 8 months though it's the best thing that's happened to me in long while. I feel alive again. The only thing I regret is not starting it a decade ago.
  8. Airborne Warrior

    What's the minimum weight training to maintain muscle

    When bed-bound muscle atrophy is very significant within just one week. Conducting cardio, even by just thrusting your arms backwards and forwards during running would slow the process down in the upper body but obviously would not stop the muscles atrophying if they are not put under the...
  9. Airborne Warrior

    Broke a full bottle of test. Help?

    Injecting a few minuscule fragments of glass subq wouldn't be an issue even if it could get through a 29 gauge needle. I'm full of shrapnel and still doing nicely.
  10. Airborne Warrior

    Anyone doing SubQ for TRT

    Yeah, I make sure my test is nice and warm prior to pinning through a slin pin as it makes it flow easier. Keeping a pre-filled syringe for a few days is no problem whatsoever as it will still be very sterile. Air bubbles are fine as long as you get rid of them prior to pinning. Takes quite a...
  11. Airborne Warrior

    Needing advice----normal Total T, low free T

    Yes I believe it does. I was using it for years on my beard and I believe it is what killed my libido. Many others also agree with this as there are many posts on the web mentioning it.
  12. Airborne Warrior

    Needing advice----normal Total T, low free T

    Don't know if you're still using Rogaine but Rogaine is an antihypertensiave which raises SHBG, thus robbing you of free T.
  13. Airborne Warrior

    Daily injections - Timing

    21 n/mol is pretty low considering SHBG range is roughly between 19 - 83 n/mol.
  14. Airborne Warrior

    Anyone doing SubQ for TRT

    I do and find it much easier and convenient than IM.
  15. Airborne Warrior

    Naturally high testosterone and hematocrit

    I'd say it becomes harder to control as you get older. Never had a problem in my youth even when injecting up to seven times that I'm on now (100mg EW). Also never knew any of my bodybuilding buddies suffer with it when on large doses but know quite a few 'oldies' on TRT that need to keep it in...
  16. Airborne Warrior

    Increased SHBG and not testosterone or estradiol is associated with bone loss and fractures

    It obviously makes sense to lower SHBG if feasible. Are there any tried and tested methods to achieve this?
  17. Airborne Warrior

    New TRT patients be hopeful - 14 month results

    So a high Total T is not responsible for high hematocrit etc, but a high Free T is?
  18. Airborne Warrior

    Does my TRT protocol match my blood work?

    Ferritin is 242 (30 - 400) so not low at all. Have been taking grapefruit for high hematocrit though whether it works or not I couldn't really say. Never suffered with it in my younger days of competitive bodybuilding 25 years ago and was on much more than 100mg of test a week back then! I can...
  19. Airborne Warrior

    Does my TRT protocol match my blood work?

    Thanks for the replies. I will raise my HCG and test doses and go from there. I could always perform a phlebotomy myself as it doesn't seem too difficult. My iron levels are sky high anyway at 46.8: should be between (10.60 - 28.30) so it will bring it down somewhat.
  20. Airborne Warrior

    Does my TRT protocol match my blood work?

    I'm currently administering 50mg test e and 300IU HCG every three days (subq). I notice my FSH and LH are very low and free test is on the low side. What can I do to raise these? Is it beneficial to raise these? Looking at my bloodwork compared to my protocol am I on the right track or would it...
  21. Airborne Warrior

    2 Weeks in- Lower dose update

    I'd be surprised to see any changes going from 116 to 108mg weekly being such a minuscule change in dosage.
  22. Airborne Warrior

    HCG and Nipple Itchiness

    Am going to try EOD injections and see how that works. Thanks.
  23. Airborne Warrior

    HCG and Nipple Itchiness

    Thanks Vince. That's good to know.
  24. Airborne Warrior

    HCG and Nipple Itchiness

    Does anyone find that within a few hours of an HCG injection they can feel an itching in their nipples? I'm currently administering 2 x 50mg of test E and 2 x 300IU of HCG weekly. I never get itchy nipples after my sub q test injection, just the HCG. I haven't actually got gyno but always get...
  25. Airborne Warrior

    Very high T levels on Testogel

    Yeah, it's a home test kit which once done is sent to the lab. I live in the UAE so get my bloods done when back in the UK on leave.
  26. Airborne Warrior

    Very high T levels on Testogel

    Thanks Joe. I was thinking the same thing reference the estrogen as I'm taking no AI. Got a appointment with the GP tomorrow so will get my bloods done properly then.
  27. Airborne Warrior

    Very high T levels on Testogel

    Was a finger prick test kit which I did at home then posted to the lab. Am wondering if I had testogel on the end of my finger from the day before it could have skewed the results. Try not to get the gel on my hands though as I apply it straight onto my stomach and rub in with my inner...
  28. Airborne Warrior

    Very high T levels on Testogel

    I am currently on self administered TRT on 1 x 5g sachet of Testogel per day and 250IU of HCG twice weekly. I have just received my bloodwork back and it states the following: Testosterone: 263 nmol/L (7585 ng/dl) Oestradiol: 52.7 pmol/L (14.1 pg/ml) which is within normal range I'm far from...