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  1. Airborne Warrior

    Eggs and prostate cancer

    I stopped believing many of these food studies years ago. Many of these studies are financed by those who have an interest in promoting their own agenda. Sugar and confectionery manufacturers being a prime example. The Western world pretty much switched from a high(ish) fat low carb diet to a...
  2. Airborne Warrior

    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    Though DOMS is obviously no indicator that hypertrophy is taking place.
  3. Airborne Warrior

    Easy Touch 27 Gauge 1 cc 1/2 in Insulin Syringes

    I use 27g 12.5mm or 10mm. As madman states, never seen any longer.
  4. Airborne Warrior

    Split Ampule into 50mg doses.

    I both draw and inject with a 27g 10mm or 12.5mm insulin syringe, though I inject subq so no requirement for a longer needle. Draw and inject as you see fit or with whatever syringes and needles you have available. Lots of ways to skin a cat.
  5. Airborne Warrior

    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    True. Any type of exercise that doesn't necessarily lead to hypertrophy can lead to sore muscles after the event. Running being a prime example.
  6. Airborne Warrior

    Split Ampule into 50mg doses.

    Pouring is messier and more more of a pain in the arse than just drawing using a syringe. I've used pre filled syringes up to a month after filling (on many occasions) with no ill effects. I suppose it depends on how much of a hypochondriac you are whether you balk at the idea of injecting with...
  7. Airborne Warrior

    I have been off Testosterone for a year !

    Same here. I was a competitive bodybuilder in the 90's and suffered in later years due to AAS abuse, hence why I started TRT last year. Wish I'd started it 20 years ago.
  8. Airborne Warrior

    I have been off Testosterone for a year !

    Surely you could argue those who have come off TRT successfully and now have decent levels of testosterone shouldn't really have been on TRT in the first place?
  9. Airborne Warrior

    Side effects from just starting out

    Does an AI work against estrogen produced by HCG? I was under the impression because it is made in the testes an AI doesn't really touch it. I could be totally wrong and probably am.
  10. Airborne Warrior

    Is Anastrazole truly necessary?

    It's no internet trend but a valid method of administering testosterone and HCG. Whether IM is more effective or not requires more studies and (as you say) whether YOU feel it is more or less effective.
  11. Airborne Warrior

    Mortality Three Times Higher in Anabolic Steroid Users

    So if you take steroids you're three times more likely to die? I find this very hard to believe to be honest.
  12. Airborne Warrior

    Keeping testosterone in pre-loaded syringe for a week or more

    To be honest I'd say most TRT and steroid users who use ampules don't use filter needles and do just fine. Though it's a personal choice.
  13. Airborne Warrior

    What should I do next?

    Are you taking 100mg over a 4 day period? If so, that's probably too much. 60mg split over 4 days would be a better dosage which will bring your E2 down.
  14. Airborne Warrior

    Keeping testosterone in pre-loaded syringe for a week or more

    I always do it that way. One ampule fills 4 syringes which I put in the fridge and use over a two week period. I'm still alive and well to tell you this so I guess it's okay.
  15. Airborne Warrior

    Is there any possible scenario where exogenous test LOWERS e?

    Most endo's, and doctors for that matter assume the average joe is totally clueless in regards to their speciality (they're usually correct). The internet has closed that gap a little. A bit like I suppose when the bible first became available in English for the average joe to read and make his...
  16. Airborne Warrior

    Nandrolone ( Deca Durabolin) Improves Joint Pain in Hypogonadal Men Within 8 Weeks

    I've just ordered some Nandrolone so will see how it goes on 100mg weekly.
  17. Airborne Warrior

    Medical articles linking TRT to death

    People not on TRT drop dead for no apparent reason. People on TRT drop dead for no apparent reason. In essence, whether you're on TRT or not you could drop dead for no apparent reason.
  18. Airborne Warrior

    Testicular Ache but Do Not Want to Use HCG

    Agree completely with Madman. I'm the opposite. I've always had small(ish) balls and even though I'm on 900IU of HCG per week they're still small. If I omit HCG from my TRT regime they basically disappear.
  19. Airborne Warrior

    Testicular Ache but Do Not Want to Use HCG

    Many experience painful testes shrinkage when supplementing testosterone. As far as I know HCG is the only answer to combat it.
  20. Airborne Warrior

    Just started TRT with sustanon250

    Good on you! Wish I'd started TRT a decade or more ago instead of last year.
  21. Airborne Warrior

    Just started TRT with sustanon250

    Whether you inject on a weekly basis or not rather depends on your SHBG level. Do you know what it is? 125mg of test a week isn't too low, though your dosage will depend on your next blood results and how you feel on that dose once settled in. No need for an AI in my opinion unless your E2 goes...
  22. Airborne Warrior

    How long will HCG last in the fridge?

    I freeze mine and am currently using 6 month old frozen HCG with no issues.
  23. Airborne Warrior

    HCG in the UK

    I get mine from Rohm Labs though no Pregnl ATM. They have Bayer Ovidac in stock though which I've had no issues with. Bayer Zydus Ovidac 5000iu HCG
  24. Airborne Warrior

    Tips for my work out

    I don't like smith machine squats as you're stuck in one plane of movement and more likely to pick up an injury. If you watch someone back squatting the bar never directly moves straight up and down. Same with bench pressing. DOMS from leg training always hurts like hell if you've had a decent...
  25. Airborne Warrior

    Tips for my work out

    Lean and toned is mostly down to diet though I suppose you could eat whatever you wanted if you ran a marathon every day. On the whole though cutting back on carbs and throwing in cardio training works a treat for weight loss for those who lift. That's what all competitive bodybuilders do...
  26. Airborne Warrior

    Testosterone and SOF War Fighters

    The biggest thing I noticed was the amount of guys leaving after a long career carrying numerous long term injuries. Never really thought about impact on testosterone levels though knew a few guys who used Deca amongst other drugs to combat injuries and enable them to deploy on operations.
  27. Airborne Warrior

    E2 crash on 12.5mg Adex?

    Haven't had my bloods done for a few months so have no idea what my current levels are. Thank you for your post; you have pretty much answered what I wanted to know.
  28. Airborne Warrior

    E2 crash on 12.5mg Adex?

    WTF are you on about? What previous post and what details? Can .125mg of adex crash E2 is quite a simple question.
  29. Airborne Warrior

    E2 crash on 12.5mg Adex?

    So I took just a quarter tab (12,5mg) of adex around 4 days ago and now feel like complete shit. Is it even possible to crash your E2 on a single small dose of adex?