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  1. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Since I'll be injecting on Monday at 10am and Thursday at 10pm....... I'll do the blood work before the Monday 10am shot
  2. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    1. Stick to 2 times weekly with IM or switch to subcutaneous, I know it's my choice but since it's only twice a week I don't see an issue with a 25g or 27g 1" into quads. 2. Next T test is lined up for 7 weeks as I read my body will stop producing T on it's own therefore the result will be more...
  3. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Thanx for the reply. Agreed it's not about cheating but if she realizes I am injecting daily or twice a week and subcutaneously vs her im instructions she may stop my TRT and she is great as my pcp so just wanted to know if she could tell from tests, again I don't see how but wanted to confirm.
  4. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    My 1st dose was 100mg Cypionate on Monday and my Dr wants me to take 100mg weekly but I think I am going to switch to 50mg Monday am and 50 mg Thursday pm. Have a couple of questions: 1. Can I switch from 1x 100mg week one to 2x 50mg weekly so soon? 2. At almost 58 do I need to inject more than...
  5. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Thank you for links......I had read those and wasn't expecting anything like that this soon. I just thought I might feel the initial peak....extra energy or something.
  6. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Got it. I had 100mg im shot on Monday @11.30 and have not felt anything different so far. Do you recommend switching to daily or twice weekly subcutaneous or any other frequency?
  7. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Due to depression and Low T I have some belly fat so i'd be afraid of missing the subcutaneous layer.
  8. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    My Dr doesn't want me to do Subcutaneous so for the moment I will stick with IM in Quads and maybe the top of the butt if I figure out how to reach and safely injecy. Also the Cypionate box states "For Intramuscular use only" so is it a different solution for subcutaneous?
  9. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    I have decided to split the 100mg once a week to 50mg twice a week, I don't the Dr will be able to tell LoL. I am injecting in the Quads and using 22g 1" to draw and 25g 1" to inject. I am not lean and have some extra pounds so would a 1/2" higher gauge needle work needle?
  10. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Sorry I missed this reply. I am turning 58 in a month.
  11. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Well I had my 1st shot of 100mg Cypionate and will be injecting weekly. I didn't have to convince her, as soon as I said I would like to start with 100mg per week.....she said "ok'. 1st T test will be 7 weeks, then adjust dosage from there. Talked to her about HCG etc and she said if I want to...
  12. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Same again, I will need to tell that I need the HCG and the reason, if she declines then I go elsewhere. I just need to know how much HCG I need to ask for ..... it looks like the dosage is 500iu three times per week, if that is correct when would I need to start it?
  13. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Hopefully she can start the next guy off with a little better knowledge....just a thought, no harm
  14. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Will check into that too, thanx. Anything for questions 3 & 4?
  15. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    I agree but if she agrees then maybe she'll learn something from the info I get in this forum over time. I figured if I get the ok for 100mg then after then week 2 I can inject 50mg every 3.5 days and not tell her. I just don't have time to try out different doctors etc at the moment so i'm...
  16. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Thank you for all the responses and very helpful information and advice, I appreciate it. 1. I am going to ask her to put me on 100mg weekly, if she doesn't then I will look elsewhere. 2. If she's ok with 100mg weekly then should I decide on my own to do biweekly or is weekly ok? I am not...
  17. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Thank you I will do the reading. How do you inject in the DG by yourself.... especially when you don't like needles in the first place?
  18. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    With my current plan I would need her to refer me to a Urologist or Endinocrologist which would require Authorization from plan provider first after which I could schedule an appt. With the holidays I am not likely to get an appt until Jan at the earliest or even Feb. By that time she should...
  19. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    So, if I can talk her into weekly 100mg Cypionate that would be a good start? At the moment she is wanting to test at week 4.......should I ask her for week 5 or 6?
  20. C

    Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

    Hello all, a little background.......I have been in a bad marriage for 37 years and have been through at least 5 traumatic family events & losses, so I assume I have been depressed for a while now but never dealt with it. I am now seperated and on depression, anxiety & insomnia meds started 2.5...