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  1. G

    I think I crashed my E2. Thoughts?

    The first week after dropping from 0.5mg Anastrozole to 0.25 mg biweekly I noticed some water retention in my face. Not much beyond that. I lowered it because I lowered my T dose a bit. I'm keeping things as is for another 4 weeks or so and will then get labs. My prior regimen had my...
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    Clomid question

    High BP and tachycardia are not, to my knowledge, symptoms of normal doses of TRT. Especially not tachycardia. Surely, if your levels approach supra physiologic range, then BP can and will be an issue, but it SHOULD be dose dependent. (Yes, I know everyone is different) High HCT seems to...
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    What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.

    Dr. Saya, In your experience, to what extent will 500 iu biweekly have on E2? I've heard of intratesticular aromatase being "stimulated" with high doses of HCG. Is there data to support that? Do you experience the necessity to add or increase AI's in patients taking, say, 500 iU HCG biweekly??
  4. G

    What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.

    Thank you very much for that. Even though n=2, it's still very useful information. Those advocating "micro" doses should similarly be able to back up that data, or at least not have such uncompromising clinical stances on the issue, bordering on dogma. Thanks again Dr. Saya.
  5. G

    Erection it age related

    I encourage smaller changes. If you are taking 0.5 mg twice per week or Arimidex, try taking 0.25 mg (you may need to bite the tablet to get it to 1/4 size) twice per week. Then, see how you feel. Give your body a little time to acclimate and then recheck labs in 4-5 weeks to see where your...
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    My current hunt for TRT, Help!

    My guess is that Defy does not want to get bombarded with insurance claims adjustments, pre approvals, and the myriad of BS which comes with dealing with insurance. My take is this. If you are a grown man, and you are unwilling to INVEST up to $200/month for your health, then that's your...
  7. G

    Freaking out... Dr's office called me and told me to come in ASAP

    Like I said, you were slightly over range, and your doc saw a bolded number with an "H" next to it, and naively freaked out....... Typical.
  8. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    Like I said before you are a tough case. I agree that having a doc like Dr. Saya who cares enough to WORK hard on cases like you is a true testament to him as a person and physician. I am wondering if you may benefit from a visit to a psychiatrist also. You MAY benefit from something like...
  9. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    So, you have NO libido, ED, lethargy, click joints, and you are weepy with depression?? Look, I'm gonna just come out and say this. You need to shift gears my friend. I would have a serious discussion with your physician. I will caveat again that I do not have experience with LD Clomid...
  10. G

    Freaking out... Dr's office called me and told me to come in ASAP

    My guess is that your TT is 1149 on an 1148 upper range of whichever test he used.
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    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    Dr. Saya, I think this man's in good hands. I do not know much about the treatment course of LD Clomid, I'll admit that. We all want to see this guy doing better, however, and he indeed seems like a tough case. I wish you all the very best. GA
  12. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    O.k. You said you had 3 consecutive TT levels around 300 range and you were feeling bad before. Did you feel WORSE on TRT than on nothing, with low T? At some point, you may just need to make the mental shift that, much like a blood pressure medication which you may need to take for a very...
  13. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    So, if you don't want children, and you are 35 where we know many guys HPTA begins to fall off by then, whether it be primary or secondary hypogonadism, what do you expect to achieve in the long term on Clomid? Let me ask you this. Do you feel worse now, on LD CLomid, than you did on TRT?? I...
  14. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    I realize that guys on TRT aren't always dialed in right away, but I've not heard many complaints about feeling horrible, or "very weepy" on normal TRT doses. Yes, Estradiol control (or lack therein) can cause those symptoms, but man...... I'm really sorry this is happening.
  15. G

    Latest Test/HCG Protocols?

    I'm with you Nelson. Twice per week seems very adequate for me. I mix them via the "Nelson Method". Tell me, do you feel better at 150mg/week than at higher doses? If so, in which ways? I recently dropped from 200 total/wk to 180/wk. It's only been 1 week but I "seem" to feel a little...
  16. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    Man, o.k. Well, this stinks. Not sure how to advise you given your prior mediocre experience with TRT. Did you give dose adjustments on TRT a chance? What do you mean no stability? I do realize TRT is not the panacea some think it is, but boy. I know it's only been 3 day and you've...
  17. G

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    Xerxes, sorry in advance if you've said it in an earlier post, but how old are you? Do you have a strong desire to father children?
  18. G

    What is the highest testosterone level for long term health ?

    We probably just don't have studies. The parameters of health, including you feeling very well would suggest you are at a good place as far as TRT goes. Sure, that's a very high number, and while it's true that we don't know over many years how that will do for you, I would think that many of...
  19. G

    Body Recomposition with TRT

    Get a home glucometer and start checking a few fasting blood glucose levels. Pay for a decent quality one as it will likely be more accurate. You need to see if you are developing some insulin resistance. How tolerant are you to carbs? If your fasting blood sugar levels are in the 90's or...
  20. G

    Low T and elevated fasting blood sugar

    I'm really sorry to hear everything you've been through. Your history is very complicated. But, your TT is very low, you are 45, and while it's true that you have every other reason to feel non-optimal, I think you need to see a physician specializing in HRT/TRT. It's not going to be a sexual...
  21. G

    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    JonH, how do you feel on 180mg? Do you feel like you should go higher?
  22. G

    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    Great to hear Coast! Thank you for the personal details. Much appreciated. JonH, I agree and thank you also for sharing. I'm gonna slowly titrate down my dose. I've said it before, but I've been on irresponsibly high (400 mg/wk max but also 350, 300, 250/wk as well) doses, and while of...
  23. G

    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    Thanks for the feedback. I kinda want to give a lower dose a try. I may decrease from 100mg Q3.5d to 90mg Q3.5d and see what happens. I guess there's only one way to find out.....
  24. G

    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    CoastWatcher, can you tell me how you have improved, specifically? Also, do you notice any difference in strength or energy? If you can elaborate it would be great. Thanks for sharing and good to hear you are doing well.
  25. G

    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    Hey guys. I've only been on TRT for about 9 months. I'm on Test Cyp 100 mg Q3.5d with 350iU of HCG IM. I recently (this week) lowered my Anastrozole from 0.5 mg on injection days to 0.25mg to see how it will effect me (side effects, changes in libido, and also then lab values). ****I'm happy...
  26. G

    Low T and elevated fasting blood sugar

    I max out metformin totaling 2500mg/day. It has helped me immensely. I was heading towards clinical pre diabetes and knew I had to do something. It's helped a lot. I think it's also allowed me to lose weight easier (it's never easy) and to keep it off. I no longer feel so discouraged about...
  27. G

    Can you get better TRT response by changing to intramuscular?

    I rotate sites for sure. For reasons you suggested. I surmise a lot of guys do also.
  28. G

    Frequent Injection Schedule - Opinions Wanted

    Awesome. Thanks for the fantastic feedback. Great to hear you are doing so well. I think my dose may be too high.... The hardest thing to do I think is decrease the dose, especially when you are "afraid" of upsetting this delicate balance. After all, I feel pretty damn good. I'm not...
  29. G

    Frequent Injection Schedule - Opinions Wanted

    Interesting. Have you been able to reduce your total weekly dose while maintaining similar TT and fT values using ED injections? Any other subjective benefits to ED?? My E2 sensitive is normal on my regimen but I take 0.5mg Arimidex on injection days Q3.5d. I'd like to get off the Anastrozole...
  30. G

    Frequent Injection Schedule - Opinions Wanted

    I've only been on TRT for just over 9 months. I do Q3.5 days. I keep hearing increased frequency is best, but has anyone seen a major difference going with EOD or ED Test Cyp over Q3.5d??? I won't do Qday, but EOD is not unreasonable, but I'm not convinced that the benefits outweigh the...
  31. G

    Supraphysiological T levels

    No. Stroke and heart attacks are "side effects" of polycythemia..... Not testosterone.