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  1. T

    Low SHBG, Strength, EOD, etc

    I have just switched to EOD, until the end of this week with 25g then with 26g 1/2”. I guess to get my feet wet in a high frequency protocol. The injections don’t actually bother me too much but the waste does a little. If I went ED I would do so using with 29g or even 30g. Did you see a...
  2. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    That’s the dreaded nightmare scenario. I take it they had you wait cold turkey until the new prescription period came up? Not good. I was already considering pulling a tiny little bit less each time, actually I feel I’m already doing that due to paranoia, but then the dosage is kind of untrue...
  3. T

    Low SHBG, Strength, EOD, etc

    Yeah I must admit it doesn’t freak me out but I was expecting the lipids to go down not up. Will see what they look like after 1-2 months of EOD.
  4. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    I’ll definitely check the waste again once I have the new syringes.
  5. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    Hmm I currently use 1ml easy touch luer lock insulin syringes. I’ve heard that the pharmacy is adding extra T to the bottles in order to compensate for the waste but I very much doubt it’s an extra 2.25ml over two bottles or 1.1ml per bottle which I would need going to EOD. As I said, the E3D...
  6. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    That’s what I’m going to switch to. No waste is impossible though.
  7. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    Huh. I seem to have a little problem here. I’m using those low dead space syringes. Today I thought it might interesting to see how much T hides in the needle and the low dead space by pulling it back. Turns out it’s quite a bit, 0.05ml to be exact. Sounds laughable right? Well if you see it in...
  8. T

    Defy medical offers remote service for low testosterone levels to other countries @ Dr Justin Saya Md

    Highly unlikely but you may want to contact them directly and ask.
  9. T

    Low SHBG, Strength, EOD, etc

    Interesting. Thanks for your input and yes the second lab is at trough. What you are saying about my SHBG would explain why I don’t really feel any significant ups and downs despite E3D. I really would like to just up the trough TT by 200 or so. If I’m not really a serious case of low SHBG I...
  10. T

    Low SHBG, Strength, EOD, etc

    Gents, I’d love to get some input on this. I’ve started TRT 3 months ago. 43, fairly healthy, lifting 4 times a week. Baseline: BP 120/72 TT 275 (264-916) FT 12.5 (6.8-21.5) E2, SENSITIVE 10.6 (8-35) SHBG 25.7 (16.5-55.9) HCT 45.1 (37.5-51) TRIGLYCERIDES 117 (0-149) HDL 35 (39- ?) LDL...