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  1. T

    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    I think it's a matter of common sense. As adults we should make decisions based on what WE believe is right based on everything we know and what we have experienced, not because what an authority tells us to do - particularly if the authorities have no actual clue yet and have mixed opinions...
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    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    And chances are these rules aren’t necessarily simpler once we have figured at least some of them out, meaning even if we achieve a scenario with similar efficacy as we currently have with the flu vaccine we are still going to be screwed considering how much more contagious coronavirus is. In...
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    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    I think this dude has a fairly healthy view despite being financially dependent on it.
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    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    Couldn't agree more. I don't actually believe there will ever be an effective vaccine. For instance, the flu vaccines we recreate every year is not what I would call successful. If it was, the flu as we know it would be history by now as people wouldn't catch it anymore. I think the future of...
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    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    I can call it rash decision if it helps? My gym here near a big city is usually packed. Saying that a grocery store poses the same risks as working out in a gym...I'm not even commenting on that. As I said, each to their own. If you are fine with it as well as your wife and maybe any children...
  6. T

    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    As much as I miss the gym, it's a pivotal element of my life, I think rushing back THAT quickly only because some government figure says it's OK is beyond foolish but each to their own. Being free to do so (which is right) doesn't mean one HAS to do so.
  7. T

    TRT induced Low SHBG and TRT dosage?

    Try 140mg/week EOD. I have a very similar SHBG and this seems to work for me. Not sure yet what my blood says about my new protocol but I feel good and even my libido is fine. The same amount E3.5D had put me on TT 622 FT 27 or something so I'm hoping I'm now somewhere around TT 800. Strength...
  8. T

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    I think it's based on the same German findings but it's obviously interesting enough to get picked up by the media so that's good.
  9. T

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    Well THAT is interesting!
  10. T

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    Right? I'd say if the question crosses your mind you need to find another clinic.
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    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    Exactly. Ditch the HCG and you're good to go!
  12. T

    New Labs - Still Lacking Libido

    Yeah the pain in the undercarriage was a little concerning at first. I thought it was my hernia repairs bursting open! I even blamed the Cialis I was testing out at the same time to the point that I stopped it haha. Didn’t regret it actually, it does next to nothing for me and sex is actually...
  13. T

    No muscles soreness after working out ?

    Only true if you keep doing the same exercises, same load and the same volume. With progressive overload you will get sore indeed although no longer crazy bad. Changing routines will cause soreness too. Also a matter of intensity. Soreness in itself is a poor indicator for progress though. On...
  14. T

    New Labs - Still Lacking Libido

    I have a similar SHBG but I take less T meaning both my TT and E2 are lower - and I don’t take HCG. You might want to look into that as well. My libido is pretty good now. Also your prolactin seems highish, have you had sex within 24h prior the blood draw? If not it might be worthwhile...
  15. T

    TRT newbie

    You’re arguably on a mini cycle and prob heading for trouble if you don’t find a way of getting comprehensive labs done. Maybe it’s time to visit a specialist. Btw, it’s not just Denmark’s public healthcare system that routinely denies eligible sufferers treatment. The key is not to just self...
  16. T

    Something went really wrong...need some help

    I’m confused. Are you cruising or on a supervised TRT protocol?
  17. T

    New Labs - T through the Roof!

    Wait, 6 weeks on 200mg/ week gave you TT level of only 486?
  18. T

    Some success, some challenges w/ daily protocol

    Your lowered HCT gives me hope. How long did it take you to feel normal again? It took me a bumpy 5-6 weeks from E3.5D to EOD.
  19. T

    Some success, some challenges w/ daily protocol

    Interesting. Can you please post your levels on 140mg (70mg E3.5D)week? Also, was there any particular reason they recommended to go right into ED and not try EOD first? You said side effects have subsided but how do you feel compare to E3.5D?
  20. T

    TRT and Heart Palpitation

    No food after 7pm, cold pack on your head to slow down your brain, AC on 68 or less, maybe take two Benadryl before sleep, and/or an acetaminophen or similar (occasionally) - for some reason anti inflammatories make me sleep like a baby, *** can help the anxiety but not the sleep. Lots of stuff...
  21. T

    Gyno, pseudogynecomastia, or just fat?

    Maybe a little overdeveloped, if anything. Just go easier on chest Mondays or skip them every now and then for a while. Work your back instead. Can be genetic. Most people have a muscle group that seemingly develops on its own while other areas always seem to be lacking, no matter what you do. I...
  22. T

    Starting to feel better on higher dose?

    Anything between 6-12 weeks seems too be the period usually needed to determine the success of a protocol. What is success? When your'e feeling good and none of your blood values are playing up because of it. If you are only going after how you're feeling you might be ignoring the health aspect...
  23. T

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    Do you think you could copy and paste the relevant text pls? It's asking for membership and I must have already a hundred or so..
  24. T

    Starting to feel better on higher dose?

    I mean the possibility of too much T. If that’s actually the case then you are likely to feel at first like meh, after that prob less meh, then all of a sudden YEEES! then yeah and later like please kill me all within 6-12 weeks or so. You might also still feel great after that period but your...
  25. T

    Starting to feel better on higher dose?

    Feeling at peace at the 3 week mark means nothing. You might very well be in the process of passing your sweet spot with warp 3 since you won't be stabilized before 6 weeks earliest. Also, keep an eye on your HCT...that often seems to be the limiting factor for many. If libido is what you're...
  26. T

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    That’s what I keep wondering myself. Honestly, if they weren’t markers doctors seem to be obsessed about I would just let them be. Trouble is, not unlike high blood pressure (which I don’t have) doctors tend to record these negatively in your medical history incl treatments they deem fit to...
  27. T

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    Regarding the drop of your fasted blood glucose levels, did you maintain the same sources of carbs? The reason I’m asking is that I’m seeing carbs as the main influencer of fasted blood glucose levels, even complex ones. Mine went up after starting to eat large amounts of oats in lieu of tons of...
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    Yup freaked me out a couple of times too and even some doctors seem to be unaware of the correlation. Despite its raving disciples, creatine should be taken with some consideration. Also, not everyone is a responder. I still take it but consider ditching it altogether. I feel and that’s probably...
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    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    How was it received by your vegetarian wife? Were you able to create a believer that day?
  30. T

    TRT and baldness

    Yeah me too. Sucks huh?
  31. T

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    Sure it wasn’t some kind of brand name? Bow & arrow hunting is illegal in UK...well other than for Scotsmen of course, they are free game on Sundays.