Search results

  1. D

    Evidence-based resource about women's sexual pleasure

    I've encountered some that did not like oral at all, some that would not allow digital either. Mystery still.
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    Cost Analysis of ED Drugs in the United States

    They have a veritable cornucopia of erectile products. This one intriguing: What would the Prozac do? Malegra Fxt Enhances erectile function Supports sexual performance Promotes stronger erections Makes you last longer in bed Increases confidence and self-esteem Generic for Viagra ® & Prozac...
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    We should just go to a cosmetic doc and come out ahead. (no pun intended).
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    Losing Hope on hardness

    So if one is injecting 7am Tuesday and Friday, the the blood draw should be?
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    I still can't get over the thought of it being a toxin. But, I gather no one yet has had the misfortune of the chap in "I Zombie", so I might give it a go. My uro, I believe, said it was about $800.
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Very informative reference there. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much advice for those, like me, who have the genetic variants for high iron. My consults with hematologist are nonproductive also. One idea I considered based on the article's advice is doing an occasional blood dump and doing...
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    My Experience Repairing My Torn Biceps Tendon

    Be very careful, Vince. I had rotator cuff surgery with biceps tenodesis also (2014) and was doing chin ups a couple months ago and felt something weird in my shoulder. Had MRI done which showed more fraying and wear on the attached biceps tendon. Also, SLAP tear and partial tear of...
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    Discounted Labs Biggest Sale of the Year

    Shout out to Nelson for the labs and reminder. Right labs at the right price. Time to order.
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    Male regenerative therapies - Start of the art

    From what I've read in the literature and current urologist, the majority of ED is caused by vascular deficiency.
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    Male regenerative therapies - Start of the art

    I view it the same way, at least a this point. I'll might do one more round of PRP depending on results. I'll report back after this initial therapy: 9 appointments with Shockwave and Emsella chair (done at same appointment). PRP was done at last appointment which was appt. #5. Dr. used...
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    Clinical implications of AR polymorphism in sexual health

    There's going to be an epidemic of medical hypochondria. :)
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    Male regenerative therapies - Start of the art

    That has to be disappointing. No improvement in erection quality?
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    Male regenerative therapies - Start of the art

    I had PRP done recently (mild-mod ED). Doctor stated effects become apparent after 4-6 weeks.
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    First time using Trimix

    I had one vial in the freezer for about a year, thawing and drawing periodically. Over that time, I increased dose about 30-40% to achieve initial effect. I used it all.
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    Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence

    Contribution from same lead author:
  16. D

    Testosterone Use During Illness

    Thanks. Yes, going back, I see some literature referenced influenza vaccine immune response. Another paper, looking to extrapolate T effects (or inhibition of) related to covid, generally concluded: "...These observations confirm that androgens have an immunosuppressive effect..." Others...
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    Testosterone Use During Illness

    Recently, hit with bad virus, severe sore throat, no fever. Reading that T has something of immunosuppressive effects, so what is the consensus, continue regimen or stop until symptoms subside?
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    Testosterone Induced Hair Loss: Revifol Hair Growth Supplement

    Just a word on the Seabreeze. The company was sold apparently and not the original manufacturer. Check the reviews on people's complaints of the changes and effects. If like me, you enjoyed a lot of the old school sartorial stuff, things have strayed.
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    Last update on my experience with P-Long and PRP

    @phalloguy100 No diabetes, a bit of BPH but not really bad at all. Moderate ED and I do take 5mg of Tadalafil daily. I saw a urologist who did an ultrasound (but not doppler with trimix). Said arteries, prostate looked good.
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    Last update on my experience with P-Long and PRP

    PRF=Platelet Rich Fibrin Haven't heard of that one before. I'm about to start a course of Gainswave as initial to possibly other such as PRP (PRF), Emsella and maybe botox. Interested in your progress phalloguy100 also.
  21. D

    Cool hack to x10 your Ferritin in 5-7 days :)

    This is interesting. I've got to find some way to get my ferritin up. Here is my recent lab: FASTING:YES IRON, TIBC AND FERRITIN PANEL Analyte Value IRON, TOTAL 160 Reference Range: 50-180 mcg/dL IRON BINDING CAPACITY 345 Reference Range: 250-425 mcg/dL (calc) % SATURATION 46 Reference...
  22. D

    some advice for wife needed, is HRT in pre-menopausal woman advised?

    Same thing applies to women as men: LAB work first! And an MD with extensive experience treating women. Can't think of any in that category prescribing anything other than BHRT. Good suggestion from Nelson.
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    Combining Trimix and Cialis report

    Duration was about 1.5 hours but with some rebound a couple times due to the PT-141 but it doesn't achieve full hardness. I say 1.5, but that isn't to full flaccidity. At least couple hours more of firmness but not, apparently a danger zone of priapism. Didn't need any antidote. It is...
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    Combining Trimix and Cialis report

    Mission accomplished! .12ml PT-141, .17ml Trimix, 5mg Cialis. Took the entire experience to another level. Definitely felt longer and fatter than Trimix alone. These dosages used were based on my previous experience with what works for me. I could have reduced the Trimix more. I have...
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    Tech Billionaire on Journey to Immortality

    Watch this, you will probably draw some valuable conclusions: Netflix: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones
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    Intracavernosal injection therapy in erectile dysfunction

    He boldly went where no man had gone before. Jolly good!
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    Too Many Supplements

    Wow, I thought I took a lot. I know what you mean from others I've known who refused to take what they needed and have left us. I am going to be cutting way back on supplements after watching Live to a Hundred Blue Zones and focus more on fasting and diet. (Netflix BTW). Seeing people active...
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    Dumb question regarding ejaculation

    What form of T are you using?