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  1. S

    Are calories overlooked?

    I get what you're doing man, I discovered that I was hypogonadal after dropping 20-30lbs. I decided to lose weight and get healthy because I felt like garbage. After I lost all of the weight I felt even worse. My diet wasn't anything too extreme, eating 1800 calories a day. Part of me knows...
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    HCG Monotherapy lab timing?

    So I've been on HCG Monotherapy since 03/20/18, so almost three months. Overall it hasn't been terrible, with some improvements in the sexual department, but some loses in strength and body composition. I've done two rounds of labs for two seperate protocols on HCG mono. Labs were pulled on...
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    How to get test from a dr?

    I agree with what they're doing. I'm not sure what your labs look like or your age, but I would want a clear diagnosis, which includes and MRI. For me this meant discovering a pituitary tumor. TRT is no magic bullet for many, and a lifelong commitment.
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    Is high Reverse T3 a problem here? Labs included

    This confirms my suspicions, I'll start doing some research on elevated rt3 levels, thank you for the link 1Draw! So far it looks like I'll have to compile a list of labs to check for possible causes. I have some more labs coming in soon to check a handful of other things, one of which is ACTH...
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    Is high Reverse T3 a problem here? Labs included

    So I'm about 6 months into TRT, and have currently been on HCG monotherapy for 4 weeks at 750iu MWF. These labs were taken friday, 48hrs after my last injection. I'm not as concerned with the T level right now because this is a trough and I've had higher levels with T. Cypionate injections...
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    I need to transition to HCG monotherapy, any advice?

    Yes it is, I'm only 26 and would like to start a family eventually. With that said, I've had ED since 18, and have really been struggling for the last couple of years. I'm not able to enjoy life most of the time when I'm fatigued, irritable, and emotionally flat. If I cannot get these things...
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    I need to transition to HCG monotherapy, any advice?

    Thank you for the reply Nelson Vergel! I've been listening to your channel on youtube for the past week, and really like your approach to HRT. I wish I had done a semen analysis before starting TRT, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of stopping TRT and going back to baseline. Fertility is...
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    I need to transition to HCG monotherapy, any advice?

    Thank you for the reply Dr. Justin Saya! I am not sure what he expected, but I brought him several studies that showed azoospermia or oligospermia is an expected result of TRT. He's also not convinced that low dose HCG will bring my sperm count back, despite also showing him studies that proved...
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    I need to transition to HCG monotherapy, any advice?

    I have been on Testosterone cypionate for about 4 months now, and have been trying to get my endo to prescribe HCG along with the Test. I showed him the studies available, and he is open to it. Unfortunately he wanted me to do a semen analysis 3 months into TRT, and when it came back at 0 he is...
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    When to add HCG to TRT?

    I had my appointment with my endo today, and as usual I have mixed results. He is extremely concerned about the semen analysis that I had done a few weeks ago that came back at 0(azoospermia). I brought along studies that proved TRT causes this, and that HCG in combination with Testosterone will...
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    TRT and tinnitus

    I have this as well, most likely due to ear buds on full blast while mowing during my younger years, and gun fire. After I started TRT it definitely has become worse. I have recently been theorizing that Cialis may actually be to blame as I started using it around the same time that I started...
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    Current TRT Protocol 85mg E6D, thyroid?

    Okay, my TSH is the same at 2.6, but ft4 is 1.34 and ft3 is 4.0 for me. I have yet to test rt3 but I will soon. I agree I think it has something to do with the lack of stability. I need to do a few more hours of research myself. Did you test your TSH during the iodine supplementation or...
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    When to add HCG to TRT?

    My last labs had E2 at 21.9(sensitive) when my total T was 519 pg/DL. This was 36hrs after injection at 50mg x2/wk. I've upped my dose to 60mg x2/wk since, and will retest before adding HCG, but so far I'm hoping that E2 won't be a problem with low doses of HCG. Time will tell. Thank you all...
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    Current TRT Protocol 85mg E6D, thyroid?

    With regards to your thyroid numbers, I would suggest reading Ksman's thyroid stickies over at Tnation. He usually suggests taking oral body temps twice a day. First one immediately upon waking, and one in the afternoon without eating drinking, or talking for 30 minutes. He also routinely...
  15. S

    Question about my lab (picture included)

    Everything I've seen regarding protocols for really low SHBG suggests trying injections EOD or ED. If you're using smaller insulin syringes this would help make it easier on you. This could also help a little bit with e2 conversion. I would do some hardcore research on the causes of low SHBG...
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    When to add HCG to TRT?

    I'm currently on Testosterone Cypionate only, and have been for about four months. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I have been making small adjustments every 2 months or so. I'm trying to get HCG as well, and have been fighting my doctor to get it. I keep asking myself this question, should I...
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    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    I've experienced something similar a few times after injecting, but it stopped happening after the first 2 months. I used to inject within an hour or two before bed for my second injection of the week, and occasionally I would get a surge of energy and adrenaline while trying to fall asleep...
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    New guy here, 4 months into TRT!

    I plan to write a summary of my treatment, symptoms ect. with labs this weekend. Hard to find free time with my current work schedule. I am not and have not been on any other medications.
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    New guy here, 4 months into TRT!

    Hello guys, I look forward to becoming a part of this forum as I begin my life long journey on TRT! Quick summary of what I'm dealing with. I am currently 26 years old, and have been dealing with low T symptoms since 18, primarily ED. It wasn't until two years ago that things really got worse...
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    Thread posts are listed in reverse order

    Thank you, that was driving me nuts!