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  1. S

    When does natural production restart?

    I've waa on some form of HRT/TRT for 14 months prior.
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    When does natural production restart?

    I've gone without testosterone for 3 weeks now, and haven't taken any HCG for the past week. I'm planning to do a restart using Clomid and will start taking it as soon as it arrives. For those that have gone cold turkey, when do you think your natural production kicked back in? My testicles...
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    I've decided to do a restart and get off of TRT for maybe 6 months or so because it's made me feel worse overall. This is what I plan to do if I resume TRT, but if I could go back 14 months and start over, this is what I would've done. 1. Try a restart, focus on lowering stress levels and...
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    I would have tried a HPTA restart and focused more on reducing stress levels along with getting more sleep. I wish I would've tested more hormones at baseline before TRT, and maybe addressing issues that I found after TRT would've Had that failed, I would have started much lower with frequent...
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    6 weeks clean & sober! Stopped TRT.

    I'm happy to hear that you're feeling good again! I just kind of stopped taking my T shots a little over a week ago. I've taken a couple of shots of HCG just to keep the boys going. I'm in the same boat as you with the emotional flatness. Just kind of over it all, I'm not sure if I'm going to...
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    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    For what it's worth, Test cyp only: Poor orgasms, low volume HCG Mono: Poor orgasms, high volume Test Cyp/HCG: Good orgasms, high volume Overall on HRT my orgasms are less intense, but for the most part they're good now on Test and HCG together. Even at 500iu EOD of Pregnyl HCG, my volume is...
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    Has anyone tried adding FSH to their protocol?

    With TT at 500 pre-HRT I would get off of HRT and not look back for some time. I don't know what your symptoms are, but I've been on TRT for over a year now, and am on a protocol very similar to yours with similar SHBG. It has pretty much been a shit show, where I feel worse more than I feel...
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    Tingling in my fingers/hand...just started TRT

    I had this for a while when I first started TRT. After four months I switched to HCG Mono, now on Test/HCG and it hasn't returned. If you dig hard enough you'll find other reports of this. I do not recall it ever being a result of high HCT, and that has not been the case for me.
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    Small update, My appointment with the first Urologist went extremely well. He's younger, energetic, and even offered to prescribe me any medications I need HCG, Test, Trimix, Cialis, ect. Just to give him a call. He also gave me a referral to a well renowned Urologist that has a great deal...
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    SubQ or Shallow IM? Worried about leakage. Starting my TRT regiment soon.

    For what it's worth I found that HCG monotherapy worked better for me injecting shallow IM vs Sub-q. Higher total test and overall I felt better. I am on Test and HCG now and have stuck with IM. With 28ga 1/2" syringes it's no big deal. Also I have a similar SHBG and have found that I do best...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    DragonBits, I was looking into that a while ago, have you ever done this panel or have any knowledge of interpreting the results? The research I did a while ago seemed to indicate that measuring the metabolites of nurotransmitters as this panel does, will not provide an accurate picture of...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    -Overall no, if I do have nocturnal or morning wood, it is weak and doesn't last long. I have had a couple of very short periods where I woke up with decent MW. These periods last only a few days. I have recently learned though that 10mg of Cialis and 50mg of Viagra taken before bed guarantees...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    It has had it's advantages, I really don't get nervous or worked up about things anymore. I would like to resolve this to some degree if possible. Defy recommend L-Tyrosine which I may give a try. I've found that EOD dosing is really needed for me to feel good without ups and downs. I've...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    I could try this for a period, as I have some .125s on hand, but I really want to see what my body converts naturally. On all of my previous protocols I have never been a huge E2 converter. So I hope it's possible to bring E2 down with protocol tweaks. What do you recommend for HCG dosing...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    I'm going to do my best to cover all the questions. -Current height is 5'11" -Weight is 180lbs -Prolactin usually hovers between 10-12 ng/mL -No other medications, no SSRIs, no 5ar inhibitors ever. -I haven't watched porn for about 5 months now, and I've gone 7 months before without watching...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    Thank you all for the replies, I plan to respond in detail as best I can once I get home! There are a lot of great points being made and I am very thankful for that. Kiko, I am sorry that you're also struggling in a similar way. I understand your pain and frustration. I mean no disrespect, but...
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    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    So long story short, I've been on HRT for over a year now. First just Testosterone Cypionate then HCG Monotherapy. I've been with Defy since August, and have been really happy with the results. We've made one protocol change so far and this is my current protocol: -30mg Test Cyp EOD -500iu HCG...
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    Different results for IM vs SubQ?

    I saw similar changes going from Sub-q to shallow IM on HCG Monotherapy. It was unexpected, but I definitely felt better going IM with the HCG. Now I'm on HCG and Test together, and have continued to go with shallow IM. I see no reason to switch back to sub-q for me personally.
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    Low Energy / Low Libido / Poor Sleep / High Cortisol / Low (Free) T (?)

    Sorry for the late response John123, My Reverse T3 on my last labs was 27.0 ng/dL(9.2-24.1). The protocol is: 5mcg T3 Morning for 1.5 weeks 5mcg T3 Morning, 5mcg T3 Afternoon 1.5 weeks 10mcg T3 Morning, 5mcg T3 Afternoon 1.5 weeks 10mcg T3 Morning, 10mcg T3 Afternoon 1.5 weeks If I notice any...
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    First Trimix injection tonight!

    Truly amazing, I'm only 27 years old, but it was the best erection I had since I was a child. I was finally able to do things the way that they're supposed to be done. The ER visit wasn't ideal, but I really could care less because I've finally found something that works.
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    First Trimix injection tonight!

    I don't think so, I took 50mg of Viagra Saturday night and everything worked in it's usual sub-par manner. It's almost like the blood containing the Trimix leaked out too fast before things were sealed off? I don't know, more research and more trial and errors I suppose.
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    First Trimix injection tonight!

    Thank you both for the replies! So I injected .1ml Friday night, and it worked extremely well, I've not had an erection like that since I was a kid. The erection lasted 5.5 hours and I went to the ER at hour 4, where it eventually went down on its own. Last night I injected .05ml and the...
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    First Trimix injection tonight!

    I meant to ask, but any recommendations on starting dosages?
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    First Trimix injection tonight!

    I'm starting with the standard 30/1/10 strength of Trimix from Empower, and plan to use my first trimix injection for sex tonight. I've been trying to get this stuff for a few weeks now to dial in the dosage, but many delays have prevented me from getting it in time. First injections seem to...
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    Low Energy / Low Libido / Poor Sleep / High Cortisol / Low (Free) T (?)

    Once again similar to me, but my rt3 is higher. Defy has me starting on T3 only to knock the rt3 down.
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    Low Energy / Low Libido / Poor Sleep / High Cortisol / Low (Free) T (?)

    My ferritin was 109 ng/mL (30-400ng/mL). I've been under the impression that this was normal. Just thought I had similar we had similar thyroid labs, and high cortisol.
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    Low Energy / Low Libido / Poor Sleep / High Cortisol / Low (Free) T (?)

    Here's a possibility than I'm dealing with right now. My Dinural x4 saliva cortisol tests showed high in the morning, like off the charts high, and then slightly elevated for the rest of the day, but follow diurnal rhythm and I'm not having any sleep issues. My ft4, ft3, and TSH are similar to...
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    Anyone knowledgable with HCG mono?

    My Endo has never done a combination of Test and HCG at the same time, but after 8-9 months of poor results he has finally agreed to prescribe them together, and is aware that I'll be consulting with Defy as well. Fortunately my insurance does cover HCG without limitations, I'm sorry that yours...
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    Anyone knowledgable with HCG mono?

    I've been on HCG Monotherapy since March of this year, and have tried various protocols. I transitioned from TRT to HCG mono at my endos request due to a sperm count of zero after 4 months of TRT. As of last week my sperm count is up to 17mil, and the Endo said this will continue to improve. Lab...
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    Going with Defy, I can't do this on my own anymore.

    I had an opportunity to have sex tonight with an amazing women tonight, and ultimately had to tell her that I have a medical condition, and cannot get hard. We had a couple of great dates, and some real chemistry. She said that she was still interested in continuing the relationship, but I'm not...
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    Sex drive and semen

    I was on Test. Cyptionate only for about 4 months, and it shut me down hard. Testicles shrank to about half their previous size, and ejaculate volume was low with thick semen. I transitioned to HCG mono back in March, and things are back to normal. Testicles came back 80% in size in the first...