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  1. S

    Low cortisol and low testosterone

    I have a 3mm adenoma, with high cortisol and low test. Thankfully my cortisol is not Cushing's high and follows circadian rythm. Have you tested ACTH, and which cortisol test have you done?
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    TRT erection issues

    I feel your pain man, I'm 27 and went on TRT for ED. TRT made my ED much worse to the point where I'm using Trimix. Cialis and Viagra don't really do a whole lot for me. Erection issues at this age are a game changer for sure, it really forces you to alter expectations out of life. I came off...
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    Yea I found his post to be a little insulting, dismissing the symptoms caused by TRT and implying that we all have pre-existing psychological issues. I got on TRT to fix my ED. Nothing else, plain and simple. I tried for 14 months and wound up feeling awful with nearly complete ED. Lots of...
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    Maybe, but that's not what we're discussing. Looks like you've possibly experienced similar issues here? Posts #20 and 25. Still not dialed in after 2+ years on TRT. Labs included. Help?
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    Any links to these? Any idea if there's an affordable way to have our genome sequenced to look for these particular variations?
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    I agree 100%, and have suspected this too. I plan to jump of the Propionate band wagon eventually, I've just been feeling so good lately that I want to enjoy life for a while. I just recently took comprehensive 90 day labs off TRT, so I'm excited to see where I'm at and establish a baseline for...
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    No, I've always enjoyed my hobbies and interests. Always had projects going, always fixing, improving, and learning new things.
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    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    I struggled with this as well. I referred to it as emotional flatness. I didn't really get excited about anything, and it felt like the reward system just flat out stopped working in my brain. I however struggled with fatigue since the start of TRT. In hindsight, I feel like TRT also had a...
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    Reverse t3 management worth it?

    I was on T3 for about 5 months to get my reverse T3 down. It worked on paper. I started at 5mcg per day and worked my way up to 35mcg a day. I never noticed a difference in how I felt. Just finished tapering off, going back to baseline on everything to do some labwork.
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    27G Needle Shredded Molecules?

    I have heard that the high pressures generates using smaller guage syringes can damage HCG as it is generally more fragile than Testosterone. I don't know how true this is, but I have always been careful mixing the solution before drawing as well as drawing and injecting slowly.
  11. S

    Stopping TRT after 13 months

    Having stopped TRT over 2 months ago, I say keep up with the HCG for 3 weeks after the Test. The test will take 4 weeks or so before it is mostly out of your system, and your HPTA can start back up. By continuing the HCG for three weeks, your T levels won't plummet as fast, but more...
  12. S

    Feel horrible on clomid.

    Wish I could say Clomid did something for me, I was on 12.5mg ED for a couple of weeks before I started to get anxiety and depressed. Took a week off and felt much better. Switched to 12.5mg EOD for a week and started to feel bad again. I don't think I want to keep taking it for a couple of...
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    Testosterone propionate for TRT

    From what I've read, Propionate in smaller doses for ED or EOD injections doesn't hurt for many. The reports of PIP seem to be coming from steroid users injecting large amounts.
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    TRT, Weakness, Low Energy, and Dopamine?

    Dasein check this thread out, Testosterone propionate for TRT I'm thinking of trying propionate, a shorter ester than can seemingly mimic dinural variation with an ED or EOD protocol. Perhaps more daily variation in T levels could help with dopamine issues. Instead of spending countless time...
  15. S

    Testosterone propionate for TRT

    I've only had time to read some anecdotal reports stating this. More frequent injections will almost always result in smoother serum levels, but that's not what I'm after. I want more daily variation, and not to have constant high normal test levels. I've been there and done that.
  16. S

    Testosterone propionate for TRT

    Been reading a bit on test prop today, and I'm surprised it's not more commonly suggested. Seems like guys spend a lot of time trying to get dialed in on Cypionate, a lot of them with no success. Test prop offers the ability to mimic some degree of dinural variation, with less E2 conversion...
  17. S

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    If you want to transition to HCG mono anytime is fine. I transitioned from TRT to HCG mono last year and after three months my sperm count went from 0 to 17 million. I believe I was taking around 1000iu x3 per week at that point.
  18. S

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    I stopped after 2 weeks, but looking back I would recommend 3 weeks. My balls started shutting down during the 3rd week for me because I stopped taking HCG, and still had enough Testosterone Cypionate in my system to keep my HPTA suppressed.
  19. S

    Getting off TRT after 2 years

    I stopped on December 23rd. I continued HCG at 500iu EOD for two weeks after stopping the test. IMO I would inject the HCG EOD, and do so for three weeks after your last Test shot.
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    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    I transitioned from HCG mono to HCG/Test, and as of now I have quit TRT and am attempting a restart. Your levels should go back to baseline after stopping HCG.
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    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    I used easy touch 28ga 1/2" syringes. you could probably go with a smaller guage if you want.
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    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    Are you using health insurance to get the HCG? If so, try Pregnyl. Recently another member brought to my attention that one brand of HCG did not work nearly as well for him as Pregnyl did with labs to prove it. Are you injecting subq or IM? I found that my results on HCG mono improved when...
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    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    You have room to move up with the HCG. What brand of HCG are you using? FWIW, I had to do 1000iu EOD to get to 600 TT. Everybody reponds differently, but the results are not terribly encouraging.
  24. S

    Companies still marketing administration of testosterone shots once every 2-3 weeks

    Occasionally we get a guy who's on once every two weeks and they feel good. I also know a couple of guys at work that are on this protocol and they have no complaints. I think for some people it just works. Maybe not optimally, but it's fine for them. Everytime I tell a run of the mill doctor...
  25. S

    Theory about determining weekly dosage

    It's hard to say, I've had TT values of 475-1200 on TRT and E2 ranging from 19-38. At my lower TT values I was on HCG mono starting with small doses, and my E2 was slightly higher than it would have been if I was on Test alone or a combination. One problem I've had is that I've never had any...
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    Theory about determining weekly dosage

    Interesting point, I tend to agree. Perhaps a lower dosage and/or a decrease in injection frequency may be beneficial for some. Lower trough levels and a bit more variation overall. I was on EOD injections for the last 10 months, while I felt more consistent than on once weekly or E3.5D, it...
  27. S

    Theory about determining weekly dosage

    I've had this thought for a while now. It seems like many of us simply do not feel well on TRT, even when our labs look good and we've played around with dosage frequency and TT quite a bit. One thing I've read a number of times is when a guy decides to get off of TRT, he'll feel really good...
  28. S

    PRP Shot

    I would like to know others experiences as well. It would seem that since many of us spend thousands per year on labs, meds, and appointments, more would have tried wave therapy and the P-shot. There are almost no testimonials out there on the forums.
  29. S

    When does natural production restart?

    Nelson, Defy has my on 12.5mg of Clomid ED. Vince, I may be misunderstanding the point of a restart, but isn't the point to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce high amounts or LH and FSH for a period of time, then taper off, hoping that they remain somewhat higher than they were at...