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  1. S

    Defy Shipping/Order Processing - Gotta be better

    I have no issue with Defy and am very thankful for the service that they've provided me over the past 5 years. I'd be screwed without them. The few minor issues I've had pale in comparison to the problems I've experienced with mainstream healthcare. For example I was getting HCG through my endo...
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    Low Energy / Low Libido / Poor Sleep / High Cortisol / Low (Free) T (?)

    It has been a while since I went through the T3 treatment. My life and TRT protocol was a mess during that time and I felt awful. The only thing I do know is that the T3 treatment was successful in lowering my RT3 as well as my TSH. (TSH was 2.5ish prior and went down to 1). I got my life...
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Gentlemen, Working on getting an appointment with my Endo who's booked out into Feburary. Going to throw together a folder with all of my test numbers and other reference data in hopes of getting a scan of my adrenals. Also, updated the first post with all of my test numbers for DHEAs.
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    @Guitarman5 I've always had visual snow, but it has gotten a little worse over the past year. I've gotten a noticeable amount of eye floaters over the past year and after looking up blue field entoptic phenomenon I think I have a little bit of that too. I also have tinnitus, and I've read that...
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Here's an example of an Adrenal neoplasm causing elevated DHEAs in a female. The mcg/dl is the same unit as ug/dl, so the pre-op elevated numbers are right up there with ours.
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Guitarman5, do you know what your DHEAs levels were prior to taking the supplement and what is your resting heart rate? Good work on finding the video, I appreciate it. I'll dig into it and try get get a better understanding of the pathways. Please keep us updated on how keto works out for you...
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    Who Started TRT w/ "Normal" Levels @ What Age?

    Threads a little old, but want to say that I wouldn't consider TRT with those numbers. I started TRT in 2017 at age 26 with a TT of 240-260. If I could have your numbers naturally then I'd run, not walk away from TRT. Your Vitamin D supplement isn't doing shit. I'd fix that, and add a...
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    Risk of Transference with cream

    I'm interested to see what others say, but the little bit that I've read on the subject seems to always refer to gels and not creams. I'm sure that there are similarities between the two, but I don't know enough to comment further on that. From what I've read about the gels, a lot of...
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    Still at 500iu twice a week.
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    Just an update, month and a half later after switching back to Pregnyl HCG. Honestly I've been feeling great. Better mood, more energy, overall feeling a lot better. Ejaculate volume has increased as has orgasm strength. Almost out of the Pregnyl though and now I see it's backordered. No...
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    Mediocre testosterone level, low s-Lh

    With all due respect, I wouldn't even consider TRT, Clomid or HCG if I had your test levels. I'm 30 but started TRT back when I was 26. My TT was around 260 ng/dL (9 nmol/L). The guys here are correct in that free T is what really matters. I'd want to know what your bloods look like there...
  12. S

    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    On the topic of "stockpiling" one point I had more unconstituted HCG than I knew what to do with. I kept the boxes in gallon zip lock bags and stored them in the fridge. Used them for a couple of years, by the time I was getting to the end of my stash I was using vials that were over a...
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    I think I'm going to try to put some pressure on my doctors to get answers about my DHEA's levels. If anything comes of it I'll send you a PM, I know you're one of the regulars around here. I feel for you man, IMO brain fog is one of the worse symptoms IMO and the fatigue is definitely linked...
  14. S

    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Wow, you've tested yours a lot. I think I've only checked mine while on TRT but I'm going to have to go through my physical records with notes to see if there is any pattern. I do not believe I have ever tested below 600. I'm on Pregnyl at the moment, but that most recent test was when I was on...
  15. S

    Dht levels

    Thank you! I look forward to reviewing it tomorrow morning.
  16. S

    High DHT converter... becoming a problem for me

    I follow you now and I agree. Did you get labs to confirm that your E2 was indeed higher during the protocol that you felt good on? I bet it way, no doubt. I wouldn't want to be on 200mg all to the scrotum long term either man. I'm on 50mg to the scrotum per day and I often wonder what the high...
  17. S

    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Thanks for the link, I hate that all of the high DHEA's symptoms are always geared toward females. One thing clicked though, according to the link "DHEAS is mostly made in the adrenal glands, two small glands located above your kidneys. They help control heart rate, blood pressure, and other...
  18. S

    Paradoxical Increase in Adrenal Activity from Exogenous Test?

    Gotcha, looking forward to the labs and hearing what other have to say. I don't have the answers for you unfortunately. I do however have high DHEAs, and just started a thread on it recently. My Cortisol is normal(High AM, low PM). My Current protocol is in my signature, and I've been on it...
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    Paradoxical Increase in Adrenal Activity from Exogenous Test?

    I know that "wired but tired" feeling, I felt it almost the entire time I was on injections. Out of curiosity what do your adrenal labs look like? Have you done a dinural cortisol test? IDK if it helps or not but there is a supplement called phosphatidylserine that has been shown to lower...
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    What're you levels like? I agree it doesn't seem normal. I often wonder if it might be the key to get me feeling 100% again...even though it's hard to remember what normal truly feels like or if it ever existed for me. Brain Fog? Yes. I suffered with it horribly until my current protocol...
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    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Does anyone else here have high DHEAs levels? I'm 30yrs old, and have been on TRT more or less since 2017. I do not, and have not ever taken a DHEA supplement. My DHEA has been well above the reference range every single time I've tested for it. The last time it was: 760 with a reference range...
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    Dht levels

    Any chance you could share the link to Nelson discussing that? I'm quite interested.
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    High DHT converter... becoming a problem for me

    I'm a bit confused here...Am I understanding this correctly? On injectables for the first year you felt like shit. On scrotal cream you felt good for the better part of a year as long as you didn't consume something that would lower your estrogen. Now you're on injectibles again and feel...
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    I beleive the regular old pharmacy. I have never heard of Walmart's specialty pharmacy.
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    My Urologist provides the prescription and I filled it through Walmart for $115 with Goodrx for a 10,000iu vial. I remember reading about that too, but I guess that's not the case. That might have been a rumor caused by shortage at one point? I was on HCG Monotherapy in 2018 and my doctor at...
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    500iu twice a week.
  27. S

    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    Well 7 days in and I'm definitely feeling better with the Pregnyl. Improved sensitivity, orgasms, erections and libido. I didn't realize how much I was missing out on. My testicles feel heavier too. Ejaculate volume is hard to guage due to daily sex, I usually need a couple of days for it to...
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    I'm a bit bummed out that they didn't offer that as an option when I told them that the Empower stuff doesn't seem to be working as well. So the Hallandale stuff also comes in 12,000iu vials as well?
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    How are you getting your HCG through Hallndale and how much is it costing you? Just curious. I've gotten the Empower stuff through Defy, and the Pregnyl through my Urologist.
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    Well I picked up the Pregnyl and just got done injecting 500iu's of it. $115 with Goodrx. I should know in the next day or two if I feel any better. It's just a shame that I've got at least half a vial of the Empower stuff sitting in the fridge. I will say that despite my complaints that the...
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    Empower vs Pregnyl HCG

    Thanks, I'll have to try and find the post. IDK why but I've never had much luck with the search engine here, and google doesn't seem to work well either anymore. Feels like injecting water for sure. Out of curiosity, did you ever try increasing the dose on Empower HCG? I'm injecting 500iu...