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  1. K

    In a mild panic, did I just OD on anastrazole?

    So, funny story. (For those that aren’t me lol) I keep my Arimidex on the left, viagra on the right. Evidently during cleaning my wife swapped them not knowing. I took 3 and thought man, I’m getting low. (I wasn’t but hindsight - wrong bottle) so I’m aware the dosage for full blown cancer...
  2. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    hmmm, much to think about. As far as more frequent injections, I just cant imagine plowing through 365 syringes a year every year lol. I think ive been nudged enough to at least look into moving to EoD and dropping the AI though. Just gotta figure out the dosing. because of shbg I have to get...
  3. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    thank you very much for that solid post. I would loathe having to inject daily, but it would certainly be offset by the chance for no AI. Perhaps ill drop the AI and move from 60 E3D to 40 E2D to start. I hate that im so far along and still messing with it but it is what it is. Should i taper...
  4. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    hmm, didnt know he had a book on trt. Interesting. I dont have kindle unlimited but I am an amazon prime member and I think they have some kinda deal w/ that or at least a trial. Will take a peek. Gonna look into this DIM stuff too. Dont think ive ever heard anything about it. Will have...
  5. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    fwiw here are my cholesterol labs Not sure which is the good and which is the bad, but in general both seemed to have gone down. I have cleaned up my diet dramatically since prior of course, and the TRT started in summer of 2018 for reference. Prior labs are due to the initial labs and...
  6. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    you see, ive heard time and time again how thats basically central to a solid trt protocol. The only thing thus far thats kept me from demanding it on the basis my nuts are the size of grapes, is the fact im married and my wife could care less lol. ive also read that it can cause crazy...
  7. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    mmmm. So based on the dosages and numbers I reported above, what would you suggest I change my dosing to? is it linear? aka if I did 60 every 3 days, id do 30eod or 15 daily? I know without keeping my TT at or above range I dont get my FT high enough to feel the benefit. Fortunately as many of...
  8. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    is this the guy im looking for?
  9. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    what would I look for as far as pre-diabetic goes? anything that would be present in a CBC/lab? I have a ton of stuff, much I have no clue what it pertains to. Thanks for the defy info, ill definitely look into whether or not I can get it past my insurance. its very good insurance (blue...
  10. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    you are correct, and I do realize this. Oddly enough I kept telling myself theres plenty of guys with hypertension that get along just fine - but as we all know, thats not how this works :P Its good to hear that it had an impact with your ED. Hopefully it will help with mine. Like i noted, the...
  11. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    Ah, no i didnt mean cessation of trt necessarily. I meant ceasing the AI. Sounds like youre more championing the opposite. Or adding something in addition to. I certainly felt better on the IM than subQ, but when levels are similar I dont understand why the difference? Is it truly the peaks...
  12. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    yea the kidneys I figured was likely from heavy protein intake and/or the fact I had part of one lopped off due to the cancer. The doctor has yet to say anything so I kinda just filed it away. Now you have me wondering again. I only eat 1g/lb which comes out to ~180g a day. While the foolish...
  13. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    thank you guys for digging at this btw. Otherwise im left with facing coming off.
  14. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    and this if thats what your looking for. Unless you wanted the separate bun and creatinine readings, i have those as well.
  15. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    thats what i have under the thyroid section.
  16. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    yes, there are some thyroid labs sprinkled in at my behest. They were within range/he didnt mention anything regarding it after the fact. Let me dig some of that stuff up real quick. have to reference the website for those results. BBS
  17. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    TT was 497 before I had labs drawn while in a calorie deficit at a very low bf% which skewed my hormones under the range with readings of 305 and 197 or some such. Of course with a 400-1080 range, my TT wasnt the best even at 497 I guess. I certainly wouldnt be against giving it a more robust...
  18. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    I have not. When i started TRT i immediately retained a ton of water. Scary amount. Ankles blew up and all kinda gnarly stuff. I started on an AI immediately thereafter, the water went away, and I havent looked back. I usually take .25mg every other day, or every third day. Trying to keep it to...
  19. K

    Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?

    SKIP TO BELOW THE DOTTED LINE IF YOU DONT WANT THE HISTORY :p So im going to try to make a long (~2 year) story as short and concise as possible. Since i believe its relevant.... I was a long term opiate addict. I finished that miserable journey with a few years of methadone treatment which is...
  20. K

    Where to go from here?

    i appreciate the links - but not gonna hold my breath for two reasons. One, if something like this is out there - or legitimately on the horizon, it will be fast tracked to market like nothing youve ever seen. The demand would outstrip supply and prices would be astronomical almost certainly...
  21. K

    Where to go from here?

    probably a little. I had a bit of recession at the temples I guess. It hadnt moved in a very long time and i didnt look balding or thin for my age. Certainly didnt bother me. The flipside is my dad definitely has severe recession at 60, so I know I have the male pattern baldness/dht sensitivity...
  22. K

    Where to go from here?

    thanks for the link. Those look to be some pretty solid numbers. Not sure how my doc would feel about my free T being high OOR but we'll see some day i imagine lol. My DHEA-S is only 234mcg/dl in a range of 89-427, is this something I should try to get up? Honestly one item im completely...
  23. K

    Where to go from here?

    now THAT is an approach i didnt consider in all fairness. Something small as a shallow IM. Perhaps a good middle ground. Pig sticker was exactly a 25g 1" actually lol. I get that in the scheme of things, some people are using 23g 1.5's and 25g 1" is reasonable, I just became acclimated to the...
  24. K

    Where to go from here?

    So the TLDR version is i tried to make the switch to subQ. Im highish SHBG ~57 but ive seen it as low as 33 depending on protocol and whether im eating at a surplus or deficit at the time. I seem to lose libido and morning wood almost entirely if my freeT is below the top 20 percent, which...
  25. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    another bookmark in my toolkit, that one i didnt know about - thank you though considering my albumin of 4.9, if that range truly goes up to 31 it puts me at 36, which further begs the question where my libido and wood went, and further lends cirumstantial evidence towards it being estrogen...
  26. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    aaaaaaah. I used that for my peak/trough's on my testosterone, but never even thought to check if it had arimidex :)
  27. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    pre trt i felt awful, which is what led me to go get blood to begin with. Of course sub 200 test was likely much of the culprit lol. my "restrictions" arent cold n fast or w/e the saying is - so to speak. I'm just trying to keep this as simple as i can given its a really long term solution...
  28. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    thats what i got. the "total estrogens" is irrelevant yes? We purely worry about estradiol? thats day of next injection ftr
  29. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    no idea if theyre sensitive. i request sensitive but what i get is what i get. Sensitive or otherwise, the numbers are at least relative to one another. As for 1/3 tab, without some fancy shmancy dillution or finding a compounding pharmacy (both which break up my pursuit of simplicity) its...
  30. K

    Advice on how to adjust protocol (mostly adex) based on recent labs

    So im over a half year into TRT now. Have made adjustments every 6-8 weeks based on how i felt, and based on prior labs. I'm getting close(r). I feel amazing. No more acne. No more oily skin. Just trying to minimize the havoc its wreaked on my hairline (which to be fair, is probably expected...