Maybe this is out the context but when I used gel I was flushing red and was always hot eventhogh it wasn´t. Horrible really! I notice the very same if I try to inject more that 50mg x 2 week. I don´t it is E2 related it might the be the testo itself in combo with higher DHT. To many colds that...
Seems good but really expensive. I wonder what make whey spike your fasting glucose? Can it have something do with other ingrediences that come with it? I really don´t want my fasting glucose to spike so I should look for alternatives.
I´m a viking living in south of Europe where drinking wine is normal and I would´be surpriced that I drink a bottle (75cl) almost every day with no problem. However only red wine nothing els and with food (lunch and dinner). My doc asked me about my dringking habits and I told him frankly a...
I don´t mix the Orvirelle with BW is already mixed- just draw from the pen it has a rubber cover so its easy. Only 3 bar on a 0.5ml syringe will give around 500iu.
There is thread somewhere on EM where you can find the calculation.
I wounder why most GPs do not ask for complet Thyriod tests. I have to fight only to get free T3 and T4. Its like as long as ones ths within range everything is fine.
Where I live there is no cream. I have testim that I hardly used but sometimes I apply some on my sack and it´s not that bad. So my question is can I use it on my penis as well I don´t mind the sting lol
Low HDL can also be ones genetics. As I understand it when the Cholesterol doesn´t make in to the cells like it should you will end having a surplus (high LDL) and HDL (the cleaner) thinks that it doesn´t need to clean that much because the cells don´t get enough. Only a theory
Not changing the subject matter on this thread!
But your mentioning of Pregnyl that I used and worked very well for me has been taken out of the Europian market. I wounder why grrrr
Man that guy is high on testosterone lol but I agree to some part with him how you get a different feel. I switched from enanthate (Testoviron) to Sustanon and it’s so much faster to draw and inject and painless. Enanthate made feel more warm and red face alike and I felt that my E2 was higher...
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