ok, however upon enclomiphene discontinuation, lower pituitary LH signaling (from pituitary higher ER e2 sensitivity from the SERM), would possibly lead to lower LH intratesticular conversion amount to testosterone, therefore ending up with less serum e2 to go around overall to bind to e2...
Ok, main rationale for switching is I've been on a 300mg sublingual DHEA daily regimen for about five months as a hormonal optimization plan.
I'm due for bloodwork soon, DHEA noticeably brings in the desirable effects from more DHT and e2 I couldn't reliably achieve on Test E, then HCG...
wouldn't ER antagonist activity lead to receptor sensitivity upregulation down the line, which would increase LH negative feedback response from a given amount of e2 binding to upregulated estrogen receptors ?
I'm thinking about trialing enclomiphene soon; what I generally see from online user reports is that people have low testosterone levels overall (backed by bloods), then hop on (en)clomiphene, and they tend to report higher total testosterone after weeks of trial,
presumably from the ER...
@Cataceous you see lots of guys only taking (en)clomiphene for LH pituitary restart/stimulation, most users who show their accompanying blood work provide some levels of proof for the efficacy of clomiphene as a SERM for restarting pituitary LH signaling.
However, few seem to put forward that...
where do you stand nowadays on the LH issue on TRT, regarding the suppression of brain LH receptor activation, possibly leading to missing out on putative benefits from neurological effects from having brain LH (or LHR analogs such as HCG) ?
It's still unclear to me whether or not brain LHR...
@Cataceous so I'm one week into the Kisspeptin-10 250mcg daily (125cmg BID), so far nothing to report as of yet. I'm expecting very mild results, if anything noticeable at all.
Also @Cataceous , I've been on a test propionate regimen for about two years; I often inject ED or EOD.
However, at times I've been injecting relatively low amounts, and/or skipping days or even a week.
Given that test prop half-life is quite short, I wonder whether or not the negative...
Thank you,
gnrh might also exert beneficial indirect effets on cognition as well:
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates the biosynthesis of pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the hypothalamus
I know, I've been unsuccessfully looking for kisspeptin-54 before.
had my first 200mcg kisspeptin injection this morning, how long do you take it might take to reap the subjective mental benefits of increased gnrh signaling ? (if any, whatever I will be able to notie in changes might be placebo).
Thank you for the link;
my plan is to start a trial of kisspeptin-10 for backfilling the gnrh pathways (despite being on exogenous test, don't know how it will play out in practice, if I'll still be able to get the gnrh cascade activated or not).
What do you think of using kisspeptin to tha...
Are you on exogenous test right now? Do you notice subjective changes in cognition from backfilling the gnrh and LH pathways through using gonadorelin and enclomiphene?
I'm still torn on the benefits of adding HCG low-dose, due to the purported benefits of HCG on brain health through LH...
he question I also ponder about Kisspeptin and exogenous test, is at what level do androgens exert negative feedback on hypothalamus gnrh secretion;
if it occurs right at the level of Kisspeptin signaling, then administering exogenous kisspeptin would still lead to gnrh being secreted in the...
In the case you have "normal" T levels naturally (well-functioning HPTA) but want to get more intratesticular testosterone production through higher LH synthesis in the pituitary from using enclomiphene in order to block the pituitary estrogen => LH negative feedback,
you'll still be running...
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