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  1. J

    LDH Blood Test

    My Spanish tutor went to the doctor for a checkup. He said he was tired. Doctor gave him a blood test for thyroid and LDH. I suggested he also test for testosterone. LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) is a new test to me. Internet tells me it indicates muscle or tissue damage if the level is high. His...
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    IGF-1 and Free T Increase Prostate Cance Risk

    From an article on the study: Risk was estimated using multivariable-adjusted Cox regression in 199,698 male UK Biobank participants. 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis of IGF-I and risk used genetic instruments identified from UK Biobank men and genetic outcome data from the...
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    Low T levels increase damage in artheriosclerosis

    It's an animal study, but probably relevant to men. It's best not to eat an unhealthy diet, but it's good to know that testosterone protects against heart artery damage. The abstract says: "To gain insights into the role of testosterone in the development of atherosclerosis and its related...
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    Short Acting T Less Suppresive of FH, LSH

    Here is the abstract: A total of 8 studies reported the effect of T on FSH and LH in 793 hypogonadal men: 2 used long-acting injectables (enanthate or undecanoate) in a total of 16 men, 5 used intermediate-acting daily topical gels or patches in a total of 471 men, and 1 used short-acting...
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    Antioxidants Improve Sex Hormone Levels

    Fifty infertile men were given supplements to improve their condition. There was also a control group of fifty men. The supplements improved hormone levels, but not sperm counts. The abstract says: A total of 100 idiopathic infertile men aged 23-46 years were included in the study. Control...
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    Physiological effects of breath control

    The ancient medical techniques of fasting and breath control are finally getting the attention they deserve. Here is a paper on the physiological effects of breath control. Key points Slow breathing practices have gained popularity in the western world due to their claimed health benefits, yet...
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    Lifestyle Factors That Influence Testosterone Levels

    From an online article: Researchers analyzed serum total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin levels from a cohort of 208,677 men aged 40 to 69 years participating in the population-based, prospective cohort UK Biobank study from 2006 to 2010. Demographic and medication information...
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    Positive and Negative Effects of Steroid Use

    Three confounding factors that make it difficult to assess the long term effects of steroid use are that steroid users are more likely to engage in other risky behaviors, they are more likely to use other drugs such as GH, insulin, and clenbuterol, and steroid users eat a diet much different...
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    Positive and Negative Effects of Steroid Use

    The abstract is so clear that it's worth quoting the whole thing: An estimated 4‐6% of fitness center visitors uses anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). Reliable data about adverse reactions of AAS are scarce. The HAARLEM study aimed to provide insight into the positive and negative effects of...
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    Does TRT prevent age-related illness?

    A healthy diet and regular exercise will resolve many age related problems. TRT will give you the energy and drive to keep a healthy diet and exercise.
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    Testosterone vs. Weight Loss Surgery

    Three months is a quarter of a year. 52 dived by 4 is 13 weeks.
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    Testosterone vs. Weight Loss Surgery

    It's a common practice outside of the United States to give an injection of 1000 mg of testosterone undecanoate in the doctor's office every three months. That's the equivalent of 77 mg a week. A low dose, but not ridiculously low. The half life of test u is about 7-8 weeks.
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    Testosterone vs. Weight Loss Surgery

    This is a news report on a presentation at the European and International Conference on Obesity. The research was funded by Bayer, who sells Nebido, the form of testosterone used in this study. The researchers collected data since 2004 of 471 men with functional hypogonadism, or low...
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    New Myostatin Inhibitor

    There was recently an article in the news about mice who were flown on the International Space Station who resisted the normal loss of muscle mass associated with weightlessness as a result of receiving a drug containing a new myostatin inhibitor. The mice not only resisted muscle loss, they...
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    An Interview with Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

    Dr. Morgenthaler is a pioneer in the field of testosterone replacement therapy and was recently interviewed in a new journal, Androgens. I found this answer interesting. What are some of the common misconceptions about testosterone deficiency and testosterone therapy? Testosterone has really...
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    Low Vitamin C Levels in Covid Patients

    A study showed that more than 90% of ICU patients with covid-19 had undetectable Vitamin C levels: "Plasma vitamin C levels in a population of adult ICU patients COVID-19 who met ARDS criteria according to the Berlin definition were prospectively measured. None of the patients included...
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    How TRT Increases Muscle Mass

    The study found that testosterone increases muscle mass not by stimulating growth, but by slowing breakdown. The abstract says: "Here, we examined skeletal muscle biopsies obtained before and 24-h after the last dose of treatment with either testosterone gel (n = 12) or placebo (n = 13) for...
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    Post Office Delivery Times

    Post Office delivery times have gone into the toilet recently. I've had deliveries slip by over a week. Anyone else notice problems? And have you gone without medicine because of slow delivery?
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    Anabolic Steroids for Post-Recovery ICU Patients

    It's good to know some doctors are considering this, but I don't think they will make much haedway against the popular prejudice against steroids. The abstract says: "ICU survivors frequently suffer significant, prolonged physical disability. ‘ICU Survivorship’, or addressing quality-of-life...
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    What causes heart disease?

    Epidemiological research over the last 50 years has discovered a plethora of biomarkers (including molecules, traits or other diseases) that associate with coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. Even the strongest association detected in such observational research precludes drawing conclusions...
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    An Anabolic Steroid to Treat Covid-19?

    This is posted more for its amusement value rather than a serious suggestion for therapy. The IEEE Spectrum has posted an article on a new approach to treating COVID. It says: "One of the most persistent and deadly outcomes of extreme COVID disease involves the lungs of patients filling with...
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    Glucosamine Reduces All Cause Mortality

    This study result is unexpected. Glucosamine supplementation reduced all cause mortality by 15% in a large observational study. "This population-based prospective cohort study included 495 077 women and men (mean (SD) age, 56.6 (8.1) years) from the UK Biobank study. Participants were recruited...
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    TRT and Chronic Pain

    This Japanese study found that 6 months of TRT improved chronic pain and other quality of life measures. The abstract says: "The present study investigated the efficacy of 6 months of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on chronic pain syndrome in late-onset hypogonadal (LOH) men. Sixty...
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    2020 US Dietary Guidelines

    None of the new dietary guidelines are suprising. All are within the mainstream of nutritional opinion over the last five years. There is evidence backing up all of the guidelines. But since the evidence has not yet reached the general public, partly due to "industry food groups," they seem...
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    Blood Test to Determine When to Use Steroids for Covid-19

    The use of corticosteroids to treat covid-19 has been controversial. Some studies has shown it benefits patients and others have shown it worsens the disease. A new study says that C Reactive Protein levels indicate when corticosteroid use is beneficial. High levels indicate they will help...
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    2020 US Dietary Guidelines

    The US is in the process of revising its dietary guidelines for 2020, something it does every five years. The US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has released its report (pdf file), part of the process before the guidelines are finalized. The executive summary includes the following...
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    When TRT Fails

    Men with more comorbid conditions are more likely to report TRT has failed to help them. This implies taking other measures to improve your health along with TRT is more likely to produce a good outcome. Chief amon these are a healthy diet and exercise, but may also include other medical...
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    Aspartame Damages Testicular Function

    I think the best advice is that if something is bad for you is to reduce your consumption of it rather than look for an artificial substitute. The people eating Beyond Burgers thinking they're healthier than regular burgers are just fooling themselves.
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    Aspartame Damages Testicular Function

    This is an animal study, but still very concerning. Another reason to avoid eating processed foods. Unfortunately, I only have access to the abstract, which leaves out some information I like to know. "In this experimental study, a total of 36 adult male mice were randomly divided into four...
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    Pulmonary Fibrosis and Testosterone Levels

    A news article discusses a new study finding a link between idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and testosterone levels. The original study is also online: "The protective tips of chromosomes, called telomeres, are shorter in men with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) than age-matched peers, and...
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    More Evidence of Declining Testosterone During Last Decades

    I'm always surprised to see so many young men complain about low testosterone. I wonder if the clinics have seen a shift in their clients to a younger age. The problem has two parts. First, lifestyle, mostly diet and exercise. And the second, testosterone lowering and estrogen mimicking...
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