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  1. J

    Testosterone Pellets - Are They Better than Injections or Gels?

    I was talking to a new, local clinic today that does pellets (doing injections now). The guy I spoke with said he can get my levels up to the 1000 range and that I would not need Arimidex or HCG any longer. I get it that the advantage to pellets is a constant release, no spikes. Beyond that, I...
  2. J

    Increased PSA

    My PSA has gone from 2.5 in May of 2014 to 3.8 in Feb. This roughly coincides with when I started injections. My primary noted a concern, my test clinic said we need to watch it and today a new clinic I am investigating says they won't touch me with that level. I am going to make an appointment...
  3. J

    Frequent masturbation-any benefit?

    I am using the Source Naturals brand, 1000mg tabs. The bottle says 2 2X daily. I have been aiming for 1 3X per day but not always consistent.
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    Crashed E

    Thanks for being kind Nelson, I feared an "I told you so" reaction as you frequently caution against overmanagement of E. While I was aware of your warnings, I also didn't like my numbers and thought they needed to be addressed. I should have pushed back on the dosage but trusted the clinic. I...
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    Crashed E

    wow, can't get this posted right 2/23 Test 861 Estradiol less than 6 (range7.2-42.6) different lab
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    Crashed E

    wow, can't get this posted right 2/23 Test 861 Estradiol
  7. J

    Crashed E

    Labs - 5/7 Test 520 Estradiol 58 (range 8-43ng/L)9/19 Test 988 Estradiol 91 (range 8-43ng/L) 2/23 Test 861 Estradiol
  8. J

    Crashed E

    I'll try to keep this short. My endo watched my E levels climb and climb and would not do anything about it. Right or wrong, I was convinced that my TRT experience in 2004 as well as this time was not completely successful because I am a high converter. I switched to a clinic to manage my TRT...
  9. J

    Frequent masturbation-any benefit?

    Based on some recent reading, I decided to try Citrulline. For me, it has been more effective than the Argenine and Horny Goat weed. I feel half hard all of the time and have been having better erections. Still need Viagra or Cialis for full on penetration if I want to go the distance, but...
  10. J

    Crashed E

    My clinic had me on 1mg Arimidex 2X per week. Prior to changing to the clinic my endo would not even discuss it with me. So we have agreed to try .5mg 2X per week. My question for you guys is should I just not take any for a period of time to allow a rebound of some sort and if so, how long...
  11. J

    Weight gain on Testosterone

    One of the reasons the Endo switched me off Clomid is he said that often it raised Estrogen as well as Test. He is not against AI's but very conservative. No idea what my E levels are since switching to injections and won't know until August. It would not surprise me if they stay up and will...
  12. J

    Weight gain on Testosterone

    I have been taking Lisinopril for a while now and my bp was a little elevated on my last regular Dr visit last week, but bottom number still in the 80's, but had been in the 70's since going on medication. I am doing Test Cypionate 100mg weekly intramuscular. No labs scheduled until just...
  13. J

    Weight gain on Testosterone

    Have not posted in a while. Just to update, within the last month, my endo switched me off of Clomid and onto injections. I am doing Test Cypionate 100mg weekly intramuscular, no labs scheduled for a while so not sure the impact on my levels. I was testing around 500 on the Clomid, but...
  14. J

    Test to Estradiol ratios

    Thanks for the reply Nelson, very helpful.
  15. J

    Test to Estradiol ratios

    I can't tell. I never saw the order (all online). I was just excited to see that he was monitoring it (since my primary care Dr refused to) and the results I can see online do not say. I won't see him again to ask for three months.
  16. J

    Test to Estradiol ratios

    So Endo did nothing. Wants to wait 3 months. We discussed an ai but he looked at the Estradiol at 49 and said it was within range but no discussion of ratio. I am around 10:1 and saw in another related post that it should be in the neighborhood of 17:1. I have ordered a DIM supplement and...
  17. J

    Test to Estradiol ratios

    Endo had me start Clomid in November to see if I could get my body to make more T. Some labs - 11/11 - Test 271, Estradiol 29 - off all replacement for 30 days, new no med baseline 2/3 - Test 520, Estradiol 49 This is the first set of labs after the Clomid, so not sure if dosage will be...
  18. J

    Starting over?

    Yeah Gene, the reasons you cite as red flags are why I am trying to find an alternative to my PCP. You are correct however that I have not had this conversation with my endo yet. He diagnosed and found my parathyroid tumor (appt with surgeon on Fri) so I like him and have some confidence in...
  19. J

    Starting over?

    I am seeing an endo to decide if I should switch to him for my TRT. I have been less than satisfied with my PCP's treatment protocols. I just started TRT again back in May and my endo wants me to stop for two weeks, then baseline test again off meds before he discusses how he would treat me...
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