The first time I got pellets, he gave me 12 of them, lol. My total T was 2000 which was obviously too much. That's when he backed it down to 9 pellets, then 8 pellets, and now 7. I think I'm gonna ask if he can bump it back up to 8 or 9 where I felt best.
Free T: 235 PG/ml
I used to get 9 pellets for 3 years and felt even better on that dose. They wanted to start with 7 this time. It's good but 9 pellets worked wonders. Always felt good 2 weeks after insertion and it lasted about 3 months.
It's also weird how the pellets don't raise my E2 like the injections did.
Total T: 1100
E2: 40 (used to be around 70-100 on injections without an AI)
I'm going to ask for one more pellet next time. I used to get pellets and my total T was around 1200-1400 and I really felt great. Plus the...
That's a lot to unpack there Madman. Thanks for all of the data.
I'll keep checking in to give my updates as the weeks progress. I plan on updating once a week through the full 12 weeks to track how things go.
My sleep is fine. Morning wood is on point too!! Sleep was good on injections too though. I only had sleep issues prior to TRT.
My only real problem on injections was libido(Like a lot of people here) and the pellets have seemed to fix that issue substantially. As I said before, I started on...
I will say I'm not on here as much because I feel like I found the answer to my problems
.....and because my bitcoins are about to go to the moon!!! lol
I have had similar thoughts about the dopamine being the reason for the libido........ and the slow gradual release helping the dopamine levels.
It's also interesting that when I'm on pellets, the libido seems to be even higher on the way back down (roughly week 8-10'ish). Then the last few...
True, the insertion site is sore for about 5 days for me which isn't the best. The new lady at the doctors office inserts them higher these days which seems to be a better spot. I'm not sitting on that spot and she says she has way less pellets getting extruded when she puts them higher up on...
I tried injections with and without AI's and the libido was never really there in a strong way. Maybe it wasn't aromatization. Maybe it was something else, who knows.
I have a theory but it's all bro science.....
- The slower steady rise of testosterone over 6-8 weeks and then the decline over 6-8 weeks may make the T aromatase less....Similar to people going to daily injections? Pellets are a continuous "IV drip" in a way. They're constantly dissolving...
In the pursuit of libido only, pellets work for me soooo much better. Injections and pellets both work great for me in terms of energy, antidepressant effects, and mood......but the libido was always not very strong at all with injections on any protocol(for whatever reason). I'll take the extra...
Libido was raging for the first three years on pellets. I don't see why it wouldn't be raging again. Libido only fell off when starting injections. I never really had it during least not at a high level
It's about $400 a year more expensive for pellets for me
$2400 per year for pellets
Cypionate - $500 per year
HCG - $350 per year
AI - $100 per year
Doctor visits (twice per year Telemed) - $400
blood work twice per year - $650
So after trying injections for 2.5 years I went back to testosterone pellets. I'm one week in and my libido is already coming back strong. I started on pellets 6 years ago and stayed on them for 3 years and they always worked great. I stopped them because every now and then I'd have one that...
Maybe it's because you're a little tense about giving blood? Mine is always higher if I'm about to give blood. I'm not a fan of the whole process.
If you check it in the morning and it's good, I think you're good. If you check it in the morning and it's high, you might need to check into it and...
So having heard that, the 200mg every two weeks seems like it would be a good treatment. You get the sharp increase and the tail off of testosterone levels....and then the sharp increase again two weeks later. It would seem that you'd get the honey phase every two weeks that way. Someone prove...
I find this dopamine serotonin interesting. So what would be an experiment with getting your dopamine up to see if it helps libido? Is there something besides prescription drugs that would help? I'd like to try and increase dopamine to see if it works. I mean, it makes sense to me that it would...
Maybe it's because the androgen receptors are in a sense starving for T and then when you give them a big dose, it overloads them and you get that honeymoon phase. Then they adjust to the influx of T and normalize so it kind of fades away? Total bro science but I'm sticking with my hypothesis :)
I'd say that I've struggled on injections so far. Things are far better than before TRT but the libido piece is always difficult to attain. I've been on pellets in the past and not had this issue. It felt like a long honeymoon phase that slowly comes on and then slowly dissapates. THey last...
Interesting theory.....
I have a recent experience where I was on 20mg a day for about 8-9 months and went down to 16mg a day for 6 weeks because I read where people said they felt better on a lower dose(especially with low SHBG which I have). I personally didn't like the lower dose at all and...
It seems the higher my testosterone goes, the calmer I get. I've taken 100mg and up to 200mg a week and 200mg makes me feel wayyyy calmer than 100mg a week. I will say that if I take too much AI, I'll get some anxiety from low E2.
I've had total testosterone levels of 2,000 in the past and...
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