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  1. G

    Regaining fertility after 3 years TRT

    I would still advocate the use of hmg or fsh with hcg from the start. I was infertile whilst still using 500iu of hcg every 3 days as part of trt. The additional 75iu EOD of hmg made a rapid difference. My wife is now 30 weeks pregnant and so far all has been good. Just hcg might work for...
  2. G

    Blood pressure not in range

    Well I decided to stop the weekly deca last Saturday and have been working on relaxing my mind and not allowing myself to be agitated. I haven’t remembered to take a morning measurement yet but to last two before bed readings are 130/77 126/77 so that’s a pretty big return to normal when...
  3. G

    Blood pressure not in range

    In the evening, but I want to conduct some tests over the coming days at morning noon and night to see where it’s at and will share results
  4. G

    Blood pressure not in range

    My bp prior to starting trt and for a good 18 months has been fairly stable, albeit systolic on the upper threshold range 130 to 140. Since being on my 2nd stint of low dose deca 90mg a week my bp has been in the mid 140s for systolic and slightly above 85 diastolic. also work has been...
  5. G

    Deca Gains. What to expect

    For me it was primarily joints. I was really pleased with the improvement in elbow discomfort, but little progress on shoulder and knee. so I wouldn’t say it was a wonder drug but certainly helped restore more enjoyment from training, which is my passion anyway. the relatively modest muscle...
  6. G

    Deca Gains. What to expect

    I’ve been lifting almost 36 years Entirely natural before TRT started 18 months ago. 90mg of nandrolone did increase muscle mass during the first 3 months or so of use. Gain about 3-4 kgs of weight and strength gains were small at no more than a 5% of compound lifts, but seemed to recover...
  7. G

    Red Blood Cells out of range

    That would explain part of the increase although had been off deca for 6 weeks and the preceding 2 months was only on 60mg a week.
  8. G

    Red Blood Cells out of range

    Yes. 20 months on TRT. Counts has always been higher end if normal range but have tripped over this time. monotonous difference between this and last Blood test is that I had a 6 month stint of low dose deca which I had stopped 5 weeks before the latest test.
  9. G

    Red Blood Cells out of range

    For the first time a few red blood cell markers are tripped the upper range. The assessment that accompanied the blood work seemed pretty relaxed about it, but I think some corrective action is required. mum thinking to give blood and reduce my weekly T dose from 140mg to 120mg. Total T and...
  10. G

    How to travel with Testosterone and HCG?

    Well for just a week I had just not bothered with the hcg pin. Didn’t really notice much difference and for all the hassle of packing and temperature Control, I cannot see the issue. Longer or more frequent travellers different story.
  11. G

    Regaining fertility after 3 years TRT

    my post was in respect of the originator of the thread.
  12. G

    Regaining fertility after 3 years TRT

    I fully endorse the use of hmg 75iu EOD with hcg E3D. I went from infertile to fertile and a pregnant wife in 3 months. I did start the first few weeks with a higher HCG dose EOD before settling back to 500iu every 3 days. This higher initial HCG dose may or may not have been relevant, but hmg...
  13. G

    UK (London) based new member

    It’s obviously your judgement here ultimately as no one can force you to do anything you don’t believe is right, but I’d seriously review how much you should blindly follow your drs advice, as from the information presented it doesn’t seem to make sense. And running with a high dose and big...
  14. G

    UK (London) based new member

    That’s a pretty steep jump from 125 a week. why are they recommending that?
  15. G

    UK (London) based new member

    90mg deca once a week for around 4 months then 60mg for about 2 months. TRT was typically 120 - 135mg per week In this 6 month period. overall I enjoyed deca, felt generally better, elbows joint discomfort much improved and felt stronger and added some muscle. Did find erections slightly...
  16. G

    UK (London) based new member

    Quick views I don’t run an AI and generally ought to be avoided unless bloods or symptoms suggests it’s required. PCT is irrelevant. TRT is a long term protocol and you will be shut down whether you are just taking Test or Test plus deca. For the same reason as above clomid and nolva are not...
  17. G

    UK (London) based new member

    That’s great guidance thanks
  18. G

    UK (London) based new member

    These are interesting interviews. Nelson mentions that deca is not recommended for long term use due to effect on HDL. I was left wondering what might be an advantageous protocol with deca whereby the benefits could be enjoyed such as on joints, but the downside risks minimised. For instance...
  19. G

    UK (London) based new member

    Not sure about price difference, but yes I’m based in East Sussex and ex south London lad.
  20. G

    UK (London) based new member

    Sounds like you’ve found a great package there. Ihave used hcg from the start over 18 months back with trt. Started with sustanon but moved to test E and preferred it. Currently 140mg a week split into E3D pins. Also tried Deca for about 6 months at low dose 90mg a week then dropped to 60mg...
  21. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Certainly worth a look and actually is pretty consistent with a low FODMAP diet which is basically a wide range of carbs that you need to remove from your diet.
  22. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Shame about the gyms. I bought a few heavy kettlebells at highly inflated prices but it’s been enough to see me through the Covid period and will continue to do so until July or whenever the gyms here reopen. great links. Diet is particularly challenging for me at present due to IBS and...
  23. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Good that is isn’t much different given you’ve been on 200mg a week. Must be seeing some decent physical development ? Why do you want LDL to be where it is? I’m concerned about trying to keep a lid on LDL Whilst using deca and keep bp in the normal ranges, especially the systolic. I’m just on...
  24. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Now been off Deca for 3 weeks and towards the 2nd half of the cycle had reduced to 60mg per week. changes are minimal at this stage compared to when I was using deca. I actually stayed on for several months in the end but never managed to get bloods done during this time initially due to just...
  25. G

    Has anyone tried Bpc 157?

    Didn’t do anything for my knee and elbows wasn’t that noticeable over several vials of 5mg split into multiple doses. found deca a cheaper and more effective route for my joints especially elbows.
  26. G

    Pregnyl storage question

    I’d be interested in views too. I’ve always mixed with bac water and then keep in a sterile vial and refrigerate. One vial lasts just over 4 weeks at 500iu every 3 days. I recall when originally reading up on hcg that the water it comes with doesn’t last effectively for that duration of time.
  27. G

    Deca adding to TRT

    To be clearer I meant no differences noticed since the last deca shot two weeks ago. Libido no difference, only felt it was a bit more difficult to get hard in the initial few weeks after starting deca then this seemed to pass. muscle growth was good at about 4kgs and retained the same weight...
  28. G

    Deca adding to TRT

    For those using Deca more consistently in low dose how long are you running and if you do come off, for how long before returning. I’ve been on for about 6 months and stopped 2 weeks ago after reducing from 90mg to 60mg a week. Don’t really notice any differences pre and post yet but it’s still...
  29. G

    About to start TRT - should I?

    Lots of good replies already. My few cents is not to just “try” TRT to see how it goes. TRT is a serious decision and there probably other things to explore with less cost, health risks and long term commitment that may address the actual issues you report, which low T doesn’t seem to be one...
  30. G

    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    So true. I have trained in a gym for over 30 years not missing more than 1 week and I’ve coped with home training with 3 sets of kettlebells And a set of paralettes. Kit is expensive to buy now even if you can find a stockist so using my brain and devising training routines that make the best...
  31. G

    Fertility help...again

    As you may have read on here I took hmg and hcg EOD without the tamoxifen or Anastrozole and wife was pregnant after about 8 weeks. TRT remained throughout. Without blood work it would be educated guesswork but removal of anything that isn’t directly supporting the pregnancy goal must be the...
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