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  1. R

    Ways to naturally decrease hemorrhoid swelling

    Keep the area clean. An aloe wipe might help. Keep it dry by applying talc. Medicated talc may provide additional relief. Try a bland diet until it clears up. Oatmeal, low fat, foods common to "anti-inflamatory diet". Devices such as those that increase air flow while seated with assist...
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    Cautionary HCG Story and Need Help w/ Estradiol

    Madman, next time perhaps I'll send whoever makes an oversight that might negatively impact the op's decision a PM so he can correct it himself. I did wait to see if someone else would catch it. No doubt we'd all like to keep other peoples threads free of comments not directly relevant to...
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    Drinking Water and Diabetes: An Association in One Canadian Province

    Of the 21 metals and nutrients and 8 major ions study the association with diabetes was with arsenic and fluoride only. The data was from water quality monitoring was done from 2000 to 2012 by the Provincial Department of Environment and Climate Change. Contrasting the approach toward...
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    Cautionary HCG Story and Need Help w/ Estradiol

    That's what you said in post #2 madman. Addressing op I suggested , without naming you, that he consider the advice given was based on oversight. It is surprising therefore that you would then quote me and ask me "What it is that (I) don't understand?"
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    What tests should I request for my symptoms?

    Order panel series then either: (a) self interpret or (b) buy MD interpretation If going with (b) just get the TSH test. If it comes back within range everything is fine is the interpretation given by most MD's. Those here advocating these panels may or may not then design a...
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    If you are feeling great, how often do you pull labs?

    Nashtide, Test Tinker Fail yes I wholeheartedly agree. There's a chart posted here comparing the recommendations of various medical associations. My trt journey began decades ago. My early posts here show that I had become quite ill from lack of testing. In general MD's rarely pull serum...
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    Welcome to excelmale forum 1glffitpro. The choices are: 1) place your care in the hands of an MD you trust, or, 2) self guided care I do not know your level knowledge therefore it is best to assume that you are not yet ready for self guided care. Keep reading these pages and post your...
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    Cautionary HCG Story and Need Help w/ Estradiol

    stx358 You clearly post your current weekly dose of t cyp to be 140 mg per week yet members mistakenly reply that you are at taking 200 mg per and further go on to give medical advice to reduce your dose. A protocol of 180 mg per week over many months was just fine as far as your reported...
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    Krill Oil Compared to Fish Oil

    At Costco one can at times find competitive pricing of Krill goo as well as fire extinguishers. Offering the problem as well as the resolution in one basket is what makes them kool.
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    High Doses of Testosterone Caused Hypothyrodism in Rats

    Each day when I awake I thank the creator for not giving me life as a rat. ALL the same I question why He places rats on my path of evolution.
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    The 12 Year-Old Study That Proves Testosterone Injections Every Two Weeks Fail

    The mission of these pages is not to give medical advice. If under the care of an M.D. then his orders need to be followed. Members may choose self directed care should they feel competent to do so. Choosing to be a victim is just thst , a choice. Such persons will see this theme repeated many...
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    Traumatic Stress widely overlook in health evaluations

    We see many threads here of members dealing with what may be symptoms of stress rather than side effects of their medication. Stress that is symptomatic and on going is TSD, related to PTSD. Quality of life is diminished, interpersonal relations suffer. In our highly competitive fast paced...
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    I gave Discounted Labs a try…….

    Medicare should allow self order. It would save the program a ton of money. Medicare already has your diagnostic codes on file should they desire to limit use by indication. They should be tax deductible for those who are not covered.
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    Office Non Responsive

    Email? Did you log on to a secure area their site and use site messaging? Or was this regular hotmail, gmail ect? If the latter than that is not HIPAA compliant. All electronic communication containing details of your treatment to and from a clinic or MD are required by law to be encrypted.
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    My standard estrodiol results.

    The drawing lab usually retains the sample. You can order two LC MS MS assays from the original sample. Should the results come backed skewed , higher and lower use this tool to determine actual E2
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    Basic strategies to mitigate Adderall neurotoxicity

    Thanks for posting Nelson. I'm not going to read the study. Would someone care to summarize the mitigation strategy? Does one relinquish his civil rights by becoming a registered Adderall user as does the know marijuana user?
  17. R

    Kinda need emergency help (stopped taking TRT)

    Vince Carter, increased cognitive functioning is correlated to TRT. Is it far fetched to suspect then that it leads to increased awareness of self and of community? We look up to catch wealth trickling down from above as promised like a Rocky mountain blizzard and are greeted instead with a...
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    Kinda need emergency help (stopped taking TRT)

    Laughing P.A. said: "men on trt don't knead estrogen testing" Thank such people profusely for their wisdom followed by showing them this clip: I regret being unable to share with the club a decent video with sound of Laffin Sal. I visit her often on the Santa Cruz...
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    Teens & Bisphenol A: Diet Changes Doesn't Limit Exposure

    The participants experienced difficulty in avoiding BPA not "because of inadequate labeling of packaging" but rather, owing to the fact that safety and sanitation practice is inextricably linked to modern mass food production and distribution. Beef and poultry can in theory be sold in...
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    I take too many supplements

    Vince's thread , hope he does not mind. I eat sardines and nuts. I sometimes take Lovaza.
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    I take too many supplements

    astaxanthin: As I posted sometime ago on these pages: Only a handful of poorly designed studies which were sponsored by the manufacturers themselves: Protect your eyes from UV with sunglasses rather than a...
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    I take too many supplements

    Vince, Without a doubt you researched everything on your list thoroughly. Astazanthin stands out because of the questionable data. Iodine because you likely avoid table salt. It looks like you've finally left the oil of macerated fish waste ( aka "fish oil caps" ) behind in favor of purified...
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    I take too many supplements

    This is to make up for the beef and water diet you posted the other day? (-) by priority astaxanthin aged garlic iodine femented clo, D3 seem redundant but I assume you are basing this on serum tests. No benefit to taking D3 daily. If you do use D3 use the crystalline form for better...
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    Testosterone tests

    100 mg cyp every other week then he tests you. Someone is going to need to take ownership of your TRT other than this doc. Might as well be yourself.
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    How safe is trt long term without backfilling.

    Timely post. Indeed, book a flight to safety. Try an alternate hCG. Could be the diluent.
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    Caught the flu - B strain

    Ratbag, my condolence on the loss of your friend. The single most important thing people who are not yet infected can do: ++ Don't touch you face after you've touched the environment until you can wash your hands ++ Wear exam gloves when shopping or on transit. Hopefully laws will be...
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    Restarting after 8 years of TRT

    14 doctors... medical indu$try... waste of time except for select conditions. Not so long ago many friends were lost to scammers practicing alternative therapy because that was all they had to turn too. Unfortunately scamming is everywhere and now has become institutionalized as America's...
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    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Good that you are placing emphasis on symptom resolution. If you get fatigued by the 3rd day don't hesitate to go EOD. On mono a healthy diet is even more important to drive T production. Enjoy the feeling of extreme vigor and wellness while it lasts but don't panic when the honeymoon period...
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    Caught the flu - B strain

    only 10-17% effective in protection against infection from this years H3N2 Estimates from both studies "were not significantly different from zero so we can't rule out the possibility of no protection" Skowronski ""55% effective against B...
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    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Many on hCG mono do see the gyno and nipple sensitivity resolve on its own after a few weeks or months. I'm not convinced of the value of frequent serum testing early in hCG mono for dose adjusting purposes. In my case multiple hormones fluctuated wildly then leveled off on their own as did...
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    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Leydig cells, in response to LH, in healthy treatment naive men, produce pulses of testosterone throughout the day peaking in the early am corresponding to pulses of LH produced by the pituitary. hCG acts as an analog to replace low LH in hypogonadic men. In hCG mono the Leydigs are...
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