Went in today for extensive new labs. Been on 40mg EOD and 600IU HCG on every other shot day. Puts weekly dose at 140mg of T (lowest I've tried) and 1050 IU HCG.
Will update soon as I get results back. Really interested to see if the hcg spiked my E2 even with a lower T dose.
Yes, started at 50mg then slowly started bumping it up to 55mg as I realized that I could draw more like 1.1ml into the syringe before pre loading.
I've dropped the dose to 40mg EOD and 600IU HCG on every other shot day. Puts weekly dose at 140mg of T (lowest I've tried) and 1050 IU HCG...
I've followed your journey a bit here and there. Glad you're getting solid results from daily injections. If you were me what would you drop the cyp dose down to on an EOD schedule?
E2 is one of the most fascinating parts for me to follow as well. Might be worth noting that I'm 6 foot, 185 with low body fat. Thinking I'll lower the dose down to 40 or so EOD and then add in the hcg as I haven't tried 500 twice a week. Gonna be interesting to see what happens to E2 after that.
I was on accutane on and off for almost 15 years. I'm 35. I was also on various SSRI's for 10 years. Now I'm not on either and feel far better than I have in many, many years on T cyp. Never tried clomid but looking into it for many years before pulling the trigger on T. You've obviously...
I think we are saying the same thing.
I run the labs the same day I'm due for my next shot. Wake up, hit the lab at 8 am when they open, then inject. So if I inject on Saturday and next injection is due for Monday (EOD schedule) then I'd run labs Monday morning prior to injection.
Yes, could certainly lower the dose a bit. Perhaps 40-45 mg EOD. Didn't feel sick on those labs with the elevated WBC but very well could have been fighting something, concerned me but normalized by the next labs.
Iron situation is concerning to me as well, have never donated blood so not...
For the past six months I've wondered what my labs would look like on T without hcg or an AI. Finally got the data I was looking for. Doesn't seem like hcg bumps my E up too much.
Gettin closer to having things dialed in. 50-55mg of cyp EOD, 25mg of DHEA in morning and 2.5 grain WP Thyroid...
Trying to get my iron up as well as my ferritin and iron were both low. Had the same symptoms as you. I've been taking a double dose of liquid iron and also a dose of blue bonnet chelated iron. It's brought both iron and ferritin up luckily without hematocrit increasing. Still need to get...
Got sick of daily injections and also liked the idea of cutting my injections in half so I have since moved to EOD injections @ 50mg instead of 24mg daily. Also on 1.75 grain WP Thyroid daily. Have bloodwork on thyroid but haven't yet run my bloodwork on T,e2 and DHEA-S. Should be this week...
Had a couple blood draws since my last update. Started WP thyroid and have been tapering up the dose. Added some iron to try and bring my levels back up. Also switched to daily injections to see if I could eliminate the AI. Here are some screenshots.
Thanks Chris. Number of things I can think of off the top of my head stress related. Wife totaled her car six months ago and still has bad back/neck pain, two daughters under 3, bathroom remodel, work in the financial industry so brexit and now all time highs in the market have caused good...
Great. Always looking for new books to further my knowledge, I'll pick that one up. Will also order a zrt cortisol kit for her. She's only 35 and had our second kid two years ago, guessing it's not related to menopause but anything is possible.
She was in a bad car accident about six...
Thanks Nelson. That's the test I ordered, and it was from discountedlabs. I'll run in again in a month or so to see what my level looks like without hcg.
Doc titrated up my wife's dose to 60mg (1 grain daily) over the past few months.
Just got new bloodwork back. Looks like TSH has crashed and is well below range, is this something to be concerned about? Also looks like the dose has basically put here back to where she was pre armour.
How am I going about it all wrong? Trying to determine if a commonly held belief is accurate or applicable to my body? I'm not fixated on preg by any means, simply interested in seeing some real data as opposed to conjecture and assumptions.
Common wisdom is that hCG should stimulate preg levels, obviously I don't know what my level looked like prior to hcg but it appears that it is doing very little/nothing at 750IU a week to bump my preg into mid-high end of range. Just find it interesting that it may not be doing what I would...
Interesting. Would seem to indicate that hcg is likely doing nothing to elevate or boost my levels into the higher end of range even at 250IU three times a week.
Feel much better than I did before starting TRT, stronger, gaining muscle, etc. Still tired most of the time if I'm not forcing myself to be up and moving. Lately been sucking down 4-5 cups of coffee a day to keep going, sleep isn't ideal when drinking that much caffeine, only 6ish hours a...
Been wondering about trying some desicated thyroid for a while now, now that I've got the data likely makes sense to give it a go. Only concern is my TIBC, which may be due to my recent purchase of cast iron pans, and if that could be throwing the thyroid levels out of wack or not. Otherwise...
Thanks, started some metformin a couple weeks ago at 250mg and titrating up. Have also cut carbs considerably and doing Intermittent Fasting from 8pm - noon daily.
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