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  1. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    This article is only saying that estrogen isnt the only thing that can cause water retention. It points to sodium. The article does not say estrogen does not lead to water retention. I have seen zero evidence that estrogen does not lead to water retention and this article is not attempting to...
  2. T

    Creatine Supplementation Improves Aging Muscle, Bone and Inflammation

    Your body isnt producing creatine that is suppressed by taking creatine. Its only taking in through diet.
  3. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    They do visually look the same. Gyno isnt just hard tissue. Yes people get hard lumps when the gyno is forming but it becomes soft and feels no different that fatty tissue once its permanent.
  4. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    This is false information. Are you claiming that our bodies are over producing aromatase enzymes because arimidex is present and binding to the enzymes? This is just simply not true. There is no rebound effect at all. Zero. There is no buildup. Our body isnt going to over produce suddenly and...
  5. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    Again not trying to be rude or dismissive but its just not worth it for me to go deeper down this hole when a person is actually starting from the position that estrogen doesnt cause water retention. Ask your wife, sister, or mother if they have more or less water retention with PMS when their...
  6. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    Its funny to read a person who says Duh when they are making a moronic statement themselves. Yes test causes water rentention.........Because it converts to Estrogen. This isnt that complicated. Its not the androgenic properties of test that causes water retention. Do a little homework on...
  7. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    So if someone doesnt agree with you or ask from proof of your made up science they must be trolling? I have gyno. I know more about gyno than most people. I am more than aware that people are genetically predisposed to have gyno. However this does not mean gyno cannot be prevented or aggravated...
  8. T

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    Too much testosterone? 140mg a week and test levels only within the normal range? This idea of just dropping test down because of some aromatization is just ignoring the reason we are on test in the first place. People who are easy aromatizers generally have been this way most of their lives...
  9. T

    Negative Article on TRT Clinic

    Because I have not seen any evidence of it. Just as I have not seen any evidence that a micro dose of an AI. (.125 is a tiny amount) can even cause low E2. My E2 levels were 7 before I started TRT. Because of this my doctor refused to even prescribe an AI to me. I guess I am expected to assume...
  10. T

    Negative Article on TRT Clinic

    I haven’t seen that one. Especially from taking .125. Here are the sides I am seeing. Common Side Effects of Arimidex (Anastrozole) Drug Center - RxList
  11. T

    Negative Article on TRT Clinic

    Wow.. reducing estrogen causes full blown panic attacks now? Before starting TRT my E2 levels tested at 6... I probably lived this way for several years. But I never had a panic attack. You may be blaming AIs for something they are not causing. Maybe.
  12. T

    Professional Athletes on TRT?

    The worlds most genetic elite athlete would no longer be elite if you put him on an androgen blocker. You are pretending testosterone isn’t as powerful as it is. And I’m related (through marriage)to a former pro sports franchise athletic trainer. These guys with few exceptions are taking...
  13. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    I’m a little confused on your E2 levels. Are you saying your E2 is dropping with less AI? I don’t see any advocates of AIs. I see some people who benefit from them who don’t like people spreading unproven information about them..stuff like “harm to your biological systems”. I don’t use them...
  14. T

    Gyno, high e2?

    Are you chubby? Any breast tissue will show if you get the body fat down. To each his own.
  15. T

    Gyno, high e2?

    I would I would stop the testosterone cream until you get some tomoxifen and get this figured out. Feeling good and morning wood isn’t worth growing tits...
  16. T

    Lowest dose you have heard to achieve 1000 ng?

    You need a new doctor. You will never get the results you want with a doctor that is fixated on 700ng. My 70 year old father in law who doesnt take TRT just pulled a 70. It sounds like your doctor is more concerned with his own interest than he is with yours. The high E2...
  17. T

    TRT for 4 months - No change in labs

    Do you fast before your blood draw?
  18. T

    FDA-Approved Oral Testosterone: Jatenzo (Testosterone Undecanoate)

    Seems they have concerns over the amount of DHT conversion and E2. It seems the way the medicine is digested based on what you eat with it can cause the blood levels to vary. I can't help but be concerned with this line in. Cardiovascular Risk: Class labeling for all approved testosterone...
  19. T

    .05ml waste every injection :( working with Defy, prefer my 1" 25G for deep IM.

    No offense taken. We are all friends here. But when I hear about someone injecting air in an effort to squeeze as much oil from a syringe as possible my natural reaction is to wonder why you don’t just ask for more Test. We all have some oil left in the syringe. Sometime I see some oil leaking...
  20. T

    .05ml waste every injection :( working with Defy, prefer my 1" 25G for deep IM.

    I get that and you are correct. But the thought of a grown ass man concocting a technique to squeeze every last microdrop out off a syringe just seems a little meth headish.
  21. T

    .05ml waste every injection :( working with Defy, prefer my 1" 25G for deep IM.

    I understand. That sucks and shouldn’t happen. Did you express this concern to Defy and tell them you need a bigger amount next time so you are not having this keep happening? Maybe go grey market and Pick up a bottle of test so you have some in reserve?
  22. T

    .05ml waste every injection :( working with Defy, prefer my 1" 25G for deep IM.

    I’m not trying to be mean here I promise... But holy are so afraid of losing .05ml that you want to start injecting air bubbles? How about just telling your doctor you need a slightly higher dose? Just get a larger prescribed prescription and let a few drops go in the trash.
  23. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Feel free to correct the 'absurd incorrect' information here. I havent seen the post where anyone is trying so desperately to make someone take an AI. Maybe I missed that one. Help me out. The incorrect information that keeps getting spread is concerning how dangerous these 'heavy...
  24. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Wow I didnt think it was possible for someone to be as wrong as many times in 1 post as you were just now. I'm pretty sure most people on here have watched this TRT roundtable. The difference is we didnt let Jay Cambells propaganda mouth take away our critical thinking ability as easily as you...
  25. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    This is where it gets interesting. So no man produces that much test naturally. I think we all agree with that. But does that or should that mean we just accept what’s natural or do we try to push beyond. For me any more than 150-200mgs week ends with water retention and gyno so im out. :) Many...
  26. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    Of course testosterone dosages of 300-600 are not needed for T replacement. In fact I’ve cycled steroids in my early 20s and I gained 25 pounds and blew up with muscle and water from 12 weeks of Sus 250...that’s it. No dianabol, deca, winny V ect. So I get the doses needed. The part of this...
  27. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    I would agree with you. But is this a bad thing? If a guy is taking 300mg per week or 400mg and his T levels are 2000 yet all of his blood level are spot on is he hurting anything? One could make the argument that a guy who works out regularly and eats very clean in order to obtain or maintain...
  28. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    To be fair the article is not discouraging the use of AI. It is discouraging people from using a dose that drops your estrogen below a health level. The article actually discourages estrogen levels above 30 which most men taking testosterone will likely have when trying to achieve high/normal...
  29. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Good point. I agree with you. Any study regardless of results should be looked at. The reality is studies are not being done that show any harmful effects from an AI as long as the dose of AI still keeps E2 levels normal and not too low. Just as no one is studying men who take TRT and have...
  30. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    The argument is pointless to you because you can't make one worth making. You talk about his 'completely normal' E2. I agree his E2 is normal. Because he is taking 500mg AI 3 times per week. Do you seriously believe if he stops taking this AI that his E2 level will still be 20? You don't do...
  31. T

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Who were the patients and what were the dosages they were taking? Were they also taking testosterone which converts to estrogen or were these just people trying to totally block estrogen in their bodies? This proves absolutely nothing about AI's in the dosages men take while taking testosterone...
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