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  1. J

    Testosterone and Flaccid Penis

    Outstanding educational piece! It shrinks like a "frightened turtle!"
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    Testosterone and Flaccid Penis

    I'm in Phoenix, so it's warm. Not really a problem, just a concern because I've clearly had some atrophy. Been married a while and wife if is fine with it. No issues when erect. Thought maybe someone would know if that might be a symptom of a hormone that may be to low/high.
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    Testosterone and Flaccid Penis

    Guys - I've been on TRT a few years. Labs look great. I feel great. But my penis appears to have lost size when flaccid. I haven't had any change in size when erect. Anyone experience this? Any thoughts as to why that may be? Thanks guys.
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    Starting TRT Soon-Interested in the Way it Has Played Out for Others

    First year with TRT was pretty horrible. Bad doc combined with me believing eventually I'd feel better as my body "adjusts". It took a lot of educating myself, a complete break from TRT and a completely different I'm doing great with TRT.
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    DHEA and E2

    My DHEA experience was interesting in that I felt high E2 symptoms without high E2 labs. I'd suggest starting very low, maybe 12.5 mg and see how you do. I started at 25 mg, then 12.5, then 6.25 and finally felt best once I stopped taking it. I was taking Ultra Micronized DHEA from
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    Help with arimidex dosing

    There's debate as to the ideal timing. Guys consider the half life of both drugs and correctly timing your dose based on when the exogenous test peaks. For me, I feel the AI very quickly, others not as quick. One of the docs once said 24 hours after injection is probably best, but it's not...
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    Help with arimidex dosing

    Sensitive E2 is obviously a little high. Don't know if you strictly look at the range or use Nelson's T/E ratio. How are you feeling with E2 in that range? I'm a big believer in starting with a low dose, because it's a pretty powerful drug. Wouldn't hurt to try the lower dose of .25 mg twice weekly.
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    25 New TRT+Armidex+HCG questions.

    Smashed - Yes, taking 65 mg of cypionate twice a week should result in both higher TT & FT numbers when compared to 130 mg per week in a single injection. Agree with Vince the best time to take the AI would be 24 hours after injection, but for convenience, I take my .25 mg of AI with my twice...
  9. J

    what're you guys using to combat acne caused by TRT?

    linter - it's weird man, no product/scrub seemed to work for me. I had thick purple acne all over check and back. What ultimately did it for me was smaller injections multiple times a week. Hopefully one of the products work well for you.
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    Restoring erection size/strength

    The best thing I did to increase erection size & strength was to cut back on the amount of pornography I was watching. Before a couple dudes tell me porn has nothing to do with erection strength, understand I'm not telling 'you' to eliminate porn. I'm simply saying cutting back on porn helped...
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    Needle Size

    I use 27g 1/2" and inject in the shoulders. I'd advise against anything detachable. Drawing and injecting with the same needle is my method of choice.
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    Arimidex and how I should take it

    24 hours is probably best. Taking with injection is more convenient. I take with injection
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    Hcg timing on trt

    It's debatable for sure. Everyone has their scheduling theory and they all sound somewhat sound. I'm now a Monday am and Thursday pm Cyp injector, but for a couple years I did 1 bigger cyp shot each Monday. I posed that same question on these boards and a doc responded that if I'm only injecting...
  14. J

    Personal experiences with both HCG Monotherapy and TRT?

    newguy128 - I went the other route, opting for TRT at 42 years old...45 now. I'm interested in seeing how the guys respond to your question. I've never taken HCG and have been fortunate not to have experienced any testicular atrophy or any of the other challenges some guys face. I keep saying I...
  15. J

    A month with no testosterone

    Probably not a bad idea to take the HCG. I stopped TRT a few years ago do to issues with E2. My levels went back to exactly where they were pretty TRT. I never experienced that super low effect many guys fear when stopping cold turkey. With the HCG and the fact it's 'only' a month, you should...
  16. J

    T associated symptoms

    If you listen to the drug companies there isn't much T can't do! So why not add relief from calf and back of thigh pain! Seriously thought, are you eating or maybe exercising more/different since taking Nebido? Maybe stretching more? Or maybe your pain has just subsided for you over time. Not...
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    Sub Q Injections

    The package insert says IM, most every T clinic in the states say IM, most of the more experienced guys on this site seem to favor IM, many guys tried SQ and went back to IM, and IM has been the delivery method of choice for decades. Yet a couple docs who are considered by many to be cutting...
  18. J

    Starting TRT: Naturally low estradiol but prescribed Anastrozole...Should I hold off on taking it?

    I'd advise to get your docs take on it. Express your concern that your E2 is currently pretty low. I will say .25mg once a week is a fairly low dose. Although I'm not near as anti AI as some guys, if I were you, I'd hold off for 5 - 6 weeks and make the AI decision based on labs and how you...
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    New labs for your review/amusement

    Vince Carter - if my memory is correct, seems you were taking 1/8 - 1/4 mg AI twice weekly in the past. Did you have high E2 numbers while on that protocol?
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    Introduce an AI or Dosage Adjustment?

    That test/hcg schedule should be fine. I've never taken hcg and haven't had any testicular atrophy. I keep saying I'm going to try it one day...
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    Low T Center testosterone blend?

    jth0524, your numbers should be higher from 75mg twice a week vs.140 once a week. As for how you feel, I don't know if they have any type of proprietary blend, but I used to inject 160mg once weekly and you better believe I felt that. Maybe that's the feeling you're looking for. Some guys just...
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    Introduce an AI or Dosage Adjustment?

    With those symptoms and numbers, a low dose AI would be something to consider. If you've never taken it before, you may be shocked at how well anastrozole works (at least with most guys). Whether T or an AI, I'm an advocate for relatively small doses to start. Be patient and see how it goes for...
  23. J

    Newbie here and have been prescribed TRT by my Endo....

    Sounds like you have both low T and symptoms. Problem is, your symptoms can be caused by so many different things. Since you've tested, and based on your age, if I were you, I'd start with a low dose, maybe 100 mg per week and see how you feel/test in 5 weeks.
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    Vitamin D

    Roadglide - I'm the same. I was at 20 without, and increased to 32 after taking 5,000 iu's per day. Tough to get my vit D up.
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    Syringes : Anyone else have this happen to them?

    I've experienced several of those examples.
  26. J

    Injecting frequency

    You may see a difference in your numbers in those 12 hours, especially if you have low shbg. But you likely won't feel it and will be sleeping at least half of those 12 hours.
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    Syringes : Anyone else have this happen to them?

    I get online, but when going to Walgreens, I was consistently told by the same pharmacist that I wouldn't be able to inject with a 27g 1/2" needle because it was to small and cyp was to thick. I'd tell her I'd been injecting with that size needle for a while. She would role her eyes and give me...
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    Injection schedule input...

    Jth9524 - Have you been injecting? There's a growing number of guys on this site injecting everyday. Unless your SHBG is super low, I'd start with twice weekly. See how you feel and how that schedule works in your life and make adjustments as needed. I'm the guy who has SHBG on the low end of...
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    Is Masturbation Good For You?

    Could not agree more with this post. I was the guy with a high sex drive and low testosterone. Now that I'm on Cypionate, I have to be careful because if I ejaculate too often, it really hurts my ability to do anything really productive. I just don't care and all I want to do is sleep. That's...
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    DHEA - Low Dose Surprising Results

    It's been some time now that I've been off DHEA and I have noticed a few things. Mainly, I'm feeling better without it. Although the 6mg per day was better than the 25mg or 12mg, I still felt off while on it. I'm so much more calm now. Looking back, I was kind of a horses ass while taking DHEA...
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