New Member -- Will Take All the Advice I Can Get; Initial Questions re Dose


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New Member looking to take control of my TRT from a PCP who doesn't provide many options. My main question concerns dosage, but I'll take any advice I can get. Sorry if overly wordy below -- I'm not entirely sure what's relevant.

57. I was diagnosed with low T in June. I had symptoms -- poor EQ, poor sleep, lethargy, etc. I was considerably overweight and out of shape. Test came back 235 ng/dL. Total T was the only test my PCP ran. He suggested gel or 200 mg IM every 3 weeks. I went with injections. I had very significant benefits in short order -- temperament, mood, EQ, energy. I've lost about 80 pounds since, while maintaining muscle and even adding a little. It has changed my life.

After three injections or so, the peaks and valleys were too much for me, and I told him it was too much of a yo-yo. He offered gel or switching to 200 mg every two weeks. I went with IM -- I don't want the gel hassle. I've been doing that ever since. It's not ideal, obviously. But the benefits have outweighed the positives. That said, I'm ready to start managing this myself. He does not prescribe for home injections, but I've concluded that every 2 weeks if for the birds. I'm ready to move to 2x/week Subq. I've also had considerable testicular atrophy and reduced semen volume, and some sensitivity issues, so am considering HCG at a low dose.

I am looking for a doctor locally who will manage this better, but not optimistic. I'd really like to stick with my guy and have him just write me a script for vials of test c so I could inject 2x or 3x a week, but I don't think he will. I was able to get a prescription for an HCG add on through a telehealth company, and so I have a vial of compounded at home, but I haven't reconstituted it or started it. I was going to, but then decided maybe I would get my T routine down first.

My initial question is, what test C dose should I start with? (Assuming I can get a telehealth company or someone to prescribe it.) 50 2x a week seems right -- my levels are pretty good on 200 mg every 2 weeks? If I add the HCG, should I start them together? The online clinic suggests 250 mcg every 3.5 days.

Here are some recent lab results (some of these were dr ordered and some I did myself). CBC, Hepatic Function, CMP, Lipids all good. Hemoglobin and Hematocrit high normal. PSA 1.91 (<3.99 reference).

Total T about 2 months ago was high normal, 11 days after 200 mg injection -- 980 ng/dL. Then last month, I did more hormone testing 4 days after my 200 mg injection, which is when I feel a spike: Total T 1574 (250-1100 reference), Free T 260.6 (35.-155 reference), E2 (regular not sensitive) 75 (<39 reference), SHBG 49 (22-77).

So, the 200 mg every other week is giving me high levels. Maybe that's also a function of being in better shape than when I was originally diagnosed? Dunno.

The E2 was obviously high right after my shot. I kind of think maybe that's largely a function of the every-two-week protocol? Free T was also very high and ratio is almost exactly 20:1. I don't have any high E symptoms. Libido great. Nipples fine. I cry at sad movies, but I always have done. :0) I'm hoping maybe moving to a more reasonable T injection schedule at home would smooth out the E2.

Anyway, sorry if this is tl;dr. I'm really looking forward to becoming part of this community.

Edit -- I guess another question is whether I started TRT prematurely. I was in poor health. I'm sure it was a major contributor to my low levels. But even if so, what do I do about it now?
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I guess the first question would be “if you went the telehealth route for HCG then why just use them for test as well”?

Offering gel, starting you on a once every three weeks injection protocol, and only providing in-office injections are all red flags. Find a better provider. Your location will determine whether you’d be better off with telehealth, but I’d say there are many great options if you go that route. I’ve been with Defy for almost four years and have been very happy with them.

As far as your protocol and what to ask for, if your doctor prescribes you a dose that is higher than you end up taking, it will be possible to build up an emergency supply of your medication. I personally think everyone should have an emergency supply of all medications. Kind of curious why you want to switch to sub q though. If IM is working with your current protocol it will likely only get better with a more frequent rate of application. And generally IM works better. If you decide to switch later then fine, but I’d wait until everything else is settled in(dose, rate, addition of HCG, etc.) Otherwise you won’t have an accurate view of the difference between IM and Sub Q for yourself.

If 200 every two weeks is good, then 100 every week is probably a good starting point. Try that for a few weeks and see how you feel. Then add HCG to the mix. Note that adding it will likely cause at least a small bump to test levels(depending on how much function your balls had before starting and how much they still have).

As far as jumping on too early, I’d say your results speak for themselves with regard to improved well-being, overall quality of life, and weight loss. No need to go back and second guess it now. If you’re too concerned about it you could always stop for a few months then see how you feel. But be prepared to feel worse than you do now for some period of time. How much worse and for how long… no one can know. But if you decide to stick with it then finding a more competent provider should only lead to even better outcomes.
Thanks to you both. I don’t know why I defaulted to subq. Hadn’t thought about it, I guess. Smaller needles and a little easier? But I take your point about not changing too many variables at once.

I like my PCP for everything but TRT. Have been with him a long time. Kind of dreading telling him I changed to telehealth. Not sure why — he probably won’t give a shit. Just might be uncomfortable.

Ok, yeah, TRT has been a huge benefit to me. No time to second guess.
He offered gel or switching to 200 mg every two weeks. I went with IM -- I don't want the gel hassle.
There's always oral TRT, Jatenzo and Kyzatrex gel capsules taken twice daily. The oral TRT route makes dialing in less about finding the optimal injection frequency and solely about getting the dosage right.

Steady states in 7 days, compared to 4-6 weeks as with injections, makes dialing in much faster and no yoyo for weeks on end only to find out you need another dosage adjustment.

You could spend the first 3-4 months dialing in on injections or less than 4-6 weeks on oral T, since steady states are archived in 7 days.
I've also had considerable testicular atrophy and reduced semen volume, and some sensitivity issues, so am considering HCG at a low dose.
Your sensitivity issues may be related to not being dialed in on injections. Every two week injections is likely your sensitivity issue. Rarely do men dial in on the first attempt.
Edit -- I guess another question is whether I started TRT prematurely. I was in poor health. I'm sure it was a major contributor to my low levels. But even if so, what do I do about it now?
I was you, was on TRT 8-9 years, 45 when I first started, 52 now, without even addressing the cause of my health problems, type 2 diabetes = poor diet.

Came off TRT and doing just fine. I'm far from typical case.
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So, the 200 mg every other week is giving me high levels.
Theses protocols are ancient and stupid. These protocols see higher rates of erythrocytosis and don't maintain consistent hormones throughout the two week injection interval (works great for a smaller minority of men) and any doctor still prescribing these protocols is out to lunch!

The half-life of cypionate on average is 5-7 days, so be the end of the week, 50% is gone, days 10-14, 75% of peak levels is eliminated from the bloodstream. Hence the yoyo effects.

Ivy League people with no medical knowledge as in not medical doctors wrote these protocols for doctors to follow.

Medical knowledge is no longer the monopoly of physicians.
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Thanks all. I met with a local TRT clinic. The guy actually was pretty good and is willing to prescribe test C for at home injection, which my insurance would pay for. He's recommending I move down from 200 mg every 2 weeks to 80 mg a week, because he thinks my my recent tests were too high. My last test was 980 total t, 11 days after injection, and the time before that I was at 1600 4 days after injection. He thinks some of the sensitivity and testicular atrophy might resolve or get better by spreading out dosage and dropping down a little.

It's unclear whether he wants me to dose at 80 mg weekly or 2x40mg per week. Hopefully the latter. I think I will give it a try. He said he wants to keep me "around 600," which seems a little low to me, but I think he's willing to work with me, and getting prescription testosterone for free seems decent.

I think I'll give it a try and can always move to self-management and online if I have to.
This is a bad sign, targeting a lab number rather than symptom resolution. FT should be targeted at the top of the ranges or higher. TT doesn't tell the whole story.

Yeah, agreed. I do think my current dose may be too high though -- if I were completely take over and do self treatment, I would have dropped to 40 or 50 mg/2x a week anyway. I'll see how this goes for a month or two and then pull the plug if he's too conservative and then just manage it myself. I don't mind dialing it back for a short time to see if I can still feel well on a lower dose without some of the symptoms.
The Trt side of my Urology clinic did the same thing with me by starting me at 400mg once per 3 weeks. The yo-yo side effects were atrocious.

I got them to let me inject 100mg once a week at home, and have been doing well ever since. However, I am trying to optimize it now and will split to 50mg two times a week.

I came in at about 1060 test and my nurse practitioner was fine with those numbers.

Perhaps if everything runs smoothly with your labs, your doctor will let you go above 600?
Yeah, hopefully I can get him to focus on symptoms.

I just completed two set of tests to get a sense of the yo-yo on my current 200 mg/2 weeks program. Three days after injection my total T was 1596 and E2 was 75. Two weeks after injection, I was at 425 total T and 27 E2.

It’s no wonder I have symptoms. I think I will do much better on 40-50 mg 2x per week, and will hold off on HCG until I see how this goes. He’s prescribing 4x200 mg single use vials per month (insurance covered) so really I can kind of play around and do what I want if I am ok jabbing a single use vial twice in one week, which I think I am. The label says it has preservatives. If a test comes back at 900 or whatever and he insists on reducing dosage, I will have to talk to him at the time.
I started at 200 mg IM every2 weeks, with my pcp. Worked ok but some yo yo. Switched to Defy, based on reviews here, and it has been smooth sailing ever since.
While adjusting dosage, my hct goes sky high, I went from 50 mg twice a week to 10 mg everyday and noticed no difference in labs or symptoms. So for me, doing more frequent injections lowered the total amount needed per week. We are all different but that kept me good. I now do cream from Empower trying to reduce HCT. Made a small difference but not alot.
So if your doc is writing you 80 per week, I would self adjust to 40 twice a week and still have enough to finish my script period.
I agree with the thought of not good dr trying to limit TT, speaks to me he may just be a number follower and not treating the individual.
Yeah, hopefully I can get him to focus on symptoms.

I just completed two set of tests to get a sense of the yo-yo on my current 200 mg/2 weeks program. Three days after injection my total T was 1596 and E2 was 75. Two weeks after injection, I was at 425 total T and 27 E2.

It’s no wonder I have symptoms. I think I will do much better on 40-50 mg 2x per week, and will hold off on HCG until I see how this goes. He’s prescribing 4x200 mg single use vials per month (insurance covered) so really I can kind of play around and do what I want if I am ok jabbing a single use vial twice in one week, which I think I am. The label says it has preservatives. If a test comes back at 900 or whatever and he insists on reducing dosage, I will have to talk to him at the time.

Aye. It is ridiculous that doctors do this to men who need TRT. They place us on programs that shoot our T up to supraphysiological/bodybuilder ranges and then let us fall to near hypo-gonadal in the span of 2-3 weeks.

It is sad to say that I learned more from Reddit/Youtube about my TRT protocols than I did from my nurse practitioner at the Urology Clinic. When I started developing Gyne from her protocols, she wanted me to get a mammogram to see if I had breast cancer because she never saw a guy get gyne from 400mg once every three weeks. Sure enough, it was Gynecomastia just like I was telling her.

I am glad I found this forum with people who are truly knowledgeable about these things!

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