My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

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I finally tested my estrogen (while tapering off Cialis) and my results are slightly before 6, so 5 hours after morning dosage, 592 ng/dL and estrogen 18. Since tapering off Cialis my erections are harder.

I would always wake up with strong erections, but shortly after taking my Cialis erections would go softer. I will be retesting estrogen once I've been of Cialis for a time since its clearing causing side effects other than softer erections.
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I performed an experiment today regarding my iron supplementation. Something has been nagging at me for some time now. I was diagnosed with an iron deficiency a year before I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency.

Supplementing iron didn't resolve all of my symptoms. Cialis treated most of these symptoms, but only for awhile, until my estrogen level dropped low.

Rewind to a year ago, I tried lowering my iron dosage 40% after starting vitamin D supplements and felt worse! So I went back to 152 mg iron and continued to have problems.

I've learned that whenever you supplementing something in excess, like iron, your body attempts to regulate serum levels by altering absorption rates. So by lowering my iron dosage, I was actually increasing my absorption rates which is why I felt worse after lowering my iron dosage.

Today I only took one capsule of iron today and 80% of the symptoms I had yesterday after taking 5.25 capsules of iron over the last year plus are gone.

Tomorrow I plan on stopping all iron supplementation, with the belief that once I started treating the vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D helps you absorb iron, among other things, I should have stopped the iron supplements altogether.

Today after taking the (28 mg iron) iron supplements, I only have dizziness and lightheadedness, whereas yesterday after taking 152 mg of iron, I have the above symptoms and some muscle weakness, slightly out of breath, abdominal cramping and sleepiness.
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Today was the first day without iron supplementation in 3 years. The result compared to yesterday is clear.

Glucose was measured after drinking 9 ounces of orange juice, and two meals consisting of red meat and after a 1.5 hour gym session. The first glucose reading today was 97 mg/dL (non-fasting) without any iron supplements. The second reading yesterday measured at 136 mg/dL with one capsule of iron or 28 mg, the same results if I took 5.25 capsules of iron or 152 mg.

Yesterday I did take 400 IU D3 and today 600 IU D3, the latter makes me feel high and mentally slower, more subdued personality. 400 IU unleashes my personality and thought process is faster. The 600 IU D3 causes muscle pain in my back/shoulder area that gets progressively worse as I go above 600 IU D3.

My gym workout today was amazing, I crushed it, never before have I had a workout like this one!
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This morning I took 400 IU D3 and immediately became nauseous, high, bone pain, some IBS and have concluded the reason for my iron deficiency originally was from the extreme daily and every other day cypionate injection protocols.

The excessive iron supplementation, all 152 mg, which I never really needed, expect if on a daily or every other day cypionate protocol, caused the vitamin D deficiency the first time around, and as my iron/ferritin levels climbed higher, no more phlebotomies, vitamin D deficiency occurred again that no amount of vitamin D supplementation could correct.

On Jatenzo, the peaks happen so quickly, within 2 hours, not prolonged like a daily cypionate protocol, and the levels achieved so brief that I'm utilizing a normal amount of iron. I find the longer I'm off the iron supplements, the less I'm able to tolerate even 400 IU D3.

I bought some eggs and hard boiled them, plenty of vitamin D and now my main source and soon lots of sunshine.
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This morning I took 400 IU D3 and immediately became nauseous, high, bone pain, some IBS and have concluded the reason for my iron deficiency originally was from the extreme daily and every other day cypionate injection protocols.

The excessive iron supplementation, all 152 mg, which I never really needed, expect if on a daily or every other day cypionate protocol, caused the vitamin D deficiency the first time around, and as my iron/ferritin levels climbed higher, no more phlebotomies, vitamin D deficiency occurred again that no amount of vitamin D supplementation could correct.

On Jatenzo, the peaks happen so quickly, within 2 hours, not prolonged like a daily cypionate protocol, and the levels achieved so brief that I'm utilizing a normal amount of iron. I find the longer I'm off the iron supplements, the less I'm able to tolerate even 400 IU D3.

I bought some eggs and hard boiled them, plenty of vitamin D and now my main source and soon lots of sunshine.
Did you take the vit d on empty stomach or together with a meal?
Did you take the vit d on empty stomach or together with a meal?
I take vitamin D3 on an empty stomach, then I eat about 30 minutes later.

My vitamin D levels at the time of my low-T and type 2 diabetes diagnosis was 25 after having spent 10 months indoors.

In 2019 when I was off TRT for 8 months, I was taking 2000 IU D3 for months without problems, then I went back on TRT and started iron supplements and that's when I started having problems with low dose vitamin D supplements.

Maybe my iron/ferritin levels will decrease after stopping iron supplements and I'll be able to handle more vitamin D.
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I have slowly and reluctantly made the decision to stop Jatenzo. I only feel good when hematocrit is 50% or lower and when not taking iron supplements.

I wasn’t meant to operate on high normal testosterone!

If I don’t take iron supplements, I become iron deficient, and when I begin the iron supplementation again, it dehydrates me, causes ED and brain fog.

While on Jatenzo, if I eat anything with iron in it, it makes me dehydrated and it’s spikes my glucose and gives me ED right afterwards. These are the same symptoms I get when I take the iron supplements only to a lesser degree.

Hematocrit on Jatenzo is 55%, hemoglobin 18-19.

Yesterday I didn’t take my Jatenzo and I had pretty OK energy all day, no big crash. I actually felt better yesterday than I had in a long time. This morning I woke up and my fasting glucose levels were 106, slightly better than they were when I was on the Jatenzo!

If it wasn’t for daily injections crushing my ferritin levels, 7 mg daily would’ve been for me as it only got me a 425 total testosterone and I felt like a God!!

When I was on Jatenzo and had the high hemoglobin and hematocrit, I couldn’t tolerate creatine supplements, now I have no problems and the only thing that changed is stopping Jatenzo! That’s because anyone taking creatine while in a dehydrated state muscle pain and cramps will occur.

I’m going to try Natesto and given my high sensitivity to testosterone in itself, I think my response will be very good considering I only need like a 450 total testosterone to feel optimal. I wasn’t meant for high normal testosterone, midrange is for me.

In the future when I get my body fat percentage lower, I can just stop the Natesto and see the outcome rather quickly to see if my natural production has been restored.
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I have slowly and reluctantly made the decision to stop Jatenzo. I only feel good when hematocrit is 50% or lower and when not taking iron supplements. If I don’t take iron supplements, I become iron deficient, and when I begin the iron supplementation again, it dehydrates me, causes ED and brain fog.

While on Jatenzo, if I eat anything with iron in it, it makes me dehydrated and it’s spikes my glucose and gives me ED right afterwards. These are the same symptoms I get when I take the iron supplements only to a lesser degree.

I’m going to try Natesto and given my high sensitivity to testosterone in itself, I think my response will be very good considering I only need like a 450 total testosterone to feel optimal. I wasn’t meant for high normal testosterone, midrange is for me.
Wow. This is a big deal for The Ambassador.

I truly wish you the best of luck. I think Natesto is a very good choice. Circle back in a while and let us know how you are doing. I am happy to give tips if I have any. Not on it now, but took it for a long time. It can work very well for you.
I have slowly and reluctantly made the decision to stop Jatenzo. I only feel good when hematocrit is 50% or lower and when not taking iron supplements.

I wasn’t meant to operate on high normal testosterone!

If I don’t take iron supplements, I become iron deficient, and when I begin the iron supplementation again, it dehydrates me, causes ED and brain fog.

While on Jatenzo, if I eat anything with iron in it, it makes me dehydrated and it’s spikes my glucose and gives me ED right afterwards. These are the same symptoms I get when I take the iron supplements only to a lesser degree.

Yesterday I didn’t take my Jatenzo and I had pretty OK energy all day, no big crash. I actually felt better yesterday than I had in a long time. This morning I woke up and my fasting glucose levels were 106, slightly better than they were when I was on the Jatenzo!

If it wasn’t for daily injections crushing my ferritin levels, 7 mg daily would’ve been for me as it only got me a 425 total testosterone and I felt like a God!!

When I was on Jatenzo and had the high hemoglobin and hematocrit, I couldn’t tolerate creatine supplements, now I have no problems and the only thing that changed is stopping Jatenzo! That’s because anyone taking creatine while in a dehydrated state muscle pain and cramps will occur.

I’m going to try Natesto and given my high sensitivity to testosterone in itself, I think my response will be very good considering I only need like a 450 total testosterone to feel optimal. I wasn’t meant for high normal testosterone, midrange is for me.

In the future when I get my body fat percentage lower, I can just stop the Natesto and see the outcome rather quickly to see if my natural production has been restored.
I'm sorry the Jatenzo did not work out for you. Please keep us updated on how the Natesto is working for you. It's something I may consider as well at some point. Good luck my friend!
Creatine supplements have increased my energy levels substantially! I now have that insane energy levels I had the first time I took creatine. Fourth day without Jatenzo, I have lots of energy!

I’m a little irritable at times. My resting heart rate is 66 bpm! Yesterday I had to take five capsules of iron supplements today I can’t even tolerate three.

Speaking of creatine, those who know my past 30 year clonazepam usage. The enzyme creatine phosphokinase found in skeletal muscle, I lost all my muscle mass coming off clonazepam. It’s as if my muscles became deflated, loss of water or intracellular fluid.

Gupta reported a 15-year-old boy who developed myotoxicity and elevated levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) after three doses of oral clonazepam.

Back in 2019 I had pretty OK erectile function for one to three months and declined over the next eight months gradually, as my glucose levels continue to rise, at which point my testicle started becoming cold to the touch and pulling up into the scrotum.

I get better erectile function everytime I take creatine, as I am in the loading dose phase.

I think if I get my diabetes under control, fasting 109, the high glucose won’t affect blood flow within my testicles and I can turn things around and increase my natural testosterone.

As for the damaged to my testicles caused by decades of high glucose.

My triglyceride levels for the first time in decades is normal, I have more muscle mass, nutrition is dialed in, exercise routine is dialed in, I think I have a better than average chance.

When my HPTA fires back up, it’ll be under better conditions than in 2019 when my triglyceride levels were high. Maybe I’ll have a newer higher baseline.
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Damn. You were doing great on Jatenzo. I feel sad reading this. When we chatted months ago, you were ebullient about your energy level and the connection with your young female trainer at the gym. It seemed that your years of struggle and persistence were finally paying off. You have to keep trying. You're a young man. I'm 74 and still struggling on multiple fronts. All I know is that none of us can give up. There's no payoff for that. Looking forward to your updates.
If it wasn’t for daily injections crushing my ferritin levels, 7 mg daily would’ve been for me as it only got me a 425 total testosterone and I felt like a God!!

I think my response will be very good considering I only need like a 450 total testosterone to feel optimal. I wasn’t meant for high normal testosterone, midrange is for me.
There must be something missing here, that contributed to low ferritin levels, since that low t should not tank your levels, also did you feel like a god and just got off due to low number of ferritin or did you have symptoms?
There must be something missing here, that contributed to low ferritin levels, since that low t should not tank your levels, also did you feel like a god and just got off due to low number of ferritin or did you have symptoms?
It was a short term success. When I started TRT, the second time around, I started out on a daily protocol, and my muscles went from being soft to being really hard in only seven days and that’s when I started having problems even though my ferritin levels were normal it felt as if I had iron deficiency anyways. Restless leg syndrome from hell.

The every other day protocol, these symptoms would start after 2 1/2 weeks.
I was able to stop my beta-blocker today. My energy is insane and strength in the gym is close to where it was on Jatenzo on my good days.

As soon as I stopped the beta-blocker I notice my muscles got noticeably harder today, the feeling during workouts feels different.

Soft muscles is something I’ve been dealing with on TRT for years.

Strangely I still require the same amount of iron supplement even though I’m off TRT and it’s cleared my system.

This is weird because my testosterone levels are low and I still require the same amount of iron, makes no sense.

I think the beta-blocker is at least partially responsible for decreasing my ferritin. I always had bloating on the beta blocker and for the first time today no bloating.

I never needed iron supplements off of the TRT, my ferritin levels increased on their own without supplementation.

On a hunch, I stopped my beta blocker today to find out and see if I’m able to stop the iron supplements in a few days.

We found a statistically significant correlation between beta-blocker treatment and ferritin values (p = 0.02).
Several studies suggest the involvement of various pharmacological agents, such as beta-blockers (BBs) and renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system blockers in the etiology of anemia.
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Well almost two weeks off Jatenzo, I feel fine physically, mentally, not so much sexually.

Strangely I still require 5+ capsules of iron which hints I may still have Test in my system and therefore exogenous T is still suppressing ferritin. My testicles don't seem as active as they were in 2019 after stopping.

I do have testicular pain around the clock.

I'm going to be checking for Normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism.

The tip of my pens is always hurting, overly sensitive feeling of needing to urinate, painful and annoying. The testicle pain, jaw, bone pain, feeling nausea, lower back pain etc.

If I do have normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism then I have a reason for my low testosterone.
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That was a fast comeback if I’ve ever seen one. The last time my total testosterone was at 96 and LH 3.6.

My doctor suspects I have normal normocalcemic primary hyperparathryoidism. I have all the classic symptoms, and my body seems to be down regulated vitamin D and iron and it’s progressing.

I stopped Natesto, only felt good for 1.5 hours, then eyes became heavy and it took me hours to get back to feeling the way I did before I took it.

For the fact that I’m continuing to have the same problems while not on Jatenzo is telling me I’m dealing with another medical problem.

I can’t even stop my iron supplements all 5 1/2 capsules, because my body is down regulating my iron and vitamin D. That means the TRT is not lowering my iron/ferritin as much as I thought.

I’m restarting Jatenzo tomorrow due to a quickly worsening diabetes. I’m not about to lose all my progress in recovering my health. I feel the effects of Jatenzo within minutes of taking it.

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I have a calcium deficiency! I have elevated parathyroid and calcium deficiency. I looked at the vitamin and minerals in red meat, ribeye steak has zero calcium and to meet my daily requirements for calcium, I would need to consume 9 hamburgers per day.

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I have a calcium deficiency! I have elevated parathyroid and calcium deficiency. I looked at the vitamin and minerals in red meat, ribeye steak has zero calcium and to meet my daily requirements for calcium, I would need to consume 9 hamburgers per day.

Long live carnivore diet... Keto is more balanced. Add some cheese and veggies to your steaks and burgers.

Hope you're getting closer to unravel your weak spots. Good luck brother!
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