Blood Donation and Aging

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Many people in the anti-aging world have heard of the experiments done by the team of Mike and Irina Conboy which involved putting the blood from young mice into old mice and vice versa. In summary it showed that the old mice showed signs of getting younger and the young mice showed signs of getting older. There have subsequently been well-publicized examples of well-funded anti-aging celebrities getting transfusions of young blood. Another implication of the study has received much less attention however and that is that there may be something in the blood of older individuals that is promoting aging since the young mice got older after receiving the old blood. This does not necessarily mean that donating blood will help an old person stay younger since, for example, there may be some sort of signaling molecule in the older blood and removing it will not necessarily reverse the signal. However in the absence of better data, there seems to be no health downside to regular blood donation and it could have an anti-aging benefit due to the above mechanism, as well as removing iron from the body. If one wanted to take this to an advanced level, donating plasma in addition to whole blood would likely be the way to do it as is discussed in the interview with the Conboys below, however whole blood donation might also be beneficial at a slower rate.

For most men, and many older women, regular blood donation should reduce the chance of iron overload and hence have an anti-aging affect, however that seems like a longer-term benefit since the time to draw iron out of tissue is measured in months and years.

I point this out because as I’ve pointed out in multiple threads, many people stress over whether to donate blood due to potentially elevated hematocrit however this discussion seems somewhat moot since other reasons to regularly donate blood include that other people need the blood (!) as well as the reasons stated above. Some people stress over low ferritin and there are conflicting views and date as to whether that is a genuine concern so that is likely an individual decision. As I have pointed out in other threads, ferritin is far from being synonymous with iron status in the blood or in the tissues.

As an aside, I have not heard any conclusive findings on what the properties of young blood are that promote “youthing” but oxytocin has been speculated to be one of them.

Here is an interview in the second half of the link below with the Conboys.

SHR #2948: Could Cannabis Cure the Opioid Crisis? PLUS Plasma Dilution Reduces Biological Age
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...As an aside, I have not heard any conclusive findings on what the properties of young blood are that promote “youthing” but oxytocin has been speculated to be one of them.
It's an interesting subject. Oxytocin probably is one of the substances that's reduced by age to our detriment.

Other candidates include GHK-Cu, GDF-11 and klotho.
It's an interesting subject. Oxytocin probably is one of the substances that's reduced by age to our detriment.

Other candidates include GHK-Cu, GDF-11 and klotho.
Do u personally take GHK-Cu?
Yes. Although pulsing GnRH a few times a day is demanding, it at least makes it easy to include other things that are more effective with frequent small doses.
How many mg do u inject per day? I was doing 1mg am and 1mg pm for a bit. Might start it back up
Holy sh*t lol. Ur not worried about ur copper levels getting too high? I thought 2mg/ day was on the high end, as far as dosing GHK-Cu goes
The amount of copper isn't bad. I did drop supplementation of 500 mcg when I adopted the protocol, which in the worst case puts the total intake at just over a milligram. However, it's not clear to me if copper in the GHK-Cu complex is as available for other purposes as what's in supplements. So the net increase may be less than 500 mcg.
The amount of copper isn't bad. I did drop supplementation of 500 mcg when I adopted the protocol, which in the worst case puts the total intake at just over a milligram. However, it's not clear to me if copper in the GHK-Cu complex is as available for other purposes as what's in supplements. So the net increase may be less than 500 mcg.
Ya I feel like the excess copper concern with ghk-cu seems to be a little overblown as well. Last question, what’s ur rationale for using 6mg/ day? Whenever I researched it, it seems like most people were using 1-2mg/ day
It's an interesting subject. Oxytocin probably is one of the substances that's reduced by age to our detriment.

Other candidates include GHK-Cu, GDF-11 and klotho.
Cataceous, have you tried GDF-11 or klotho? The data/evidence on GDF-11 is weak/conflicting. Klotho seems to have a quite a bit of evidence that it would be beneficial. How did you arrive at your GHK-Cu dosing?
... Last question, what’s ur rationale for using 6mg/ day? Whenever I researched it, it seems like most people were using 1-2mg/ day
... How did you arrive at your GHK-Cu dosing?
I can't say there's good objective support for the protocol. Rather, I factored in the reduction in serum levels with age, which could argue for higher doses, along with statements in the literature indicating that the more the doses are distributed, the less the total dose needs to be, and finally there was an anecdote of an individual taking 1 mg several times a day and claiming good results. While causality is not established, I did have some positive correlations with the protocol, including including the disappearance of a small brown spot on my face that had been there for over 20 years, an improvement in overall skin appearance, and the disappearance of some benign subcutaneous bumps.

Cataceous, have you tried GDF-11 or klotho? The data/evidence on GDF-11 is weak/conflicting. ...
I have been dabbling with GDF-11 for a couple of months now. I've gone by Steve Perry's suggestions and have collected many of the biomarkers. Unfortunately I don't have ready access to what may be the most objective measure of success, which relates to naive T cells. I have skepticism about some of Perry's claims, particularly those that appear to conflict with some of the research he cites. One thing that impresses me is the potency of GDF-11. It's almost unfathomable to me that a 5 pg dose of something could result in blatant macroscopic effects. I had titrated down from 100 pg/day, yet still found that 5 pg resulted in early awakenings. Only when I hit 1 pg/day did this symptom resolve. However, tangible benefits are noticeably lacking. There is no obvious trend in any of the biomarkers I've been collecting, including reaction time, blood pressure and heart rate variability. This is disturbing, because the claim is that biomarkers should improve until some mysterious "downregulation" is achieved, at which point biomarkers deteriorate and you stop taking the GDF-11. I suppose the optimistic interpretation is that I still have youthful GDF-11 activity, such that supplementation isn't very helpful.

I am interested in klotho as well, and may run a trial at some point. The usual supplier for these experiments is currently out of stock.
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