I would suggest looking at ALL your blood work numbers to determine dosage and frequency. And yes, that doc clearly doesn't know what he/she is talking about and that would be a red flag for me right away. I haven't tried Defy because my doc is great, but if I received the treatment and protocol...
Yeah, I try to prevent making changes once I feel things have stabilized. That's why I'm hesitant to take the HCG my doc wants me to take. Just not sure if it's necessary, but I know if I do start taking it I will have to "re-dial in", if you will and that already took me a few years to find...
One other thing, the other reason I don't think I felt any sides going up was because it was gradual and also because I am on daily injections. For me, the worst sides were always when I injected a large amount of TCyp at once. I had the worst back acne and even on my scalp and chest. Were you...
Yeah, like I mentioned for me it was almost a two year process to figure out what was the right protocol for me. If you post your numbers on a new post, I'm sure people here would be glad to analyze it and give you advice. For me, I started reading, reading, reading and understanding how this...
For me, being low SHBG, I noticed a difference with my erections and libido first. Then it was the energy. And what I mean by noticing it was that it started to be more constant and not random. With large injections at one time I felt good at the beginning, but then it would start going away...
The only times I felt any sides were when I would either take a large dose of TCyp at one time (when I was on once every two weeks), when I started HCG at 1,500iu's per week (again, at one time), and when I took Anastrozole once but it was after I had already been on daily injections so I think...
My original Dr that knew absolutely nothing had me on shots every 2 weeks with harpoon sized needles. I then found this site, found a new Dr, and switched everything up to weekly with smaller needles. After reading more on this site, I realized it would be better to go to daily or EOD injections...
I did have that happen once and that was after taking Anastrozole based on Dr's recommendations and that apparently killed by Estradiol. It took a little over a week to finally get it all out of my system where I was able to get erections again. I know it's not a lot, but I took 1mg and I will...
Yes, it's almost daily or every other day but my wife ain't having it some times. She has a highly stressful and busy job and often comes home tired and drained. I ain't gonna lie, sometimes it gets to the point I need to rub one out myself or she helps. No shame in being honest about it. But I...
So far I've been on this protocol for 6 weeks and it's been consistent. I plan on staying on this for another 6-8 to see if anything changes, but so far this is the absolute best I've felt long term. I've also tried T-Propionate and although that made me feel good for a few weeks, that stopped...
I first started HCG about 2 yrs ago and it gave me a ton of sides. I had crazy acne and my Estradiol levels were crazy. Since I stopped taking HCG I have felt a lot better with no sides. My doc has told me he would prefer me to be back on HCG, but I really don't understand why. And if I do go...
I've tried different protocols for 5-8 weeks, depending on how I felt the first 4-5 weeks. If I knew I wasn't feeling well after 5 weeks, I didn't continue through 8 weeks. I've tried 120mg of TCyp by itself, broken up into daily shots. I've tried 150mg of TCyp by itself, broken up into daily...
I've been on this site for a while now and love reading the material and posts, but I haven't posted in a while because I've been trying to figure out the right protocol for myself over the past year and a half. I've learned an absolute ton just reading through previous posts and have even told...
First and foremost, I would have found this site sooner. I would have also paid more attention to my SHBG and understood how big of a part it plays in dose and frequency. I would have also started with much smaller needles instead of the harpoons I first used and pinning delts early on. I would...