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  1. You Gonna Learn Today

    Opinions on TRT Dosages for Exercise Training.

    I would suggest looking at ALL your blood work numbers to determine dosage and frequency. And yes, that doc clearly doesn't know what he/she is talking about and that would be a red flag for me right away. I haven't tried Defy because my doc is great, but if I received the treatment and protocol...
  2. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    Yeah, I try to prevent making changes once I feel things have stabilized. That's why I'm hesitant to take the HCG my doc wants me to take. Just not sure if it's necessary, but I know if I do start taking it I will have to "re-dial in", if you will and that already took me a few years to find...
  3. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    One other thing, the other reason I don't think I felt any sides going up was because it was gradual and also because I am on daily injections. For me, the worst sides were always when I injected a large amount of TCyp at once. I had the worst back acne and even on my scalp and chest. Were you...
  4. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    Yeah, like I mentioned for me it was almost a two year process to figure out what was the right protocol for me. If you post your numbers on a new post, I'm sure people here would be glad to analyze it and give you advice. For me, I started reading, reading, reading and understanding how this...
  5. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    For me, being low SHBG, I noticed a difference with my erections and libido first. Then it was the energy. And what I mean by noticing it was that it started to be more constant and not random. With large injections at one time I felt good at the beginning, but then it would start going away...
  6. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    The only times I felt any sides were when I would either take a large dose of TCyp at one time (when I was on once every two weeks), when I started HCG at 1,500iu's per week (again, at one time), and when I took Anastrozole once but it was after I had already been on daily injections so I think...
  7. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    That’s interesting. Thanks for the info. I’ll continue to keep an eye on it and see how things go.
  8. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    My original Dr that knew absolutely nothing had me on shots every 2 weeks with harpoon sized needles. I then found this site, found a new Dr, and switched everything up to weekly with smaller needles. After reading more on this site, I realized it would be better to go to daily or EOD injections...
  9. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    I did have that happen once and that was after taking Anastrozole based on Dr's recommendations and that apparently killed by Estradiol. It took a little over a week to finally get it all out of my system where I was able to get erections again. I know it's not a lot, but I took 1mg and I will...
  10. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    Yes, it's almost daily or every other day but my wife ain't having it some times. She has a highly stressful and busy job and often comes home tired and drained. I ain't gonna lie, sometimes it gets to the point I need to rub one out myself or she helps. No shame in being honest about it. But I...
  11. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    So far I've been on this protocol for 6 weeks and it's been consistent. I plan on staying on this for another 6-8 to see if anything changes, but so far this is the absolute best I've felt long term. I've also tried T-Propionate and although that made me feel good for a few weeks, that stopped...
  12. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    I first started HCG about 2 yrs ago and it gave me a ton of sides. I had crazy acne and my Estradiol levels were crazy. Since I stopped taking HCG I have felt a lot better with no sides. My doc has told me he would prefer me to be back on HCG, but I really don't understand why. And if I do go...
  13. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    I've tried different protocols for 5-8 weeks, depending on how I felt the first 4-5 weeks. If I knew I wasn't feeling well after 5 weeks, I didn't continue through 8 weeks. I've tried 120mg of TCyp by itself, broken up into daily shots. I've tried 150mg of TCyp by itself, broken up into daily...
  14. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    I've been on this site for a while now and love reading the material and posts, but I haven't posted in a while because I've been trying to figure out the right protocol for myself over the past year and a half. I've learned an absolute ton just reading through previous posts and have even told...
  15. You Gonna Learn Today


    First and foremost, I would have found this site sooner. I would have also paid more attention to my SHBG and understood how big of a part it plays in dose and frequency. I would have also started with much smaller needles instead of the harpoons I first used and pinning delts early on. I would...
  16. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...

    Good point, VC. My labs have been averaging around 15-17 NMOL/L, so I think that considers me to be low SHBG.
  17. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...

    That's interesting that you mention that, but I do not think that's accurate. Based on what I have read, TCyp absorbs up to 400% from baseline within 24 hrs and the longer acting ester means it takes longer to remain in the system. Below is an excerpt from "Testosterone cypionate...
  18. You Gonna Learn Today

    Sleep Apnea Questions

    I was always told we're not supposed to take any sleep aid because it could affect the results of the numbers from your sleep study, but I have no clue how the hell anyone could sleep without it. When I did my home sleep study, I took some Zquil the first night and was able to atleast stay...
  19. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...

    TCyp only. I try to pin directly in to the middle of the delt head and not the front delt or rear. Basically, the same place a doctor would inject a vaccination in to.
  20. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...

    I pin daily and try to switch between the delts. For example, one week I'll start the week (Monday) with left delt and alternate every 2 or 3 days with the right. I'm only injecting 20mg, so it's a very small amount. The next week I'll start off with the right. But I've noticed I don't get the...
  21. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...

    I switched to delts early last year with 27g 1/2" and I love it. However, I noticed two things that are pretty odd. Every single time I push all the way in and even push enough to dimple the delt, if you will. About a month ago, I think I hit a vein because I was coughing up a lung right after...
  22. You Gonna Learn Today

    Sleep Apnea Questions

    I did a sleep study as a sleep center years ago and didn't sleep one bit. With all of the wires hooked up to my head and a tube partially up my nose, it would absolutely impossible to sleep. As a result, my doctor at the time concluded I was narcoleptic (which I'm not). However, when I slept I...
  23. You Gonna Learn Today

    Nashtide is gonna lean bulk...

    Reading through this thread and I'm diggin it. Great work! Any new updates?
  24. You Gonna Learn Today

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    One other thing I would recommend is a sleep study. Sometimes, as Tad1979 mentions in part of his post, there could be underlying issues with sleep. I am actually doing an at home sleep study this week to see if I need an APAP machine during sleep. I've been told that could also help...
  25. You Gonna Learn Today

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    I tried HCG at the beginning with my current doctor, but I didn't notice any changes with it. If anything it was raising my E2 too much which caused me to use an AI. I've had a vasectomy for a while, 42yrs old right now, and don't plan on having any more kids. I just don't see a need for HCG...
  26. You Gonna Learn Today

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    Great job on the current weight loss! We both know it's not easy, but we have to stay committed and keep pushing forward. I completely agree with you on the mental concerns. Personally, if this is the case, I highly recommend you consider starting TRT. It definitely helped me with the same exact...
  27. You Gonna Learn Today

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    Just to add to my previous response, I am also a low SHBG (20.5nmol/l on my lastest charts) and inject ED. I've tried between 10-40mg per day and I honestly feel the best at 40mg per day (840ng/dl on my latest charts). Each of these I tried for 5 weeks while increasing it 5mg each 5 week cycle...
  28. You Gonna Learn Today

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    I will give my personal experience with TRT. I myself was/am considered obese. At my highest I was at 245 and also 5'6" like you. It is a constant circle you deal with. Low energy, low libido, low self-esteem, and all of the other standard low T symptoms. I got on TRT and it has helped me with...
  29. You Gonna Learn Today

    Stopped HCG...interesting “effect” so far....

    Other options are to lay them on your lap or tuck them into your sock when you sit down on the toilet.
  30. You Gonna Learn Today

    My daily Testosterone Propionate diary

    This is a very interesting thread, VC. I just switched to Prop myself and I'm also experimenting with things. The first two weeks I tried 25mg of TProp ED only. I stopped taking my AI and also my HCG so that I could see how things felt. I know I still had some of the Cyp ester in me, so the...
  31. You Gonna Learn Today

    Testosterone Cypionate vs Propiante

    Dang, madman......holy cow! That's very specific....and fantastic! This is great information to have when I speak to my doctor again. This is awesome! Thanks for your response!