Recent content by USMC

  1. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    Something... I don't want to repeat myself, but I cannot over emphasize the affect this shit had on me. Finally after a two month stint at only 100mg/ week, here we are at 10+ weeks later and I'm feeling normal again, or whatever normal is for us :).. Totally embarrassed at what I put my wife...
  2. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I hope that does it for you man! Shit if fxckin brutal when it throws you off. Everyone is different! Good luck!
  3. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    Ya, not worth it IMO! I've been with my wife 31 years and I, like you, was digging up past relationships convinced she was reconnecting with them. She thought I was friggin crazy, and at the time, I suppose I was :) Now, over two months out, I still have lingering issues but they are not...
  4. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I did the ole 2:1 and got the sides.. be careful!
  5. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I've read that NPP is less on the sides. I'd be petrified to try any Nor19 again as I think it will cost me my marriage. ALL of my insecurity, jealousy, and anger were directed to my wife. I didn't have any problems with anyone else. This shit made my brain, via intrusive thoughts, convinced she...
  6. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I think it's working. But, it's been a full two months since I stopped the garbage and I'm finally starting to feel "normal." I've had this feeling in my gut for the entire two months that feels like you do before an important interview (fight or flight). That on top of insecurity, anxiety...
  7. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    No shit? I have some too... I'm getting on it, thanks!
  8. USMC

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I've been off of my ND 100mg / week cycle of 6 months for about 6 weeks now. I had to tap out do to insecurity issues with my wife. Now, 6 weeks out, I'm am still having angry rage outbursts at her :), not good. Is there something I can add? It's been 6 weeks so I'm guessing something is still...
  9. USMC

    retatrutide experiences

    Thanks, I'll check them out.. is this stuff FDA approved yet? Not that that will stop me :) just curious..
  10. USMC

    retatrutide experiences

    Sure, could you DM me when you get a second? Would appreciate that, thanks!
  11. USMC

    retatrutide experiences

    Is this something you get via script, or a peptide source? I had great results the 1st time I tried Saxenda.. I tried it again several months later and nothing! Strange.. I've tried the peptide source of Semaglutide and again nothing.. I would love to try something like Retatrutide to see if it...
  12. USMC

    Low Dose Nandrolone With TRT

    In my case, I was taking 200mg of Test C / week, and added 100mg of Nandrolone Decanoate / week. First 6 weeks were great with strength and pain relief. I was in heaven! Then the fighting with the wife started. Inappropriate jealousy, insecurity, and anger! It was uncontrollable! I stopped over...
  13. USMC

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Nope, left Nandrolone dose at 100mg and added back in .25mg Arimidex twice per week and that did the trick. I see now I took WAY too much Arimidex previously. Without bloodwork it's all guessing, but I think keeping estradiol controlled will help with prolactin and progesterone. Anyone have...
  14. USMC

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Haha, lowering the Nandrolone dose to 50mg.. noticing some mood swings :)
  15. USMC

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    HAHA! I won't forget you! I'm from Billerica