Recent content by tropicaldaze1950

  1. T

    WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

    TRT/HRT, sexual function and a spouse or partner not responding to intimacy or telling you they're calling it quits on sex are all connected. You know my story that my wife was emotionally/verbally abusive, manipulative, gaslighting me. Not just turned off by her, but contributory to ED. And...
  2. T

    WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

    If a woman is otherwise healthy and forgoes intimacy and will not consider speaking with her primary, that upends an important aspect of marriage or any relationship. It would be the same if it was the husband. People get divorced over that issue.
  3. T

    WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

    Divorce court and a fat, monthly alimony check or half of everything in the marriage.
  4. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    I agree. I'm of the opinion that exogenous T cannot be compared to endogenous production, along with endogenous DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, DHT, estradiol, etc. Everything was in balance. Of course, I can't explain why many men seem to do well with a dosage of between 100 mg & 200 mg...
  5. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Vince, I apologize if what I wrote sounded a tad edgy. Your system responds, robustly, to low dose, dailies. We know there isn't a 'one size fits all' approach to trt. And going by lab values, alone, is a fool's errand. Your levels, in another man, might be too high or, in an outlier, not...
  6. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Did an online search. Dr. Comite states the optimal free T range is between 150 to 240. Doesn't mean some men don't need higher free T. Your total is about 1335 and free 350? I know you do dailies and you've stated that you feel better at the higher level. None of us know what our levels...
  7. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Your reasoning and arguments are sound, coupled with your experience of daily micro dosing. I'm aware that I've contradicted myself many times on dosing. Basically, been all over the place. Low dosing or micro dosing, whether E3.5D, EOD or daily, is the last place for me to go.
  8. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    For me, it's about mental health and sexual function. Over the years, my shoulders have gotten broader, which even my wife noticed and she doesn't notice much about me. And I'm strong. Good enough. :
  9. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    I always find contradictions. There are men who do fine on 200 mg, per week, some even higher dosing, then those who are optimized at less than 100 mg or lower, per week. We can all agree it's not about the numbers but, as I always say, how a man feels and functions. Before I give up on T...
  10. T

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    My problem with the statement of what a healthy young male produces is that you don't find knowledgeable doctors prescribing 7 to 9 mg, daily. Not Dr. Lipschultz, Dr. Rouzier, Dr. McLain, Dr. Nichols, Dr. Saya, Dr. Morgentaler... I'll exclude TRT clinics, since many do start at 200 mg per...
  11. T


    Interesting, Nelson. At 74, 12 years might or might not be in the cards. I will not touch a statin. I eat many eggs, butter, olive oil(EVOO), shrimp, cheese, homemade pinto beans, kefir(Lifeway). My hsCRP is 4 and PSA is 4.5, though my prostate is 'small and rubbery' per my urologist...
  12. T

    Was Excel Hacked?

    Our relationship/marriage of 32 years has been difficult, due to my wife trying to emotionally run away from many issues in her life, including sublimating her desire for women. We started sleeping apart because of my sleep problems from bipolar illness and her sleep issues, but I also had...
  13. T

    Was Excel Hacked?

    Yeah, LOL. One night I went into my wife's bedroom(we sleep separately) and she was watching a movie(or Netflix series) where two women were in bed, kissing. Not surprising because she, in a round about way, a few years ago, had indirectly said she'd been involved with women before we met...