Recent content by tmaxey1

  1. T

    Gynecomastia: Air-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery

    What are the costs of gyno surgery these days? I have a 14 year old son who has it from puberty. Took him to pediatrician who assured us 90% of the time it "goes away on its own". Bullcrap. This Dr refused to give him tomoxifan or any AI and now its a problem. Anyone know what these procedured...
  2. T

    Any concerns about long term anastrozole use in men?

    It seems that the argument against controlling estrogen is usually living in the extremes. Saying men need estrogen. Its missing the point of the men who believe in controlling it. Controlling it doesnt mean eliminating it. People like to point to studies that show harm from low estrogen levels...
  3. T

    anyone on daily Pregnyl?

    I give up way too often also. I need to find a solution so I just got back on HCG and have dropped the nandrolone for a while. I'll play around with the AI also to see if anything works. Labs due soon so I'll have a few more levels tested to see if anything else can be the cause. While its...
  4. T

    How long for HCG to restore testicular size?

    Is E2 actually produced inside the testicles? I thought the testicles are only capable of producing testosterone and the conversion that happens is in other parts of the body and not in the testicles? I'm just not sure the testicles are producing E2. I believe E2 in men is all through the...
  5. T

    anyone on daily Pregnyl?

    I'm am also just restarting HCG as an add on to TRT. Has their been a benefit shown to daily injections vs twice weekly? My goal with adding it back is to get more penis sensitivity so sex doesnt keep being a long cardio exercise. Any advise on dosages to restart things or any knowledge on...
  6. T

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    This turned into a very informative thread. I'll admit to using Cialis when I know I have certain people coming over for the night. I don't think I really need it. It's more of an enhancer for me. But what I find is I psychologically become afraid not to use it. Like what if I don't and thats...
  7. T

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    I do wonder about that. So I've switched for 3 months at a time away from nandrolone and took winstrol instead. Same result on the sensitivity part. Nandrolone is amazing for tendon pain. That one is hard to get off of if you are a frequent lifter. My bicep tendons flare right up.... I may soon...
  8. T

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    I just ordered hcg again. I stopped taking it when defy sent out the stuff about compounding pharmacies not able to produce it. So its in the mail and this was why I ordered more of it. Hoping it helps. Not wanting anymore children at 48 but I'll go back on if it gets me right again.
  9. T

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    Ok guys. Some background. Most of my life I was like most men. Trying to think about everything else to delay orgasm. Used to use these delayed orgasm condoms. I used to want so much to last longer. Started TRT about 4 years ago. Initial T levels were 168. The last few years I have been on 200m...
  10. T

    DEA extends telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, for now.

    Understood. I can't find the agenda for the meeting any longer where they had doctors and other speakers who came to voice their concern for the rule change. I just remember when I did see it thinking all the speakers who had a voice in the room were from lobby groups representing mental health...
  11. T

    DEA extends telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, for now.

    I read somewhere that mental health lobby came in and had testimony at the hearing that swayed this. If you check the DEA website and look at who was given a voice it is telling. The trt community may not have had any impact on the decisions. Like everything with our government, which ever...
  12. T

    As of today I am involuntarily off of TRT - Thanks Empower

    I am also off TRT for the same reasons. It won't happen again. I have an order in process for test from the black market. I'll keep that bottle for the future so when this happens again I have some in reserve. As a side note. If you are running low and need test skip empower and have defy...
  13. T

    Question about switching to Insurance for TRT

    Its not about liking the answer. It's not only about them covering the cost of testosterone. Thats cheap. I've heard its only around $50 at the pharmaacy. What about the blood work and follow up appts. What about the other meds Defy may have you on like Tadafil or T3. Can't your reg doc get...
  14. T

    Question about switching to Insurance for TRT

    They don't allow a month ahead. Even if they did when they never had a month delays and now they do it isnt unreasonable to expect a notification and exception of the new delays. If fact when someone is ordering if Defy knows they are having massive delays then they should let the patient know...
  15. T

    Question about switching to Insurance for TRT

    I am not sure this is accurate. If you are coming to a new doc or a new insurance plan and a previous doctor diagnoses you with a condition why would you have to be diagnosed. My company just hired a guy who takes high blood pressure meds. His pressure is good now. So based on this he would need...