Recent content by swolg8r

  1. S

    Testosterone propionate for TRT

    Happened to me, 8mg test prop per day was 72ng estradiol 28 hours post injection
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Yeah Willy it’s been quite a ride. I’m kinda enjoying learning so much about my body but I’m definitely looking to dial in by end of year. Maybe I’ll try one of those concoctions:)
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Hello, I use a half-inch needle between 27-30Ga. Subcutaneous in glutes, usually very shallow (needle is almost pointing horizontally). I just reduced my dose to 6mg test prop based off my results. I would recommend that you drop by 1mg every 5-10 days until you start noticing increased hardness...
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Hello everyone and thanks for all of your responses. Sorry I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to reply back to each of you. I thought I’d attach my sensitive estradiol test which I received this morning. Without a doubt I am extremely surprised at this reading based off such a conservative...
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    I’m under the impression that if you have low shbg, androgens and estrogens that normally are bound and transported via this molecule are more freely available in the bloodstream and thus make their way out of the body more quickly. Which would explain your higher free test/total test values? I...
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Wow ok if I take any dose above 10mg, I get crazy heart rate and blood pressure spikes. I can only imagine what 25mg ed would be like. I have to say I am curious about my bloodwork results as steroid plotter has test levels from 7mg prop per day around 400ng/dL. But any increased dose, my body...
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    @t_spacemonkey interesting. Maybe my dose is a bit low. If it’s peaking 4-12 hours post injection. That seems to be the window where I start to get better EQ. I realize bloodwork is the only way to tell for sure. Do you test your SHBG? Mine sits in the 40s-50s.
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    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Hello Gents, I am currently taking 7mg of test propionate daily. 29G insulin needle subcutaneously every morning around 9-10am. This is a fairly recent switch from test cypionate (10mg ed - subcutaneous, switched a little over a month ago), for which I had not found success in terms of quality...
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    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Let us know if you get any better after taking thyroid medicine!
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    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    A big factor I see on bloodwork for a lot of us who crashed with Aromasin is that despite injecting anywhere from high trt to supra-physiologic dosages of testosterone, estrogen doesn’t really budge. For instance, off trt my test levels are 749ng/dL but my estradiol sensitive is 25pg/mL. Then...
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    Post-Finasteride Syndrome and Upcoming Research

    This is big for pssd, pfs, etc community. Hopefully they can shine some light on all of this.
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    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    @RAS : Have you seen any improvement since you hit that wall?? I'm of the opinion that if the large doses of estrogen were going to reset/stimulate the estrogen receptors in the brain/sexual organs, you may start to see an improvement (granted your trt dose is dialed in and your estrogen levels...
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    Need some guidance. Palpitations / Anxiety.

    I would start somewhere <= 120mg. In your labs, your e2 was still a bit on the higher end. Your test levels themselves were also out of range (albeit not way off). You should leave AI out of the picture and titrate down from 120mg till you feel no heart palpitations, normal resting heart rate...
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    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Update: New regimen: 100mg test cyp every 3 days 0.5mg estrogen valerate every 12 hours (sublingual) I use a pill cutter 125mg test dosage once per week was leaving me with worse symptoms by end of week.
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    Permanent Damage from Estradiol Crash

    Just letting you know I have high Shbg in the 60s. Your experience with medical professionals is similar to mine. I appreciate you taking the time to write out all the details and will let you know how it goes on my end.