Recent content by Sides

  1. S

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    What are you currently running? In your last post you said you had started back up with TRT along with 1000 HCG. Are you still taking the HMG or FSH? You can only do so much with TRT and HCG, although that would typically work well to maintain fertility and stimulate the Leydig cells of the...
  2. S

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    Simply put, your body needs two hormones to produce sperm: LH to stimulate the Leydig cells and maintain high levels of intra-testicular testosterone, and FSH to stimulate the Sertoli cells, which do 80% of the work in making sperm. HCG is an analog for LH, so that will replace the LH that...
  3. S

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    The increased anxiety is probably due to low testosterone levels, not to mention the Clomid. I've been on test for over 28 years now, and every time I have decreased my dosage, it has resulted in higher anxiety, due to testosterone's effects on dopamine and GABA receptors. At my age and length...
  4. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    Mindfulness, prayer, and exercise are all powerful tools. Testosterone as well, as there are studies and plenty of anecdotal reports showing good testosterone levels to have a big impact on anxiety and depression. My biggest problem is sleep, or lack thereof. I haven't gone to sleep without...
  5. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    Thanks for the helpful clarification. I honestly don't know enough about it to know where to start. But there's only one way to find out if it can help me, and that's to give it a try.
  6. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    I am considering trying *** or cannabis now that it's legalized in my state. I've actually never smoked marijuana or tried any cannabis products before, so I have no idea how it will effect me. I hear good things from some people and bad things from others, like any other drug. Only way to...
  7. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    Thanks, I am familiar with the Ashton Manual (largely through the good advice provided on this website) and I am trying to incorporate it's ideas as I try to taper down off the Valium. But it is difficult. Some of the other serotonin-based drugs I have tried to help with anxiety and sleep...
  8. S

    Anabolic Steroids: A Medical Perspective

    I agree with you 100%. There is a middle road or happy medium in between the minimalist approach to TRT, or just allowing or legalizing everything. While there are dangers to using larger amounts of testosterone and other anabolic steroids, the dangers are minimal compared to many other...
  9. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    Thanks, I appreciate you offering your experience. I've been on Valium for over 4 years now, and trying to get off it is terrible, especially as I am taking care of my baby daughter, and sleep is at a premium now as it is. But I do realize that many of my problems could be because of the...
  10. S

    Anabolic Steroids: A Medical Perspective

    Doctor Bhasin is my endocrinologist in Boston. He's a very nice and kind and decent man, but also very conservative regarding test/steroid use, would prefer that everyone use the minimum dose of testosterone possible, recommends 100mg per week. He would not be in favor of most of the more...
  11. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    I've been thinking of giving *** or edibles a try, just to help with the increased anxiety.
  12. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    Thanks, I appreciate the support and it is good to know that other people have been through this and successfully come out of the other side. I hope you are doing well these days.
  13. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    One of the symptoms of low estrogen levels is often anxiety. You are probably crashing your estradiol or driving it much too low with the Arimidex. Why are you taking Arimidex? Most men don't need it at all on a correct TRT dosage of testosterone, although I know there are some men who...
  14. S

    Benzodiazepines interactions cause by anastrazole

    I wish I never got started taking benzodiazepines. I started taking Valium during a very stressful period of my life 4 years ago, just to get to sleep. Now I absolutely cannot get to sleep at all without the Valium. And Valium makes my sleep apnea even worse, so I get little good rest even...
  15. S

    HCG and Testosterone Cypionate and wife is pregnant!!!!

    Congratulations; that is great to hear! HCG and HMG restored my fertility after many years on testosterone, and I have a beautiful baby daughter. So I am always happy to hear from other men who have achieved a similar result while staying on test. God bless you and your wife, and especially...