Recent content by Shanem

  1. S

    management of E2 and Ferritin

    Due to recent diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and low ferritin level, I need to get off anastrozole and blood donations. I had been doing IM test 60 mg /3.5 days. Dropped it to 50 mg and still needed anastrozole and blood donations. I am thinking of trying SQ and maybe 25 mg / 2 days...
  2. S

    contraindications of meds

    Going to try and get off TRT. Just started protocol using HCG, Enclomiphene, and Anastrozole. I was just diagnosed this evening with rheumatoid arthritis and the doctor wants to start me on prednisone and methotrexate. Wondering if there are contraindications to using those drugs together...
  3. S

    MCV and RBC test results

    Hey there, I was looking for reasoning why my MCV was low (74 fl). RBC is high (6.78 M/uL). Wondering if being on HRT was known to shrink your red blood cells while raising RBC's. Saw a post from someone that had similar results on here but didn't read if this was common or why. Thoughts?
  4. S

    Coming off TRT- Defy HPTA Reset Protocol

    New Defy Protocal: STOP T Cyp BEGIN HCG 500 iu TIW x 2 weeks then stop BEGIN Enclomiphene 25mg by mouth Daily M-F x 12 weeks then stop CONT Anastrozole 0.2 mg twice weekly, discontinue at end of Enclomiphine cycle Your next lab tests are due in 12 weeks Testosterone, Free, Direct with Total...
  5. S

    night time pinning

    Hey Guys, I looked for the answer to this question and didnt see it, so here it goes. I was talking to my medical practitioner and we were talking about my issues with lack of sleep. The person told me that it might be because I inject at night which will cause insomnia. i have never heard...
  6. S

    Naringin supplement to lower hematocrit

    difficult to tell. Besides my hematocrit, my PSA went up to 5.2 in a very short time and so I was taken off the TRT. then everything went back to normal. I asked to go back on T but a lower dose and the clinic (Defy) said I could not without a letter from the urologist stating it was ok for...
  7. S

    disturbing PSA test

    So PSA came back 4.3 and urinalysis was negative. Discontinuing TRT as per protocol and have an appointment with a urologist next Tuesday. We will see where this leads
  8. S

    disturbing PSA test

    Thank you Doctor. I just sent an email to your office asking to pass the PSA info on. My PCP withheld it from my lab work to tell me personally.
  9. S

    disturbing PSA test

    my PCP who did not prescribe TRT but who ordered the labs talked to the hospital urologist. Urologist told my MD to give me two choices: stop TRT completely and retest in a month, or refer me to urology. going to contact Defy and see what they say. I mentioned that if I stop I will crash and...
  10. S

    disturbing PSA test

    54 yo. May have ejaculated the night before. I will test again
  11. S

    disturbing PSA test

    Didnt see anything on PSA so thought I would ask. this is the history: PSA 5.9 01/11/2017 Began TRT 12/04/2016 PSA 1.6 10/31/2016 PSA 1.2 04/10/2015 PSA 1.4 03/01/2014 Any information you can give would be appreciated
  12. S

    Naringin supplement to lower hematocrit

    My hematocrit is up and I need a phlebo. but was looking for alternatives. I had heard eating grapefruit can lower hematocrit levels due to a citrus bioflavonoid called Naringin in the grapefruit. So my question is has anyone experimented with taking Naringin on its own? I was looking on...
  13. S

    gym and TRT question

    makes perfect sense. thank you
  14. S

    gym and TRT question

    HA! forgot about that. thank you for response
  15. S

    gym and TRT question

    maybe I am overthinking, but I have a question. I am to inject twice a week (every 3 1/2 days, so one in the morning, one at night). I workout in the mornings, so do I inject before the gym or after? I was thinking that since you get a T spike after working out that maybe it was not the...