Search results

  1. S

    management of E2 and Ferritin

    Due to recent diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and low ferritin level, I need to get off anastrozole and blood donations. I had been doing IM test 60 mg /3.5 days. Dropped it to 50 mg and still needed anastrozole and blood donations. I am thinking of trying SQ and maybe 25 mg / 2 days...
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    contraindications of meds

    Going to try and get off TRT. Just started protocol using HCG, Enclomiphene, and Anastrozole. I was just diagnosed this evening with rheumatoid arthritis and the doctor wants to start me on prednisone and methotrexate. Wondering if there are contraindications to using those drugs together...
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    MCV and RBC test results

    Hey there, I was looking for reasoning why my MCV was low (74 fl). RBC is high (6.78 M/uL). Wondering if being on HRT was known to shrink your red blood cells while raising RBC's. Saw a post from someone that had similar results on here but didn't read if this was common or why. Thoughts?
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    Coming off TRT- Defy HPTA Reset Protocol

    New Defy Protocal: STOP T Cyp BEGIN HCG 500 iu TIW x 2 weeks then stop BEGIN Enclomiphene 25mg by mouth Daily M-F x 12 weeks then stop CONT Anastrozole 0.2 mg twice weekly, discontinue at end of Enclomiphine cycle Your next lab tests are due in 12 weeks Testosterone, Free, Direct with Total...
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    night time pinning

    Hey Guys, I looked for the answer to this question and didnt see it, so here it goes. I was talking to my medical practitioner and we were talking about my issues with lack of sleep. The person told me that it might be because I inject at night which will cause insomnia. i have never heard...
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    Naringin supplement to lower hematocrit

    difficult to tell. Besides my hematocrit, my PSA went up to 5.2 in a very short time and so I was taken off the TRT. then everything went back to normal. I asked to go back on T but a lower dose and the clinic (Defy) said I could not without a letter from the urologist stating it was ok for...
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    disturbing PSA test

    So PSA came back 4.3 and urinalysis was negative. Discontinuing TRT as per protocol and have an appointment with a urologist next Tuesday. We will see where this leads
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    disturbing PSA test

    Thank you Doctor. I just sent an email to your office asking to pass the PSA info on. My PCP withheld it from my lab work to tell me personally.
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    disturbing PSA test

    my PCP who did not prescribe TRT but who ordered the labs talked to the hospital urologist. Urologist told my MD to give me two choices: stop TRT completely and retest in a month, or refer me to urology. going to contact Defy and see what they say. I mentioned that if I stop I will crash and...
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    disturbing PSA test

    54 yo. May have ejaculated the night before. I will test again
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    disturbing PSA test

    Didnt see anything on PSA so thought I would ask. this is the history: PSA 5.9 01/11/2017 Began TRT 12/04/2016 PSA 1.6 10/31/2016 PSA 1.2 04/10/2015 PSA 1.4 03/01/2014 Any information you can give would be appreciated
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    Naringin supplement to lower hematocrit

    My hematocrit is up and I need a phlebo. but was looking for alternatives. I had heard eating grapefruit can lower hematocrit levels due to a citrus bioflavonoid called Naringin in the grapefruit. So my question is has anyone experimented with taking Naringin on its own? I was looking on...
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    gym and TRT question

    makes perfect sense. thank you
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    gym and TRT question

    HA! forgot about that. thank you for response
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    gym and TRT question

    maybe I am overthinking, but I have a question. I am to inject twice a week (every 3 1/2 days, so one in the morning, one at night). I workout in the mornings, so do I inject before the gym or after? I was thinking that since you get a T spike after working out that maybe it was not the...
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    sustainability of costs

    Thank you for the information.
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    sustainability of costs

    looking at the receipt I think i did make a mistake. I did not know where the $129 came from. so it was $326. 20 for the drugs. $250 for the PA and it is marked as a recurring charge as is the labs at $205. I still cannot afford this.
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    sustainability of costs

    These are charges from Defy
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    sustainability of costs

    Needs some advise. Feeling angry and taken advantage of. so far cost of labs $200. to talk to PA $250. to talk to RN to order meds $129. (was not told of this cost) 90 day supply of meds $197.20 total cost $776.20 Is this what I have to look forward to every 90 days? Is there a cheaper way...
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    ya, my mind fog seems to be getting worse as is my lack of motivation. try to compensate for it at work with coffee and going for walks. luckily my boss leaves me alone
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    Thank you Dr. Saya, I have an appointment on November 28th with your PA, Melissa. I will inform her she does not need to explain this one to me. Looking forward to joining the crew.
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    Just got my blood work back. seems a little funny. Testosterone is 297, Progesterone is 0.2. normal level of progesterone according to LabCorp is 0.0 - 0.1 ng/ml, so its high. did some research and the numbers seem to vary. anyone have any thoughts on that?
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    Thank you gentlemen for your advice. I went to minute clinic had the physical done and I am having labs drawn tomorrow morning. Looking forward to hearing the results and see how Dr. Saya can help me. Feeling very optimistic.
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    Hello, I sent everything to Defy medical in the hopes of getting on hormone therapy, but because my last physical was a year ago they sent me a physical exam form to have my regular doctor fill out. I know my doctor, and I think the only thing he will give me is a lecture. he will not discuss...
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    Hello, My name is David. I am new to this site. I am also new to the idea of looking at hormone replacement therapy. My current doctor seems afraid to even speak on the subject, and my last lab test was borderline according to them, so they are not willing to even address the symptoms other...