Recent content by Rock H. Johnson

  1. Rock H. Johnson

    Soy Phytoestrogens May Help Prevent Covid-19

    @sammmy Your data / you plotted? Wow, are you taking everything personal? Did you even read the info on the website and the notes to the data? I am sorry but I can not communicate and learn in this way, everything becomes an ego-clash with you. Thanks, but no thanks.
  2. Rock H. Johnson

    Soy Phytoestrogens May Help Prevent Covid-19

    I do not know about that slightly lower statement. The data says something different here:
  3. Rock H. Johnson

    Soy Phytoestrogens May Help Prevent Covid-19

    So my first idea to up my daily dose of HCG seems to be supported by this.
  4. Rock H. Johnson

    Have you personally been affected by the novel coronavirus?

    Check Swedens neighbours left and right, compare the numbers.
  5. Rock H. Johnson

    Long term anorgasmia

    Adderall messes with your neurotransmitters, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, it impacts your brains reward center. I do not know what SSRI you used but they are notoriously bad on brainchemistry.
  6. Rock H. Johnson

    Testicles “retracting” during sex?

    or seek heat and move in, when too cold.
  7. Rock H. Johnson

    My 15 weeks experiment with Nandrolone.

    Where did I wrote using “masteron to limit the effects of DHN”??? Strawman much? I assume you did not read my post or the attached research papers which I use to explain my experience and maybe the Deca D*ck phenomenon. Both papers do not state it is because of DHN or “low androgen” side...
  8. Rock H. Johnson

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    I put no importance on the number then as one of the feedback signals to adjust my protocol. This was also the reason why I asked Gman86 to do a check throughout the day because he uses Nandrolone as his base. I have no anxiety about numbers or take BP as a main driver of CVD risk, there is...
  9. Rock H. Johnson

    Measuring HCT at home

    no, I feel great, I am not anemic, no tiredness, etc. I have no concerns for iron or ferretin levels, but I have read many posts here from members who do phlebotomies every 2 months and they get issues with ferretin. So as far as I know I do not have these issues which could come from a steady...
  10. Rock H. Johnson

    Measuring HCT at home

    In TCM acupuncture there is a technique called cupping where they suck on specific poiints along the body the skin into a vacumcup so the bloodflow, etc is enhanced underneath. I puncture the skin so blood can be vacum sucked through. There is much more to it, I use this already for many years...
  11. Rock H. Johnson

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    Yes, you need to keep a record throughout the day to see average BP as it rises because of, for instance water retention from a cardiovascular issue. I started doing it as I noticed that after I started using HCG, I had evening BP spikes from raised E2. So I could adjust my HCG dosage and...
  12. Rock H. Johnson

    Measuring HCT at home

    I just bought a GlucoRx HCT Connect. Which is a multimeter for BG, HCT and Ketones. With 60 enzyme strips it will be enough to measure HCT once a week for a year for only $40. As I get a cupping biweekly and let approximately...
  13. Rock H. Johnson

    TRT and Heart Palpitation

    What helped my body is drinking my NO mixture: L-Arginine/L-Citruline in 2:1 1-3grm Taurine 2 tsp beetroot powder 1grm Ascorbic Acid mixed in 250ml water. add 5-10 sprays of Magnesium chloride in the armpits But any of these on their own or in combination has an effect on my cardiovascular...
  14. Rock H. Johnson

    TRT and Heart Palpitation

    why only 100mg a week?