Recent content by Ribeye

  1. R

    Looking for advice regarding trimix use

    A. DON'T inject into the bottom, that is where your urethra is, and it won't help with an erection. The aching you feel post injecting is not uncommon, some men have it more, than others. It is probably due to the prostaglandin in the Tri Mix. I use Tri Mix too, and sometimes I ache after...
  2. R

    PT 141 not being made by Empower!

    I have used branded Vyleesi, but the side effects at the auto injector dose was just to much for me to tolerate. I started using half doses, (about 9 units). Not as good a response, but still helpful. Now my doc tells me Empower has quite making Bremalanotide (PT141). Does anyone know a good...
  3. R

    Doctors tell me I had a TIA . . .

    Your HCT and HBG are at the high end of normal but it sounds like you were at the high end of normal prior to starting HRT too. They usually give folks at clot risk anti thrombotics, regardless of the source. Your cardiac issues put you at a higher risk of a clot. Stay hydrated, take the meds...
  4. R

    High Hematocrit after years on TRT

    No the big driver of HCT and HBG would be iron, especially if taken as supplements in high doses over short periods of time, like days or a week. If your supplements have iron, and some have lots of it, stop those immediately. I have a brother who actually got diagnose with hemochromatosis, a...
  5. R

    Advice of Lab Results-High Estradiol

    It's not likely the estrogen that is causing the delayed ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation can be extremely difficult to diagnose. You could have back problems, higher prolactin, blood flow issues in your penis or prostate, or around the nerves in your genitals, and its seems those who use PD5...
  6. R

    Doctors tell me I had a TIA . . .

    Watch your HCT and HBG closely. If they start to climb, you will need to make changes. If you have any other symptoms, follow up with your Doc. Assuming your Docs will do a cardiac workup on you as well, to be sure something else is not going on with your heart you should be fine. When I say...
  7. R

    High Hematocrit after years on TRT

    It's likely some lab mistake, or a combination of that and dehydration. It seems like in my case, dehydration can easily make a %point or more difference easily. I have apnea also, and my HCT tends to climb up to about 54% about every 4-5 months, but staying hydrated, donating about every 4...
  8. R

    Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

    In the words of Sexual medicine trained docs like Rachel Rubin, and Ashley Winter, Dr Goldstein, and others, it's complete and utter baloney. Actually, I cannot report exactly what Dr. Rubin's not fit to print. Let's just say she is not happy with systems that promote themselves with...
  9. R

    Bimix needle length question

    I use Akina Pharmacy, and they typically send all their ICI products via 2.5 mm vials pre mixed on ice. (they are also typically less expensive at $189 per 10 ml. they will also produce a "trial vial" 2.5ml for $49 to try it out first) You simply put them in the freezer and take one out, thaw...
  10. R

    Bimix needle length question

    I have been using ICI therapies for years now. It is highly likely the bi mix isn't potent enough for you. You would be better served switching or at least trying Tri Mix. It's unlikely the needle length is the cause in my opinion. Why? because the blood flow throughout both cavernosum, takes...
  11. R

    Erection Problems

    I have a significant degree of ED as well. I have had had total T go from as high as 1800 down to 560 and it makes little difference in the ability to perform. Yes, when I had higher T levels, I had more libido, but that doesn't increase or improve performance in any meaningful way. Do as Madman...
  12. R

    Botox for your sexual health.

    Hi Mark, I do take tadalafil 40 mg daily. I started at 5 mg and worked up from there. My doc is one of the few boarded urologists who is specially trained in sexual medicine. She was comfortable increasing the dose, because the side effects were minimal and the benefit kept getting better. This...
  13. R

    Botox for your sexual health.

    Mark7, in case you did not know, sildenafil or Viagra is not absorbed as well with food too. Especially a meal with a little fat in it, like a good juicy steak. That could be part of why it doesn't work as well. Also I don't know how the doses of tadalafil compare to that of sildenafil, but the...
  14. R

    Botox for your sexual health.

    Hi Mark. After consulting my doc, we decided not to get another. I am likely, unfortunately one of the few who produce antibodies to botox. While it worked unbelievably well the first time, the effect degraded after significantly with each successive shot. The third time it only lasted a few...
  15. R

    Increasing doses of Tadalafil

    I currently take terazosin 2 mg bid for BP control and to help with bph symptoms, along with the higher doses of Tadalafil now up to 40 mg per day. I don’t have E issues, and the Tadalafil works better and better as I went up in dose. A huge improvement. The terazosin is helpful, but I think it...