Recent content by Relar

  1. R

    Pregnyl storage question

    At the paper inside the box it says there is 1ml ampoule of solvent (sodium chloride 9mg/ml) nothing else , maybe they use different solvent. Anyway i just wanted to ask if i can store it inside a plastic syringe safely
  2. R

    Pregnyl storage question

    Thanks for the reply!! My problem is that the mixed solution is in the plastic insulin syringe not in a glass vial. It keeps th potency so much in there too??
  3. R

    Pregnyl storage question

    Hello everyone! I hope i dont use wrong section, and also if there is already answered this question i am again sorry for that but the info here is so much and couldnt find it :( My question is, pregnlyl is coming with 1ml ampoule of solvent, if i mix the powder and the solvent in an insulin...
  4. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    i dont have ED and my nipples are ok, with no ED i mean that i dont realy want to have sex(i live with my girl 5years) but if i get touched etc everything its working good. Any other side effect ? also u are using something for prolactin? or u dont have problem at all ?
  5. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    I think its underdosed , i had to change pharmacy cause i moved out. I ve started with 100mg weekly 25mgx4 and had total testosterone 600. After that i moved to other place and changed pharmacy ,i took the same product but it doesnt work like the previous one from the first pharmacy thats why i...
  6. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    Hello again! i am here to update :) aaand i have a small issue , and any advice it would be appriciated. My Shbg after 6 weeks of the last check went to 19.4 nmol/l (previous was at 12.2) also did check total testosteron :825 free testosterone:244 shbg:19.4 prl :28.39 e2: 76.5 My protocol is...
  7. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    The strangest thing for me is that 1 month after starting trt i did bloodwork. I was doing 100mg enathate per week (25mg everyother day ) and also i was on 100mg of masterolone (proviron) and blood works came back with 600 total testosterone 18.5 shbg.. after that i stoped masterolone and...
  8. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    yes you are correct it was about 33 if i recal correctly. i would like to ask 2 more things before we end the thread conversation which to be honest was insanly educative and thank you a lot for that , i realy apriciate it. Lets agree that the first sample was botched. The second one is normal...
  9. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    @Cataceous hello! Ive just received both of the results. At the first sample with 645 total testosterone SHBG was 13.4 At the second sample (1day after the first one) with 1037 total testosterone SHBG was at 12.2 I hope that helped :)
  10. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    Its Saturday today , monday morning i will call them to check both samples. Monday noon i will got the results and i will post them !
  11. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    After all this discussion, i feel it would help if i ask the lab to check shbg. They have my blood so i can call them and ask more labs. Other than shbg should i ask them anything else? Also should i ask them to test shbg at the first result at 665 total testosterone or the second one at 1031...
  12. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    Thank you a lot! :)
  13. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    So the number of shbg doesnt affect total testosterone? If you have low or high shbg the result at total testosterone will be the same?
  14. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    Thats exactly what i am doing , 14iu(35mg per day) every morning. Thats why i started the topic cause for that dose my result is very low
  15. R

    Testosterone confusing lab results

    Unfortunately i didint ask them to check anything else cause its a private lab and labs cost too much.. i can only check with lower price with my insurance every 6 months. You want to see if the first time my shbg was lower than the second time?