Hi Darklanov,
I am Hypo due to a head injury I have been a weight lifter all of my life. I am on all the hormones except GH the sides were to much. I got Hypo at age 30 it took 10 yrs. of seeing Dr. after Dr. to figure this out. And of all the Dr.'s I have seen I found Endos all 8 of...
Know one knows what is going on but I feel we all will have this vires and just a small number of people will get sick and die. Until we make A cure for it so does it help to shut down everything because as some are saying you can't stop it.
Also that big of A shot can spick up your Estradiol E2 levels try getting this tested the morning of your next shot but before it. If you test high try some DIM and lower the dose as per your Dr.
DIMPRO Estrogen Metabolism Support by Energetic Nutrition
I know about that still it makes one think about all this.
Hear is more info if it's OK and I am on most of these supplements.
9 Nutrient to Help Protect Against Coronavirs.
Essential Nutrition to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus