Recent content by pmgamer18

  1. P

    Nandrolone Survey: Please Participate

    Nelson Vergel, Can you Email at [email protected] so I can give you my phone number. I need your help thanks Philip Georgian aka pmgamer18.
  2. P

    Let's talk about sex: Cialis not working like it did, and ejaculate volume is down

    Have your E2 Estradiol checked if high try some DIM. pmgamer18
  3. P

    Hypopituitarism and muscle gains

    Yes all the time and I am on it. pmgamer18
  4. P

    Hypopituitarism and muscle gains

    They called it the widow maker and the heart surgeon said it was the low GH levels for so long. Yet now I have congestive heart failure. pmgamer18
  5. P

    Hypopituitarism and muscle gains

    Hi Darklanov, I am Hypo due to a head injury I have been a weight lifter all of my life. I am on all the hormones except GH the sides were to much. I got Hypo at age 30 it took 10 yrs. of seeing Dr. after Dr. to figure this out. And of all the Dr.'s I have seen I found Endos all 8 of...
  6. P

    Doctor just put me on dutasteride for BPH

    My Dr. put me on Cialis 5 mg.'s / day for BPH works great and at age 76 my wood is great.
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    I am now 76 and have been on this 3x's/day for a very long time. Better on it then off. Now Foods, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, 500 mg pmgamer18
  8. P

    Why the Coronavirus Seems to Hit Men Harder Than Women...Estrogen Levels?

    On the news this morning Russia is now the second largest country hit by the infection. pmgamer18
  9. P

    Best way to take supplements with thyroid medication

    I wake up to go to the bath room every night so I take my meds for thyroid at about 3 am. and my Iron with vit. C. pmgamer18
  10. P

    Why the Coronavirus Seems to Hit Men Harder Than Women...Estrogen Levels?

    Know one knows what is going on but I feel we all will have this vires and just a small number of people will get sick and die. Until we make A cure for it so does it help to shut down everything because as some are saying you can't stop it. pmgamer18
  11. P

    Coronavirus Infection Rate Prediction (UK): 50% of Cases to Happen Over a 3 Week Period and 90% Over 9 Weeks

    Thanks I don't have A cell phone I will see if my son in law can load it up for me. pmgamer18
  12. P

    Coronavirus Infection Rate Prediction (UK): 50% of Cases to Happen Over a 3 Week Period and 90% Over 9 Weeks

    Nelson, Nice read but none of the charts loaded up all were blank is it my PC or what. pmgamer18
  13. P

    New guy not feeling very good after first two injections

    Also that big of A shot can spick up your Estradiol E2 levels try getting this tested the morning of your next shot but before it. If you test high try some DIM and lower the dose as per your Dr. DIMPRO Estrogen Metabolism Support by Energetic Nutrition pmgamer18
  14. P

    Coronavirus Infection Rate Prediction (UK): 50% of Cases to Happen Over a 3 Week Period and 90% Over 9 Weeks

    I know about that still it makes one think about all this. Hear is more info if it's OK and I am on most of these supplements. 9 Nutrient to Help Protect Against Coronavirs. Essential Nutrition to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus pmgamer18
  15. P

    Coronavirus Infection Rate Prediction (UK): 50% of Cases to Happen Over a 3 Week Period and 90% Over 9 Weeks

    Nelson please read the link I don't feel he is a creep I buy a lot of supplements that are dam good from him. Phil