Hi Darklanov,
I am Hypo due to a head injury I have been a weight lifter all of my life. I am on all the hormones except GH the sides were to much. I got Hypo at age 30 it took 10 yrs. of seeing Dr. after Dr. to figure this out. And of all the Dr.'s I have seen I found Endos all 8 of...
Know one knows what is going on but I feel we all will have this vires and just a small number of people will get sick and die. Until we make A cure for it so does it help to shut down everything because as some are saying you can't stop it.
Also that big of A shot can spick up your Estradiol E2 levels try getting this tested the morning of your next shot but before it. If you test high try some DIM and lower the dose as per your Dr.
DIMPRO Estrogen Metabolism Support by Energetic Nutrition
I know about that still it makes one think about all this.
Hear is more info if it's OK and I am on most of these supplements.
9 Nutrient to Help Protect Against Coronavirs.
Essential Nutrition to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus
The Untold Truth About the Coronavirs.
I told my wife when this Coronavirs came out from Wuhan City in China that it must be A Bioweapon that got out.
I don’t know what to make of this Analysis by Dr.Mercola but one needs to read this.
Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel...
Even with labs I go by how I feel when high I even breakout in a rash under my arms and between my little toe on my right foot and I have no wood.
The E2 type test you did show most men high when in fact doing an E2 sanative test you would get true result for men.
But do to how your feeling try this supplement called DIM.
back in the day when...
My wife tells me I am pissing all these supplements down the drain. But when she tried to make her point with my heart Dr. he told her this is what is keeping alive.
I have been on HCG for over 15 years hear is a copy of my meds & supplements.
Aromasin(Exemestane) 25 mgs E3 days.
Aspirin 81 mg 2x’s/day.
Alprazolam(Xanax) .5 mg. 3x’s/day...
Hi Simon7,
I had the same problem many years ago. I take it your doing shots 2x's/week and HCG on then same day.
I can't tell yoy what to do but can tell you what now works for me. I do my T shot evert 3 das subQ into my belly fat and I do my HCG 250 IU's the day before my T shot...
Hi Vince what I had wrong is called "The Widow Maker" and a birth defect. Along with being secondary low hormones like growth hormone.
I never had high cholesterol in my life the heart Dr. that did my bypass was full of it and saved my life but ruined it.