I found it to have the same side effects as Viagra - less effective, but still provides good help to erections. However - goodness - the orgasms while on it are incredible. Don't need a huge dose - start low, as others have said.
OP - my confusion is that you're trying to recreate the HPTA axis. Ultimately, your testicles were lost (which accounts for much testosterone production) but your adrenals, hypothalamus and thyroid are still intact.
I would politely argue that you need to look at this from the standpoint of...
"Before and during COVID, there was no written policy from the DEA about requiring a in person visit to get prescribed testosterone." -
With all due respect, that is not true. Testosterone is classified as a control - the DEA rules (Ryan Haight Act) before Covid dictated that you have to be...
I don't fault any man who says he needs more. I was surprised that I felt better at half the dosage I was previously taking. I'll also note - I inject four times a week (small doses) so I think that probably helps too.
80 to 85 mg per week. I use to do closer to 150 mg weekly, but I didn't notice extra muscle gain and I was agitated. 80 mg weekly gives me solid muscle gain, great mood, and good libido. Keep in mind my SHBG is like 10 (lol) - so when I inject, it gets used quickly. Generally tho - I think men...
Brother - a few notes -
1. You are 55 - don't feel embarassed about taking Cialis. You need it. Not being insulting - but by 55, most of us are going to have function issues. Be happy that the Cialis is working.
2. You're probably getting stage fright. Explain to your gal that sometimes you...
I do it all the time. I am concerned that the oil could be breaking down some parts of the water-based solutions - but - I love the convenience. I still feel great.
I have always had single-digit SHBG (usually between 7 and 12). Been on TRT for almost 10 years now. Of note - low SHBG can also very much be a genetic condition - apparently its more common in arabs, persians and south asians.
I have tried a lot of things to raise my SHBG and none of it works...
My SHBG is super low (always below 10). I do testosterone injections four times per week, super low doses. Shockingly - around 400 to 500 is my sweet spot. If I go above 500, I become very agitated.
As I've said on other posts here, I have low SHBG that never rises (it's usually around 9 or 10). I started injecting 4 to 5 times per week, instead of the two I was doing before. Noticed a massive difference. More frequent injecting (with micro doses) is a great way to get around low SHBG.
I do SC shots in the thigh and they work great. I usually do it with 1/2" needles. Whatever you inject usually gets into the muscle pretty quick (or it should for most). Give it a try. You'll know quickly if it works for you.
Great discussion here!
I have super-low SHBG (perpetually at around 10). Nothing I have done has fixed it. Instead of 2 testosterone shots per week, I now divide the dosage and inject 4 or 5 times a week. I feel 110% better. That's been the only solution I can come up with.