Recent content by Nujace

  1. N

    Libido - 1 huge leap forward, 5 steps back.

    There’s several quality UG sources in Canada that carry Test Prop. Easy to source.
  2. N

    Optimum IGF-1 Levels While on Enclomiphene

    Why not implement HGH alongside the Enclomiphene? My most effective HRT protocol is micro dosing Testosterone Cypionate (10-20mg) daily/12.5mg Enclomiphene daily/3-4iu of HGH.
  3. N

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I have heard metabolites from Deca can linger and be detectable for 2 years. I have always handled NPP well. But I used Deca for the first time back in November and shit depressed the hell out of me and made me a prisoner in my own head. Crazy how an ester can change the way we tolerate and...
  4. N

    ED issues with TRT absolutely lost and local doctors dont seem to have any answers.

    5mg of Dbol has been used with wonderful results for decades. And you’re not gonna become some mass monster on 5mg lol. His post was super helpful and may have changed that guy’s life forever. That post had nothing to do with UGLs. Just because it’s not in mainstream medicine protocols doesn’t...
  5. N

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I’m actually one that I think may fit both categories he mentioned that you quoted. Strictly anecdotal but I’ve been tinkering and dialing in my hormones for 15 years now. I have always preferred DHT based steroids for more than other types and usually keep my DHT levels elevated throughout the...
  6. N

    Best Sleep Supplements

    Anyone mention or used DSiP (delta sleep inducing peptide) I’ve only heard a few reports and only one sounded good. Still want to try it because I have needed sleep meds for 30 years now and I’m mid 40s. Problem is staying asleep. Not falling asleep
  7. N

    Test No Ester

    It doesn’t for me. I like it preworkout occasionally and pre sexy time some too.
  8. N

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    Man, HCG was a godsend for plumpness of nuts, ejac volume, raise in testosterone and e2 about 10-15 years ago. Now I don’t think it hardly does anything for me. Maybe a mega dose will spike libido a little but it’s just not effective anymore. I’ve heard it’s in the production process that...
  9. N

    Vince's Labs from 4/15/24

    Looks solid. I microdose like 10-17mg of testosterone cypionate nightly with a slin pin. I sporadically use HCG. I’m kinda a hybrid. Such low doses still allows some of my natural production to continue somewhat. Although it’s not impressive natural production for a 44yr old that has cycled...
  10. N

    A different dosing strategy with bremelanotide (PT-141) yields dramatically better results

    Cabergoline will lower prolactin in men and raise dopamine. It’s like a 3 day dopamine buzz when I have used it in the past. Probably much healthier ways to get it but since you asked…
  11. N

    Any Humanofort users alongside their daily, micro Testosterone injections?

    I’ve been a big believer of the 10-15mg/day of Testosterone cypionate injections for many years now. Just added 2 daily capsules of Humanofort. Anyone notice a significant difference once adding the Humanofort?
  12. N

    NAC side effects

    I’ve used it on and off for years but have recently just quit. For good probably. I was actually using it because it’s known to restore some key brain ingredients in those that use lots of nootropics. And it works great for that as well as curbing many hardcore impulses that people get. Ones...
  13. N

    Feel worse with higher test levels

    10-15mg of Test cyp daily, shallow IM is where I felt my best on TRT. More than that was overstimulating my brain and caused me to look for substances to abuse to relax my mind and body. Stuff like THC, alcohol, phenibut etc… Not large amounts of these things but still not things that are...
  14. N

    Taking supplements using suppository method.

    It’s really becoming popular. Still haven’t tried it. But it’s rampant with everything from alcohol and mushrooms to medicine and testosterone suspension. I don’t use testosterone suspension right now because I’m experimenting with low dose trestolone for HRT but if I ever go back to TRT I may...