Recent content by jsr0367

  1. J

    Sunflower Lecithin Estradiol

    Has anyone taken Sunflower Lecithin and noticed a difference in your E2? Does it lower or increase? I am on a higher dose of TRT...200mg Cyp weekly split. I have heard this supplement can help with BPH. Should I be concerned about lowering DHT if I am on a higher TRT dose?
  2. J

    NYS labs without doctor

    I was on TRT for 7 years then my insurance stopped paying for it. I got my serum myself. Now I need blood work and my doctor won’t do anything more than testosterone even though I told him I’m doing it on my own. How can I get labs in NYS?
  3. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    My thyroid hormones have been stable for years. He keeps my TSH around 1.
  4. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    Estradiol is 48 HCT is 51 I will ask for a Sensitive test but my insurance doesn't allow it. Arimidex is 1/2 pill a week but I have been off of it for a month because my Estradiol crashed to 10. He stopped it.
  5. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    I used to be with a urologist for my TRT (Cyp 100mg per week and he kept my Total Test to 300-400 on the blood labs. Been with him for about 3 years but I never really felt great. Then I changed to a TRT clinic and he not only prescribed Test Cyp (.4mls 2x a week) but also 250iu HCG twice a...
  6. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    Urologist called me. He is prescribing Bactrim again for 3 weeks and a f/u with labs in 4 weeks. He feels that I have a recurring or deep infection since my prostate always seems normal on DRE. He did say that I respond well to the antibiotics which drops my PSA down to a level which is normal...
  7. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    Doctor called me today and he feels that based upon the DRE back in january and over the last 3 years he feels that I have a pesky infection. My family Hx has no Prostate cancer and my dad has a large prostate and has the recurring prostatitis problem as in his 70s. So for now i am on...
  8. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    I am 51. Symptoms are very mild. I wake up once per night but it could be due to the water in my protein shake before bed and all the water I drink during the day. About a gallon. If I hold my urine too long I get a huge urgency to go. My last visit I had 200cc in my bladder after voiding 3x...
  9. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    I will be contacting my urologist today. He oversees my TRT. Hoping it is just BPH and not cancer.
  10. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    So it seems I should expect a biopsy?
  11. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    My PSA has been rising since December. I am on TRT. 3.8, 4.8 and now 5.8 I am am curious to see what my urologist will say. I have a guy feeling I know what it will be. No sex, no bike...nothing a week before the lab test.!!! Grrrrr!
  12. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    There seems to be some conflict on the web with regards to L-Carnitine and PSA levels. Some websites to avoid Carntine and others do not. One of my sport supplements Alpha Jym has 1500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine. Anyone hear this correlation?
  13. J

    Sex Toys for men

    I started using the Aneros last year. Had anyone seen that the PSA climbs as a result. I don't use it 1 week before a test but noticing my PSA test has increased over the year.
  14. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman: I have been on TRT for 3 years now. As far as I can remember my PSA has always been in the 3.5-4.1 range - even before TRTR. Last July my PSA spiked to 5.83 and my urologist stopped TRT and prescribed Bactrim fof 3 weeks. My PSA dropped to 4.1 in a week and at the end of the 4 weeks...
  15. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    So my PSA issues have returned. My recent PSA (today) has be at 4.91. I have noticed a trend that my PSA is up when my estradiol is higher. My doctor dismisses that correlation. Thoughts? He is most likely going to biospy this time.