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  1. J

    Sunflower Lecithin Estradiol

    Has anyone taken Sunflower Lecithin and noticed a difference in your E2? Does it lower or increase? I am on a higher dose of TRT...200mg Cyp weekly split. I have heard this supplement can help with BPH. Should I be concerned about lowering DHT if I am on a higher TRT dose?
  2. J

    NYS labs without doctor

    I was on TRT for 7 years then my insurance stopped paying for it. I got my serum myself. Now I need blood work and my doctor won’t do anything more than testosterone even though I told him I’m doing it on my own. How can I get labs in NYS?
  3. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    My thyroid hormones have been stable for years. He keeps my TSH around 1.
  4. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    Estradiol is 48 HCT is 51 I will ask for a Sensitive test but my insurance doesn't allow it. Arimidex is 1/2 pill a week but I have been off of it for a month because my Estradiol crashed to 10. He stopped it.
  5. J

    3 months of new protocol and getting PVCs

    I used to be with a urologist for my TRT (Cyp 100mg per week and he kept my Total Test to 300-400 on the blood labs. Been with him for about 3 years but I never really felt great. Then I changed to a TRT clinic and he not only prescribed Test Cyp (.4mls 2x a week) but also 250iu HCG twice a...
  6. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    Urologist called me. He is prescribing Bactrim again for 3 weeks and a f/u with labs in 4 weeks. He feels that I have a recurring or deep infection since my prostate always seems normal on DRE. He did say that I respond well to the antibiotics which drops my PSA down to a level which is normal...
  7. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    Doctor called me today and he feels that based upon the DRE back in january and over the last 3 years he feels that I have a pesky infection. My family Hx has no Prostate cancer and my dad has a large prostate and has the recurring prostatitis problem as in his 70s. So for now i am on...
  8. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    I am 51. Symptoms are very mild. I wake up once per night but it could be due to the water in my protein shake before bed and all the water I drink during the day. About a gallon. If I hold my urine too long I get a huge urgency to go. My last visit I had 200cc in my bladder after voiding 3x...
  9. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    I will be contacting my urologist today. He oversees my TRT. Hoping it is just BPH and not cancer.
  10. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    So it seems I should expect a biopsy?
  11. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    My PSA has been rising since December. I am on TRT. 3.8, 4.8 and now 5.8 I am am curious to see what my urologist will say. I have a guy feeling I know what it will be. No sex, no bike...nothing a week before the lab test.!!! Grrrrr!
  12. J

    Carnitine for PSA

    There seems to be some conflict on the web with regards to L-Carnitine and PSA levels. Some websites to avoid Carntine and others do not. One of my sport supplements Alpha Jym has 1500mg Acetyl L-Carnitine. Anyone hear this correlation?
  13. J

    Sex Toys for men

    I started using the Aneros last year. Had anyone seen that the PSA climbs as a result. I don't use it 1 week before a test but noticing my PSA test has increased over the year.
  14. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman: I have been on TRT for 3 years now. As far as I can remember my PSA has always been in the 3.5-4.1 range - even before TRTR. Last July my PSA spiked to 5.83 and my urologist stopped TRT and prescribed Bactrim fof 3 weeks. My PSA dropped to 4.1 in a week and at the end of the 4 weeks...
  15. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    So my PSA issues have returned. My recent PSA (today) has be at 4.91. I have noticed a trend that my PSA is up when my estradiol is higher. My doctor dismisses that correlation. Thoughts? He is most likely going to biospy this time.
  16. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Recent blood work from yesterday has my PSA back to 3.59 which is where I have been for years..even on TRT. My Estradiol is 12. Off TRT for 4 weeks. My % FREE PSA is at 2.5 now....even lower.
  17. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Recent blood work from yesterday has my PSA back to 3.59 which is where I have been for years..even on TRT. My Estradiol is 12. Off TRT for 4 weeks. My % FREE PSA is at 2.5 now....even lower.
  18. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman- I am a distance cyclist that puts on 60-100 miles a week. Have you heard of any evidence of a link between bicycling and prostate cancer?
  19. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman- I am a distance cyclist that puts on 60-100 miles a week. Have you heard of any evidence of a link between bicycling and prostate cancer?
  20. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I will ask but doc may not allow it. Worse case, I see my GP who will do it. He listens to me.
  21. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I will ask but doc may not allow it. Worse case, I see my GP who will do it. He listens to me.
  22. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    How can Caffeine use impact PSA. I use a preworkout supplement with caffeine in it.
  23. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    How can Caffeine use impact PSA. I use a preworkout supplement with caffeine in it.
  24. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Just turned 50 in March. So, it is apparent that life is going to change for me and my family from this point forward?
  25. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Just turned 50 in March. So, it is apparent that life is going to change for me and my family from this point forward?
  26. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    No Hx of Prostate CA. My aunt had BRCA in 1977. I had Thyroid CA in 2001 with I131 and Thyroidectony. Been clear every since. My dad always had recurring prostate infections and had biopsy 6 mos ago. No cancer.
  27. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    No Hx of Prostate CA. My aunt had BRCA in 1977. I had Thyroid CA in 2001 with I131 and Thyroidectony. Been clear every since. My dad always had recurring prostate infections and had biopsy 6 mos ago. No cancer.
  28. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Just had a recent blood draw for PSA Complex performed by my GP. My uro did not run this test and never does a complex. My PSA is now down to 4.41 from 5.83 in 7 days of Bactrim. The GP labs came with: PSA, Total: 4.41 Percent Free PSA: 15 PSA, Complex: 3.75 FREE PSA: .66 The lab put in the...
  29. J

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Just had a recent blood draw for PSA Complex performed by my GP. My uro did not run this test and never does a complex. My PSA is now down to 4.41 from 5.83 in 7 days of Bactrim. The GP labs came with: PSA, Total: 4.41 Percent Free PSA: 15 PSA, Complex: 3.75 FREE PSA: .66 The lab put in the...
  30. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    One week in after starting Bactrim. PSA is down to 4.41. My GP ran some other PSA tests: PSA Complex (3.75), PSA Total (4.41), PSA Free (.66) and Percent Free (15.0). Two more weeks of the antibiotic and then another round of tests one week after. Crossing my fingers (and toes).
  31. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    50....uro said it is slightly enlarged but nothing major...typical for my age. I was experiencing frequent trips to bathroom. No DHT