Recent content by Jay189

  1. J

    Testosterone fractions in blood?

    Thanks for explaining.
  2. J

    Testosterone fractions in blood?

    Thankyou for your post. I will read through that thoroughly (I haven’t just yet) From What I can see though, Those levels are approximate levels, which are different to other approximate levels I have seen. Any idea on what a range would be? as they can vary per individual. So albumin could be...
  3. J

    Testosterone fractions in blood?

    what is the typical % ranges for SHBG and albumin in regards to testosterone fractions in the blood? The image is one examaple but Every source I come accross says a different thing. We know that 98% is bound. 2% is free... of course the amount bound (SHBG/albumin) is going to be user specific...
  4. J

    TRT and “blasting”

    Thanks mate. I didn’t know. I do now :)
  5. J

    Starting TRT - Tips , Advice , Experience

    200mg isn’t really even a TRT dose
  6. J

    TRT and “blasting”

  7. J

    IM or SubQ

    I do: HCG subQ and test IM Ventrogluteal. virtually painless. No PIP
  8. J

    Is HCG needed while on TRT?

    This is what confuses me, as many guys on TRT state they have no shrinkage with Many years on TRT, whereas others are affected. And from what I can see they’re All doing typical test doses of 75-200mg a week. Im Not sure why some men are more susceptible to atrophy then others and what...
  9. J

    Is HCG needed while on TRT?

    “It depends if you want to stay fertile/have kids soon and prevent testicular shrinkage” seems to be the most common answer. However, I have read so many experiences of guys on TRT (without HCG) Who have no issues making their partner pregnant, or with maintaining ball size, or it being much...
  10. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Yeah, deca my preference and only something I’m considering in the future, maybe in a few months down the line, when test dose dialled in, happy and bloods are stable. I am no rush here and am Certainly doing my homework beforehand. Ive got a few syringes already prepped for the 125mg Sust Dose...
  11. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Feel in abit of a weird situation about it now because I feel you’re Absolutely right regarding 150-175mg being sensible. But at the same time, I feel like I should listen to my doctors advice/judgement. Either way il be getting bloods done in 6 weeks to see how I react.
  12. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Want to obviously get my sustanon level dialled in, before I think about Deca. But after reading the nandrolone experiences thread on here and researching, think I’d love to give it a go, low dose at some point. Some great stories in there of guys running 100-200test and 50-150 Deca.
  13. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Thanks for the reply @madman appreciate your insight. I was doing 125mg a week before, split into two doses Monday and Thursday, so not one weekly Injection. My last blood test was done on the Thursday morning, first thing and before injecting. Doc has said 200mg a week Is quite a high dose...
  14. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Yes I agree and have questioned it. increase Based on my latest blood work he said and not much change to mood/symptoms. Total T was sitting at 7-12nmol pre TRT. Now at about 14.9nmol.. Im Not sure where 200mg will put me but il have bloods done in about 6 weeks to see. He also said further...
  15. J

    UK (London) based new member

    Thanks for the info. My doc has increased my sustanon TRT dose to 200mg a week, was thinking in the future of maybe adding 100mg Deca to that. Have been reading up about nandrolone experiences on here and will continue learning about it before making a decision.