Recent content by ipi

  1. I

    Clomid question

    My symptoms were high BP, HCT and heart beat. Phlebotomy was making my Ferretin go very low. I basically stopped it one day. I am back to what I was. Achy body and no strength. I used to have headaches that were due to high prolactin. Yes I would like to restart and I am pretty sure that dr Saya...
  2. I

    Clomid question

    Hello, How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin...
  3. I

    Trt restart

    But don't know if my body will go back to 200 t level where I started or zero and if my LH will automatically go to 5.1 where I started.
  4. I

    Trt restart

    After 2 weeks I draw blood and go back to what dr Saya suggested....
  5. I

    Trt restart

    Ok so with lots of good things it brought some bad things. Prolactin went high and I tested it on my own during TRT when it should have been tested before. I have to see if prolactin was high being on trt. Dr wants me to go on medication for it. SHBG was low, I don't know if it was coz of TRT...
  6. I

    Trt restart

    What if someone quits TRT (TestCYp + HCG ) after 3 months of use, to get some base blood work? Will the old LH and T levels come back?
  7. I

    TRT helping severe pains

    What about low T meaning low bone density, low muscle mass, osteoarthritis, no strength, muscles no supporting bones. All that creating pains.....
  8. I

    TRT helping severe pains

    Anyone here eliminated pains after being on TRT?
  9. I

    Restart after 12 month TRT ?

    Speed I had same sort of issues but I am on it for 3 months now. I am 46. One thing you mentioned was that your prolactin was high in the am and low later. I always did my prolactin test in the am or before noon and it was double the upper normal range. The issue is that the doctor is treating...
  10. I

    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Ero Thanks. I never had anxiety even on low Ts. Btw I feel sensitivity in nipples the day I take HCG and then next day it's gone. My eyesight is another thing when I stopped TRT for a week my blurryness was gone but came back with HCG... Don't be like that doctor that blames everything on...
  11. I

    Testosterone levels with HCG

    I took TestCYp 120mg and HCG 200 iu EOD the doctor changed my dose few times in three months.....I was on the protocol for just 3 months... My issue was high prolactin and estrogen but the doctor stooped me because of low Ferratin as I needed phlebotomy but the Ferratin was 20 (30-320) which is...
  12. I

    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Ok, but HCG only is not working may be in a few days. Low lbido and energy. I don't know if its the high hemotracit. I stopped test cyp and HCG for a week then started HCG only 150 iu per day.
  13. I

    Testosterone levels with HCG

    I started HCG only a few days ago but I feel bad for about 6 hours after the injection. Don't know what is going on. Seems like high estrogen.
  14. I

    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Re-ride does HCG mono mean HCG only without TestCYp? Is 200 iu a day (1400 a week) a lot? That's much more than what I was using before.
  15. I

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    no idea,according to him, it should come up itself ...... HCT and HB is an issue. Iron increase that in a faster manner.