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  1. I

    Clomid question

    My symptoms were high BP, HCT and heart beat. Phlebotomy was making my Ferretin go very low. I basically stopped it one day. I am back to what I was. Achy body and no strength. I used to have headaches that were due to high prolactin. Yes I would like to restart and I am pretty sure that dr Saya...
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    Clomid question

    Hello, How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin...
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    Trt restart

    But don't know if my body will go back to 200 t level where I started or zero and if my LH will automatically go to 5.1 where I started.
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    Trt restart

    After 2 weeks I draw blood and go back to what dr Saya suggested....
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    Trt restart

    Ok so with lots of good things it brought some bad things. Prolactin went high and I tested it on my own during TRT when it should have been tested before. I have to see if prolactin was high being on trt. Dr wants me to go on medication for it. SHBG was low, I don't know if it was coz of TRT...
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    Trt restart

    What if someone quits TRT (TestCYp + HCG ) after 3 months of use, to get some base blood work? Will the old LH and T levels come back?
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    TRT helping severe pains

    What about low T meaning low bone density, low muscle mass, osteoarthritis, no strength, muscles no supporting bones. All that creating pains.....
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    TRT helping severe pains

    Anyone here eliminated pains after being on TRT?
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    Restart after 12 month TRT ?

    Speed I had same sort of issues but I am on it for 3 months now. I am 46. One thing you mentioned was that your prolactin was high in the am and low later. I always did my prolactin test in the am or before noon and it was double the upper normal range. The issue is that the doctor is treating...
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Ero Thanks. I never had anxiety even on low Ts. Btw I feel sensitivity in nipples the day I take HCG and then next day it's gone. My eyesight is another thing when I stopped TRT for a week my blurryness was gone but came back with HCG... Don't be like that doctor that blames everything on...
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    I took TestCYp 120mg and HCG 200 iu EOD the doctor changed my dose few times in three months.....I was on the protocol for just 3 months... My issue was high prolactin and estrogen but the doctor stooped me because of low Ferratin as I needed phlebotomy but the Ferratin was 20 (30-320) which is...
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Ok, but HCG only is not working may be in a few days. Low lbido and energy. I don't know if its the high hemotracit. I stopped test cyp and HCG for a week then started HCG only 150 iu per day.
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    I started HCG only a few days ago but I feel bad for about 6 hours after the injection. Don't know what is going on. Seems like high estrogen.
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Re-ride does HCG mono mean HCG only without TestCYp? Is 200 iu a day (1400 a week) a lot? That's much more than what I was using before.
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    no idea,according to him, it should come up itself ...... HCT and HB is an issue. Iron increase that in a faster manner.
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Xerxes, are you on AI? You have low Ferratin symptoms like itching, leg aches/pains, migrane? Seems like keeping Ferratin up is very important for the body...... I have been asked to STOP TestCYp till my iron is up NATURALLY and HCT is down naturally too, I hope it does after stopping the...
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Kirk , how low were you on iron and ferritin? Did you take supplements and give blood?
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Vince, he asked me to not take iron supplements as it may boost my Ferratin more increasing HB and HCT is 3 times the HB. HCT was 53 a week ago which is not very big of an issue for dr Saya as according to him people living on high altitude already have it high in the 53 range. Then my HB was...
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Thanks everyone and being very new to TRT I learned a lot from you guys. Taked to Dr Saya and I am so greatful that he got me in quickly. I am overseas and had to stay up like past midnight to talk to him but it was worth it. He put me on 4 weeks of 200 iu HCG per day to jump start my system...
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Any one on HCG only, is it even possible? How much of T levels does it increase? Is HCG only associated with high HCT or RBC?
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    High RBC and HCT when traveling

    Jackie, thanks much. I will call them on Monday and discuss. I have a few questions and will try to ask them in a way that makes more sense:- - when I am only on HCG for the first few weeks and TestCYp is out for the time being, will this protocol automatically reduce my hemotracit and RBC? Or...
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    HCG only for low HCT,E2 and RBC

    I did email them and after looking at my blood work they said that dr Saya wants a conservative approach. Starting with HCG only @ 150 iu every day......then clomid 12.5 every day for 4 weeks with the prolactin treatment (0.25)twice a week. I found an old blood work from 2012 where my...
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    HCG only for low HCT,E2 and RBC

    Not yet Ero I am overseas and at 12 hour time difference. I wrote defy an email coz my HCT was 53 and RBC was 6.2. It was concerning to me and the nurse mailed me a plan, basically 150iu of HCG every day. I don't know if I need AI anymore and can decrease HCT, RBC and e2 without a plabjetomy
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    HCG only for low HCT,E2 and RBC

    Can I lower my Estradiol, HCT and RBC by discontinuing TestCYp. Defy wants me to go HCG ONLY for 2 weeks then clomid for 4 weeks with some medication for high prolactin. They don't want me to do phlebotomy coz of low Ferratin..... Can I also keep my testorone up with HCG only, ? Anyone in mine...
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    High RBC and HCT when traveling

    I did email defy and they want me to try the following: 1- continue HCG only 150iu daily...for a Few weeks 2- stop TestCYp completely 3- start clomid 12.5 mg daily with Cabergoline 0.25 mg twice a week after 2 weeks of HCG. 4- NO AI or phlebotomy. I think dr Saya wants a conservative approach...
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    High RBC and HCT when traveling

    I am overseas and not coming back till 1/15. I just got my current blood work from defy and my HEMATROCIT is 53, HB (17.7), RBC 6.25 out of 5.80. E2 sensitive 48.2 , prolactin again came high as 29. Should I be concerned about HCT and RBC specially when I am damn low in Ferratin..... Should I...
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    Vitamin C, Have you tried it? What issues did it tackle for you or in what way was it useful, did you have issues?
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    My hemoglobin and hemotracit are on the higher range and hemotracit crossed the upper limit so I had to donate blood once after 5 weeks of starting TRT. Now I am on a more frequent and a lower dose. You mean should I take anastrazole (AI) for high estrogen? Have you?
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    I don't know what to do, my testicles shrunk even after HCG three times a week. AI is not my last hope butttttt what should I do about other things?
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    I went to see my doctor, who happens to be an eye surgeon. He dilated me and took some 3d Pictures then looked inside the eye. He told me that I don't have a CSR and have something that has to do with migraine (OCULAR MIGRAINE), that has flashing followed by a headache. So he asked me to see a...
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    Smokin Joe, were you sensitive to light? Was your estrogen high coz I am. Did you have flashes all the time or once in a while?