Modafinil made me jittery and anxious
Modafinil, made me jittery and anxious. I could not tolerate the side-effects. This was a few years ago. I have many unopened bottles, so maybe I will try it again and see. I definitely have a lack of energy due to serious long-term illness. In my opinion, this companies products should be avoided totally. I spent over 4 months in Intensive Care with after using PT121 2 times. I had a massive heart attack, complete renal failure, complete liver and pancreatic failure. My over 20 doctors gave me no chance...
I have quite serious concerns regarding PT-141 and all of Great White Peptide products. I tried the pt141, melatonin and oxytocin. Inexplically ended up being in the ICU for over 5 months with complete renal failure, hepatic failure, heart attack and pancreatic failure. Was not expected to...
I asked Greatwhitepeptide if their B12 complex was a sterile solution? They went crazy claiming I was using it for human consumption. I find this company a very shady and illegitimate company. They have set themselves up to sell anything, with no way to confirm what the product contains? Be...
I am now questioning whether the products sold by GreatWhitePeptide are legit. The PT-141 does seem to work (or it could be the placebo effect).
I have ordered their versions of Levitra and Cialis and neither had any effect. I have always had great results with the real drugs.
I ordered some Oxytocin. Just waiting on the right moment for my partner and I to try it. I have witnessed the profound effect it has on mother and newborn baby bonding in the delivery room. I think you could show the new mother a shoe and tell her it was her baby and she would love it...
I purchased from The are always having a sale so don't pay full price, just sign up for their emails.
I injected subQ into my abdomen using an insulin syringe. The vial contains 10 mg which you have to dissolve using 1 ml of sterile water (purchased separately) or...
I ordered some PT-141 and injected 1 mg subQ last evening. Took it with 5 mg of Levitra. I fell asleep while waiting for the 4 hours before it was supposed to become effective. I woke up with a raging hard on (I could not tell you the last time I woke up with a morning erection). It...
This medication is the same ingredient as Viagra. Same 100 mg strength. but more expensive than most online pharmacies. It will have the same side-effects as Viagra; namely nasal congestion, indigestion and headache.
I ordered some of the liquid Levitra (vardenafil) from one of the peptide places. Supposed to be 20 mg/ml. I have used the tablets with good success for years, usually 10 mg per dose.
I placed 1/2 ml under my tongue and within a few minutes my heart rate went up to 96 and felt like it was...
I have never cared that much for porn as I prefer the real thing. Not saying I have not watched porn, just that I don't find it all that exciting. What I will say is that my recent forced abstinence taught me something. Due to open-heart bypass surgery and several complications, I did not...
I tried it and it caused me to feel extremely anxious, even using 1/2 of a pill. It was like drinking 10 cups of coffee. I thought that perhaps the side-effect would lessen after a few days but it did not. So I did not like it.
I think this very likely happened to me. I had perfectly normal hearing and within seconds lost all the hearing in my right ear in Feb 2013. I had taken Levitra the evening before. It has been much more of a disability than I could have ever imagined losing the hearing in one ear could be...